Is Islam Racist & Violent?


In accordance with the hypocrisy on this board.
Let's see how the reaction is going to be to this thread.

When the global bloody facts speak for themselves on all non Muslims Dhimmis victims worldwide.

What are the actual news all about?

Another Mosque burning, another beheading from the 'religion of beheading', another homicide bombing, another disco bombing in Bali (or anywhere else) another beating to death for being a Christian, another parading with body parts, another wave (after the 2,000,000 are already dead) of enslavement and maiming by Fascistic Arab Muslim Sudan, another decapitation of tourists in the Philippines, another ethnic cleansing of Chinese in Indonesia, another crime on Maluku Islands, more atrocities from "modereate" Saudi Atabian apartheid against non Muslims, more torture against the Christians in Egypt, more discrimination against black non-Arab Egyptians, more torture of students and beheading by the Mullahs of Iran, more racist persecuting of the Berbers in Morocco, more violence from Algerian Arab Muslims one against each other, more violence in Southern Thailand, more threats of poison gas in the UK, more arrests in Singapore, more mass rape on Nigerian Christians, more killing of Christians by Albanians, More violence and crimes in the Netherland and France by (majority are of) Arab Muslim origin, More bloodshed by Chechen 'freedom fighters' coward criminals, more massacres against the Kurds in Syria the Monster, more bloodshed against Christian Lebanese by Arab Muslim Syrians Occpation, more Imams involved in profiting from Prostituion and <"holy"-sic> sex in Italy for Jihadi Terror, another "moderate" Mullah apologizing for 9/11 horror, another Islamo Arab march of dancing and smiling to the victims pain...

Of course Islamo Arabs are just "peaceful" 'freedom fighters', and Pigs fly too.
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There no worse than christians or hindu's on a bad day. I understand there's even a buddist terror group now.
They've forgotten the message and worship the creed, so it seems.

Lay off the muslims in particular and attack the god squad in general.
Thats the best way forward from here IMHO.
Dee Cee
DeeCee, How can you equate this,

1) When only Arab Muslims use (alaakbar) religion for violence?

2) Islamo Arab monster is far greater, more dangerous, and just plain animalistic in it's cruelty, we are talking about parading dancing with body parts in public squares with evil smiles and twisted "pride".

3) The Hindu and Christian minority terrorists, are not being covered and apologized by their modearate majority peers, whereas in the Islamo Arab world, everything has a 'but",,, oh we denounce 9/11 but...
Not only that but the glorification of the mass murderers are even well deep into the main chunks of their "society".
Spot the Muslim!!!


Over Here?

Or Here?

BTW it's a trick question.

1) When only Arab Muslims use (alaakbar) religion for violence?
God is great?

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death;

2) Islamo Arab monster is far greater, more dangerous, and just plain animalistic in it's cruelty, we are talking about parading dancing with body parts in public squares with evil smiles and twisted "pride".

"Three white men with suspected ties to the Ku Klux Klan chained James Byrd Jr. (a Black hitchhiker) to the back of a pickup truck and dragged him to his death. His head, neck, and right arm were found about a mile from his mangled torso. A wrench with the name of one of the suspects on it was found near the body. Byrd had been dragged about two miles on a narrow, winding asphalt road."

So it's not just fags...

3) The Hindu and Christian minority terrorists, are not being covered and apologized by their modearate majority peers, whereas in the Islamo Arab world, everything has a 'but",,, oh we denounce 9/11 but...ect ect
Hmm.. You may have a point here but you can find apologists of any colour.
How you feel about the prisoner abuse thing BTW?

Welcome to sciforums Kiwi
Dee Cee
I haven't heard much violence from Hitler or the KKK recently, the sooner Islam puts a stop to its terrorism and proves itself to be a peaceful organisation the better - otherwise it should be eradicated from the planet. That goes for ANY organisation which threatens world peace.
DeeCee - you forgot to mention Jack The Ripper - he's a Christian, no?
and we all feel really scared of him.. as much as we're scared of Hitler and KKK at the moment

Christianity is really scary - you hear all about it in the news nowadays how people are told by G-d to bo and cut ppl's heads off or enslave them or something

Judaism is even worse

DeeCee, there may be non-Muslim terrorists in the world right now but they are a miniscule percentage. reminding us all about Christian atrocities (KKK) or someone who happened to be Christian (Hitler) but whose religion had nothing to do with it, considering they are from half a century ago or more, is a really bad attempt to make it look at least a little bit equal.

in fact you proved the point that today only what Kiwi has mentioned matters. and the opinion makers (news channels) try to smooth this fact over by hiding facts.
people like you, with good intentions, who feel they have to protect mankind from everyone, either refuse to accept or don't see the evils of those who they're protecting

the thing is, until we all, together, recognize the threat, and call the duck a duck, we won't be able to fix it.
don't you guys ever get tired of justifying the crimes of your respective faiths? Face it, religions in general are aggressive and violent institutions. Islam means peace, christianity is love but if either percieves what they consider a threat, the big guns come out.

