Is it immoral to screw your great-grandpa?

Read the interview. The girls hate each other, because they are competing for access and fame.

The interveiw was of a girl who got kicked out, she could've made the whole thing up. Wasn't there a show about the playboy mansion not too long ago or something?
what doesn't surprise you? What I said? Or that you're not attracted to whores and fake people? What would you do with your money? Sex is just another form of power and most people with money want power. Just an observation, believe me, I wouldn't DREAM of speaking for you...
It doesn't surprise me if anything along the lines of what was mentioned actually goes on in that house(would there be a point to him having those girls otherwise?).
It also doesn't surprise me that someone who was kicked out would be bitter and be attempting to get revenge by way of revealing stories. I also sense a certain amount of stretching the truth, as there usually is with reports like these.
I agree with you that a lot of people might enjoy his lifestyle, but I objected to the "I think all of us would" part of your first statement, and felt the need to point out that it's not the case. Out of interest how could it be a surprise to myself if I'm not attracted to whores and fake people? Obviously that doesn't surprise me, I've known that about myself for a very long time.;)
Nothing personal, and in a way I'm merely being pedantic, but I wouldn't want a lifestyle like that at any age. If I had any kind of money like he does I'd be trying to help people less fortunate, of course I'd have a few luxuries and make sure I'm financially stable first, but having the women goes a bit beyond my morals.
Be honest. You think you'd not lust after Ozzy if you were thirty years older? You think you'll suddenly aquire a taste for old, wrinkled dudes?

I don't think you were gettig my point. Well, for one it is not 30, but almost 60 years...Freaking 3 generations removed...

1. If an old guy has a young wife or lover, I say OK.

2. If an old guy pays for prostitutes, I say OK.

3. If an old has bachanalias, and every participiant is voluntered, I say OK.

What I don't like is:

1. An old guy keeping a harem and pretending it to be a nice big loving family.

2. Glorified pinup girls being basicly whores. Let's name it what it is, and not pretend.

3. The girls lying about just how much they love Hef, when all what they love is access, money and fame.

In short, my problem is with the pretension. No normal 20 year old blonde fucks an 80 year old corp.There are younger millionares there too...

Not to mention using Viagra. Once is gone, it is gone. It isn't like Hef is 40 and has to statisfy is wife..

Anyway, if you haven't got the point of my post, you won't...
What I don't like is: .....

And just who are you to think that anyone cares what you like and don't like?

I mean, I'm not trying to be mean or nasty, just ...why should anyone care what you don't like? Do you really, honestly, think anyone should care?

Baron Max
2 idiots at once, what a challenge...

You're a hater and a lame.

Care to ellaborate? This is the ethics section, I can have my own ethics or rightfullness, thank you very much. By the way you forgot to provide an argument...

And here comes my ol' friend, Maximillian...

And just who are you to think that anyone cares what you like and don't like?

If you don't care what others say, you don't have to participate. It is still a free internet, you know...

Oh, you also forgot to provide an argument. A bad day for me...:(

P.S.: I still don't get this hater part. What's wrong with not liking hipocrates? I prefer to call a prostitute a whore (because that's what she is) or call her on the phone, but I don't call her a girlfriend... :)
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If you don't care what others say, you don't have to participate. It is still a free internet, you know...

I wasn't trying to be nasty or anything ....seriously. I was trying to get some idea of why you (or anyone, for that matter) feel compelled to condemn the actions of others when there's absolutely nothing in those actions that's harmful to you or anyone else?

I'm also curious how you'd feel if others began to condemn you for the things that you do? I mean, ...Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. Doesn't that have a nice, consistent ring to it?

Oh, you also forgot to provide an argument.

It wasn't an argument at all was a question.

I prefer to call a prostitute a whore (because that's what she is) or call her on the phone, but I don't call her a girlfriend...

Interesting comment. But don't you think whores perform a valuable service to the men of society? I mean, if they didn't, would they still be plying their trade in almost every corner of the world? Every man I know claims to hate whores and prostitutes, yet there seems to be a helluva lot of money going their way ...why is that?

Baron Max
I wasn't trying to be nasty or anything ....seriously.

Well, in case I might have to apologize. Or instead of that I will give you a long, detailed answer so you understand my point better.

I was trying to get some idea of why you (or anyone, for that matter) feel compelled to condemn the actions of others when there's absolutely nothing in those actions that's harmful to you or anyone else?

Well, this is a message board and we are discussing different issues. Now if you recall, 2-3 months ago I mentioned this to you:

There are 2 kind of questions: objectively answerable (factual) or subjective
(morals,art, likings,etc)

Since there is no objective morality, your morals is just as good as mine. That doesn't mean we can not discuss or even argue different issues of morality.

Now if you reread my posts in this thread, you might realize that my problem was hypocrisy. I think it is safe to say, pretty much everybody here would condemn hypocrisy, thus people engaging in that short of activity could be called immoral.

I'm also curious how you'd feel if others began to condemn you for the things that you do?

