Is Hell Bad for Believers?

I´m beggining to see that everybody "twists" your words Vital.

Those things are no way of achieving anything, but illusions of the mind. What the Sutras are describing is a man who has become like that, he transcends duality because he is true to himself. Not a man who trascended duality because of that description.
Again you have avoided the truth, it doesn't matter for what motive you have done it, if you have done it properly the result is the same...

For someone seeking destroy bad karma, if they destory all their impulses, then they too will become fully perfected

For someone seeking nothing, if they destory all their impulses, then they too will become fully perfected

Wisdom_Seeker said:
I´m not talking about the mode of goodness; I´m talking about the mode of truth.
There is no mode of truth...the truth is not a mode
The truth applies everywhere....if someone isn't Christian but has the karma leading towards heaven, then still they will go to heaven

Ofcourse belief in Christ reduces your chances of going to hell

So, hell didn't exist before Christ?
Again you have avoided the truth, it doesn't matter for what motive you have done it, if you have done it properly the result is the same...

For someone seeking destroy bad karma, if they destory all their impulses, then they too will become fully perfected

For someone seeking nothing, if they destory all their impulses, then they too will become fully perfected

Yeah, all I´m saying is that a man doesn´t become compassionate by reading the scriptures or even practicing compassion; a man becomes truly compassionate when he understands wholeheartedly the reality of life. This is just an example of course; like in order to become wise, you don´t "practice wisdom", wisdom comes in its own accord when the time and circumstances are right.
Same happens with emotions, you don´t become "without anger" by trying to control your anger; but by understanding of the reality of the emotion. All that it takes is true awareness, dhyana; specially when the emotion arises.

There is no mode of truth...the truth is not a mode
I´m just saying man, there is no such thing as "mode of goodness" either.
Yeah, all I´m saying is that a man doesn´t become compassionate by reading the scriptures or even practicing compassion; a man becomes truly compassionate when he understands wholeheartedly the reality of life. This is just an example of course; like in order to become wise, you don´t "practice wisdom", wisdom comes in its own accord when the time and circumstances are right.
Same happens with emotions, you don´t become "without anger" by trying to control your anger; but by understanding of the reality of the emotion. All that it takes is true awareness, dhyana; specially when the emotion arises.
Well I agree and disagree

If someone has destroyed their impulses, insecurities, destructive thoughts, etc...then naturally they have no anger, fear, sorrow, boredom, pain , etc...not because they are trying to "be a good person", but because there is nothing causing them to feel fear, anger, sorrow, boredom, frustration, pain, and all other variations of misery, all that is left is the highest enjoyment, the highest pleasure, the highest truth

Its like Krishna says:
"One who has transcended material good and evil automatically acts in accordance with religious injunctions and avoids forbidden activities. The self-realized person does this spontaneously, like an innocent child, and not because he is thinking in terms of material good and evil" (SB 11.7.11)

Wisdom_Seeker said:
I´m just saying man, there is no such thing as "mode of goodness" either.
Sure there is, the mode of goodness is something in material nature, the truth is not under material nature, energy, it exists "just as it is", not as something, neither nothing, nor something and nothing, nor neither something nor nothing