Religions are only peaceful when they are secure in their domination, much like nations now that I think about it.
otheadp said:
DeeCee - you forgot to mention Jack The Ripper - he's a Christian, no?
and we all feel really scared of him.. as much as we're scared of Hitler and KKK at the moment

Christianity is really scary - you hear all about it in the news nowadays how people are told by G-d to bo and cut ppl's heads off or enslave them or something

Judaism is even worse

DeeCee, there may be non-Muslim terrorists in the world right now but they are a miniscule percentage. reminding us all about Christian atrocities (KKK) or someone who happened to be Christian (Hitler) but whose religion had nothing to do with it, considering they are from half a century ago or more, is a really bad attempt to make it look at least a little bit equal.

in fact you proved the point that today only what Kiwi has mentioned matters. and the opinion makers (news channels) try to smooth this fact over by hiding facts.
people like you, with good intentions, who feel they have to protect mankind from everyone, either refuse to accept or don't see the evils of those who they're protecting

the thing is, until we all, together, recognize the threat, and call the duck a duck, we won't be able to fix it.

And the next world terrorist act will be commited by people who believe in:

a) Christianity

b) Judaism

c) Islam

answers on a postcard............................ :mad:
Proud Non-Muslim said:
<a href="">Unholy Islam : On the Record </a>

According to the link provided above by Proud Non-Muslim, then yes, Islam is both Racist and Violent and more...
And a guy with the screen name of Proud Non-Muslim is certainly a reliable, unbiased source of information.

Buffys hit the nail on the head ... Christians and Muslims are equally capable of committing mass murder in the names of their beautiful ideals.
Well we did have the Crusades. But then again that was 700 years ago when we thought the world was flat.
There are many peacefull Muslims but they are drowned out by the religuous nuts and fools like Proud Muslim.
Sadly, when PM's retarded friends set off a nuke the muslim world will cease to exist.
crazy151drinker said:
Well we did have the Crusades. But then again that was 700 years ago when we thought the world was flat.

AGAIN with the qualifications, "we WERE terrible but...". You look at past atrocities perpetrated in the name of christianity as aberrations committed by a largely uneducated populous, how is that different from islam today, besides the fact it's happening now and not then? How much time has to pass to absolve a religion of it's past horrors? a year, 5, 10, 500? What percentage of believers that will do ANYTHING to oppose other religions or ideas is acceptable?

This is what I continuously hear:

"Well... it's true we have a horrid and bloody history but that was then, we're nice now."

"Sure, we treated women like cattle but that was before the sixties, women are equal now".

"Ok, fine. We do have numerous christian militia groups and wacko's that kill doctors for god but they are a minority."

"And granted, there were catholic terrorists active in Ireland a few years ago but they were just attacking non-believers PLUS they keep the fight over there... so that doesn't really count."

The difference between islam and christianity is ultimately tiny. It's really ironic to me because if you two ever got your shit together you could run the planet. Thankfully, if history is any guide, that will never happen and these minor differences will keep the rest of us safe from you.
Is Islam Racist & Violent?
No more than any other religion, and its some of the people that practice it not the religion itself thats to blame, same with all religions.
buffys said:
AGAIN with the qualifications, "we WERE terrible but...". You look at past atrocities perpetrated in the name of christianity as aberrations committed by a largely uneducated populous, how is that different from islam today, besides the fact it's happening now and not then? How much time has to pass to absolve a religion of it's past horrors? a year, 5, 10, 500? What percentage of believers that will do ANYTHING to oppose other religions or ideas is acceptable?

This is what I continuously hear:

"Well... it's true we have a horrid and bloody history but that was then, we're nice now."

"Sure, we treated women like cattle but that was before the sixties, women are equal now".

"Ok, fine. We do have numerous christian militia groups and wacko's that kill doctors for god but they are a minority."

"And granted, there were catholic terrorists active in Ireland a few years ago but they were just attacking non-believers PLUS they keep the fight over there... so that doesn't really count."

The difference between islam and christianity is ultimately tiny. It's really ironic to me because if you two ever got your shit together you could run the planet. Thankfully, if history is any guide, that will never happen and these minor differences will keep the rest of us safe from you.

The "minor difference" (as you say) between Christianity and Islam is that Christianity has grown up and become civilised - whereas Islam is living in a time stood still 700 years ago where barbaric acts existed and they believe they can act the same way today. To know the difference is to be civilised.

I pity you for not knowing the "minor difference"
buffys said:

"And granted, there were catholic terrorists active in Ireland a few years ago but they were just attacking non-believers PLUS they keep the fight over there... so that doesn't really count."

What on earth are you talking about - are you demonstating your ignorance on the troubles in N. Ireland.

Can you explain the above comment you made? - (I doubt that you can but it would be fun hearing you try...LOL! :D )
Lemming3k said:
No more than any other religion, and its some of the people that practice it not the religion itself thats to blame, same with all religions.

Must be the Islamic militants who spoil it for Islam - duh? :rolleyes:

I can't think of an equivalent for another religion - can you?
How many really believe [forget Politically Correctness now] in the mirage of so called: "moderates" in Islam?
StarOfEight said:
And a guy with the screen name of Proud Non-Muslim is certainly a reliable, unbiased source of information.

Buffys hit the nail on the head ... Christians and Muslims are equally capable of committing mass murder in the names of their beautiful ideals.

The difference being that the threat of Muslims committing mass murder is a reality.
The difference being that the threat of Muslims committing mass murder is a reality.
The way things are going, Vienna, the next person to commit a globally advertised mass murder is most likely to be me.:)

IMHO the war on terror is a contrived crock of shite that should never have been allowed to happen. OBL is ours, we made him we could have dealt with him a long time ago. He should be isolated and marginalised but no, we choose to turn him into the new Saladin.
Way to go dickheads :rolleyes:

If I'm wrong and the current state of world affairs really is down to some scholars misreading of the Quaran, then I offer the following advice.

You can't destroy the Islamic machine.
You work on it's operators.
Dee Cee