Fair question. If I see that they might have a point, I would feel bad. But most likely because their condemnation would be based on a different set of morality, I wouldn't care.

An example: If you catch me being a hypocrate, I will apologize. If you condemn me for being an atheist, I don't give a shit. Is this kind of understandable?

I mean, ...Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. Doesn't that have a nice, consistent ring to it?

There was a thread about that, and I posted:

It is nice but what if I am a mazochist? :)

Again, as long as our moral systems overlapping (agreeing) condemnation is OK. But you can not judge a cannibal in the Pacific islands by your 21st century Western moral code...

It wasn't an argument at all was a question.

I hope I cleared it up for you.

But don't you think whores perform a valuable service to the men of society?

I don't have anything against prostitutes, where did you read it? I have a problem with young whores posing as girlfriends.

I saw Hef and 3 of his blondes on Larry King. Their body language told everything. And you know what? Hef is actually an intelligent and entertaining guy. Nevertheless they wouldn't be with him if he was poor.

Larry should have asked them: Would you be with this great-grandpa age guy if he was an accountant??? But Larry coulnd't ask it because his wife is also 30+ years (or even more) younger then him....

Every man I know claims to hate whores and prostitutes, yet there seems to be a helluva lot of money going their way ...why is that?

I don't hate prostitutes. It should be legalized, after all the porn industry is legal, and there is no difference, in both you get paid for having sex with strangers.

As a last word, although I think I already mentioned this: In this age of AIDS and other nasty STDs having serial sex without protection is highly dangerous and immoral for both sides.
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1. If an old guy has a young wife or lover, I say OK.
2. If an old guy pays for prostitutes, I say OK.
3. If an old has bachanalias, and every participiant is voluntered, I say OK.

What I don't like is:

1. An old guy keeping a harem and pretending it to be a nice big loving family.
2. Glorified pinup girls being basicly whores. Let's name it what it is, and not pretend.
3. The girls lying about just how much they love Hef, when all what they love is access, money and fame.
Men are attracted to women of childbearing age. It's simple biology. Women are attracted to money and power. Same deal.

Both sexes are attracted to whatever will maximize their potential to reproduce. For men, it's healthy women of childbearing age, in other words, hot chicks. For women, it's wealthy and powerful men who can protect them and their young.

Our sex drives are in line with what maximizes our reproductive potential.

If a guy is rich enough, it doesn't matter if he's old, fat, bald, or ugly. Women will be attracted to him. Maybe not all women, but plenty of them.
Care to ellaborate? This is the ethics section, I can have my own ethics or rightfullness, thank you very much. By the way you forgot to provide an argument...

What kind of argument do you expect me to present? It's not right....oh's not wrong? Really though, you don't know how much of that interveiw was the truth. That girl was obviously mad that she got kicked out. Why haven't any of the girls who've lived with him for a while now said anything about it? A tell all book would definitely make money, right? All the years of being a sex slave, exposed to the don't think any of them would do that to the poor old guy? You have no proof that it's not 'a big happy family.' You're slandering the name of a fine business man, based on something that came from a girl who was there once and got kicked out....and who claims to have seen all of these things, but denied being involved in any way at all. Don't you think somebody like Hef would be a bit more cautious? You think he would let her watch but not participate, or is he just stupid? What could he have to gain from that?

You're also slandering the names of those girls by calling them whores. Again, what reason do you have to believe this? How much do you think he would pay them for 2 minute interavals of sex, where he just sits there and doesn't move. Couldn't he just go get a blowjob for $30 if that was the kind of sex he wanted. The past playmates don't want to lose an invite to the mansion by letting the secret out, right? What's so damn special about the mansion that they wouldn't make a tell all book, or even a movie? Are they afraid they might be sued? Assuming they were telling the truth, they'd have nothing to worry about. Surely some psychologists could figure that out quick enough. Why'd it take this long for someone to write a book?

That shit about the her boyfriend...I can't believe that that's the whole story. Why would she be banned from the mansion because she wanted her boyfriend to come to a party? That doesn't even make any sense. $2000 a week isn't even that much money. You can make that much as a self-employed cable technician. These girls look good enough to be making movies. They're going to have potentially life-threatening sex with him for $2000 a week. Think about it, they could be models, or actresses, or at least do pornos and make that much if not more. They could make a tell-all movie and make millions. $2000 isn't shit. After she says that they did kick her out, but 'he wouldn't give up that easy,' she says that she wasn't kicked out, but left by herself.

Even if everything in the book is true, who are you to judge? I mean.. this girl is nobody, you're nobody, and I'm nobody, so how can you judge this man who has more money, more respect, and possibly more sex than you'll ever have? What have you done in your life that you can brag about? How many people know your name? How many people could pick your dick out of a line-up? How can you really say that you wouldn't do all the same things in his position, at 70+ years old? You've never had that chance, and you probably never will.Why do you have a problem with what somebody else does with their life? Why do you care, does it hurt you to see that old man with all those girls?