Is Islam an Expansionist Religion?

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Recently, Muhammad Taher Al-Farouq, leader of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, gave a speech that has been posted in a few places. I will have a link later so you can hear the entire speech so I’m not accused of cherry-picking phrases.

Note the references to the necessity to imitate Muhammad's example.

“I would like to congratulate … and the Muslims, they increase their martyrdom and jihad operations, and fight the sworn enemies of Islam - the Jews, the Christians, and the hypocrites - and carry out the best jihad operations.”

Hypocrites mean you atheists and agnostics.

“Our goal is to implement Islamic law, the law of the Koran, in God's kingdom. In other words, this kingdom, which belongs to God, should be ruled by the laws of God alone.”

God's kingdom means the whole world of course.

“Today, the enemies of Islam object to this goal, just like they did during the time of Muhammad, but let me announce to the believers, to the nation of Muhammad, that in the very near future, thanks to the sacrifices made by the nation of Muhammad, we will regain our glory of past times.”

“One of the most important goals of the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan is to establish an Islamic caliphate at any price.”

“There's nothing wrong with collecting money in exchange for prisoners.”

“Allah willing, America will soon be annihilated, just like the USSR was annihilated. We are convinced of this.”

“Allah willing, we will reach America. The men of this nation will reach America. The goal of this campaign is not only Kabul, Kandahar, or Baghdad. The eyes of the nation of Muhammad are set on Washington, London, Moscow, Paris, Delhi, Beijing, and other countries. This is our goal and, Allah willing, we will get there.

To view the clip, visit

Brush up on your Tuqyah [taqiyya] and have at it!
Recently, Muhammad Taher Al-Farouq, leader of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, gave a speech that has been posted in a few places. I will have a link later so you can hear the entire speech so I’m not accused of cherry-picking phrases.
This man knows how to start a jihad, all you need is:
World map, AK-47, quran, crazy idea, computer, internet connection
& Voilà, war of the worlds (West v. islam)
Hunker down my little misfits, this will be a long war

Brush up on your Tuqyah [taqiyya] and have at it!
WAKE UP SAM, that's your queue
He's probably talking about Islamic banking.
Taqiyya anyone?

Wow! islam’s own “Spin doctor”, here on sciforums, how fortunate we are, thank you dear princess, for giving us our daily dose of Taqiyya, now, what was that Mary Poppins song? "A little bit of sugar…"?
Taqiyya anyone?

Wow! islam’s own “Spin doctor”, here on sciforums, how fortunate we are, thank you dear princess, for giving us our daily dose of Taqiyya, now, what was that Mary Poppins song? "A little bit of sugar…"?

Mary Poppins is right

while Yuldeshev has issued a number of pronouncements suggesting a widening of the IMU's focus, evidence does not support the notion that the IMU remains a credible threat in the region. Furthermore, events in early 2007 suggest that the IMU may no longer be able to count on refuge in Pakistan's tribal belt.
Damn, that guy is a bit TOO extreme

No he is not extreme. he is simply a true follower of muhammad and the reality of this is too frightening for most people to accept so they block the reality out to save them from the fear that facing such a truth would bring.

The goal of true islam is to gain control of the entire earth via jihad. And this muslim is simply stating the truth of the fact and declaring his willingness to do the will of muhammad as all true muslims do.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Who changed the title of this thread?

When I created this thread the title was "Is Islam an Expansionist Religion?" Who changed Expansionist to Evangelical? One of our moderators?
Freedom is an illusion. That being said if it were not for the Crusades we would all be Muslim due to constant invasion by force.
In Christianity there are missionaries who travel to all parts of the world to spread the religion by being good examples and charitiy. Does Islam have similar missionaries? If so, I have never heard of them. The only kind of missionary effort I have seen from Islam his by obediance to Gods admonision, go forth and multiply, in Genesis and by the point of a sword or gun. Is my perception in error? Can someone supply me with evidence of peaceful missionary work of Islam?
In Christianity there are missionaries who travel to all parts of the world to spread the religion by being good examples and charitiy. Does Islam have similar missionaries? If so, I have never heard of them. The only kind of missionary effort I have seen from Islam his by obediance to Gods admonision, go forth and multiply, in Genesis and by the point of a sword or gun. Is my perception in error? Can someone supply me with evidence of peaceful missionary work of Islam?
Try looking up Dawah (invitation)

Here is one example

Someone has complained about me:

[Q]: Some of the sisters write knowledge-based speech in some of the websites, and they refute some of the writers with regards to their statements. So what is you opinion concerning this?

[A]: I advise every Muslim woman, the Salafee women especially to not delve into this affair. Firstly: Due to what is in it from the wasting of time. Secondly: It exposes her to being the object of ridicule and amusement for the reckless ones and those with diseased hearts. And if she absolutely must do this, then she must suffice with listening to the knowledge-based lessons from those who are known for knowledge, practice of the Religion and excellence. Likewise, there is nothing to prevent her from spreading the statements and fataawaa of the noble Scholars so that her brothers and sisters may benefit from them.

“Today, the enemies of Islam object to this goal, just like they did during the time of Muhammad, but let me announce to the believers, to the nation of Muhammad, that in the very near future, thanks to the sacrifices made by the nation of Muhammad, we will regain our glory of past times.”
Haahaaa too funny. The "glory of our past times" pffff nothing like setting the bar low :D
Even in a democracy the rich and powerful secure their wealth and influence. Its always been the same. Perhaps Islam was successful as a precipitate to rally against this? However, that was a long time ago and now Islam itself is what people rally against..

Islam is fundamentally flawed - the notions of monotheism and "Mohammad was the last prophet" sets the system up to revert back to demagoguery and that's exactly what happened and hence we read this sort of tripe even today.

Unlike Xiaity which has a powerful psychological impact (forgiveness) Islam only has .. and mo was the last prophet. It's really not that powerful - more like a statement. One asks - AND what does this do for me?? Nothing. Just accept it. Nothing like the psychological impact of forgiveness - just ask an AA member. I find one of the core principals in Islam is simply teaching intolerance (and sometimes even hatred) against Christians and Jews. I hear it over an over and over and over and over again - we even read it here. It's as if Islam was successful as a revolution against the establishment; but now that Islam IS the establishment it must maintain itself by setting itself up as being opposed to everyone that is not Islamic.

The writing is on the wall - Islam is doomed to failure and much like the Gods it replaced it too will be replaced.

The writing is on the wall - Islam is doomed to failure and much like the Gods it replaced it too will be replaced.

I hope you are correct but here in the UK Islam is the fastest growing religion. There are over 2 million fanatics here and growing every day. There is no force to stop them as the will to do this isn't there. In fact it's quite the opposite, we are actively encouraging them for some reason because we can't see the danger.
Is Islam an Expansionist Religion?
-It seems so, so is the Christianity. ? .
-Every religion is an expansionist by nature except those whom are oppressed by the other ones. Damn, where is my Kalevala !
-Like a Mind-Virus. ? .
-Just think about it, you are an orphan in some foster home with one Muslim and one Christian parent ? From theist point of view its like playing russian roulette with your soul,
pretty hard choices to make one might think ? How is that fair ?
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I guess the devil is in the details BlueMoose. Besides how could you have one Muslim and one Christian parent? I am not expert on religious codes but i dont think Muslims are permitted to marry Christians.
I guess the devil is in the details BlueMoose. Besides how could you have one Muslim and one Christian parent? I am not expert on religious codes but i dont think Muslims are permitted to marry Christians.
-And why is that (if true) ? Any Theist around ? ;)
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