Is Hell a Physical Reality?


Digging up old bones
Registered Senior Member
Hell a physical place?.


It seems that we should posit Hell as a physical reality
or domain beneath the Earth, or in some such place in the space/time continuum.

Let us consider this teaching of the wise.

1) Scientists have only minimal understanding of the Moho and Core,
it very well may be cavernous, perhaps like cheese. Eventhough the core may be solid, it still could be Hell.

2) Christ's teachings in scripture, as well as many things from the OT,
strongly suggest that Hell is a place of physical torture,
as well as spiritual. There are scenes were entire groups
of people are swallowed by the Earth.
It does not seem to be a metaphorical teaching.

3) In accord with the Catholic teachings on the Theology of the Body,
it would seem that since man is best suited to have a body,
and that he will be ressurrected with a new body,
and some will ressurect unto everlasting fire, as doctrine asserts.
The body is not just mere matter,
it is also integral unto spirit, hence the teachings on purity.

4) The traditions of Christiandom,
as well as many saints, affirm this teaching.
Dante, though not authoritative,
confessed that he saw souls in Hell are
awaiting to get their bodies at the ressurection,
and so their pain may be perfected. Physically accomplished
crimes are met with physical punishment.

5) Since demons are purely spiritual entities,
they torture spiritually. However, they may inhabit physical entities, like
fire, by possession.

6) Hell is not part of Eternity, although those who go there
must remain in unending torment.
Tradition teaches that it is part of creation,
a place, as it seems, originally created for the
fallen angels even before they fell.

7) The children at the vision of Fatima in 1914 were shown scenes of
Hell when the Virgin Mary opened up the earth to show them. The
Apparitions of Fatima have been attested to by
10,000 eye witnesses.
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It's 2005 now, time to wake up from that delusional little dreamworld of yours. Sheesh, I just hope you never have kids.
more scare mongering, wow your one sad individual lawdog, what is in your imaginings, is personal to you only.
you seem to be one of the lunatic fringe, who thinks there reality is everybodys reality.
think! if it has no effect on yours or anybody elses senses, it does'nt exist. it's not objective, it's not reality, it's invisible, an imagining, a dream, an halucination, a delusion.
Lawdog said:

It seems that we should posit Hell as a physical realityor domain beneath the Earth, or in some such place in the space/time continuum.
why?, when it's not real.

Lawdog said:
Let us consider this teaching of the wise.
1) Scientists have only minimal understanding of the Moho and Core,
it very well may be cavernous, perhaps like cheese. Eventhough the core may be solid, it still could be Hell.
it would be extremely hot at the centre of the earth, but that does'nt mean theres a fantasy figure sitting down there, thats only in your head.
Lawdog said:
2) Christ's teachings in scripture, as well as many things from the OT,
strongly suggest that Hell is a place of physical torture,
as well as spiritual. There are scenes were entire groups
of people are swallowed by the Earth.
It does not seem to be a metaphorical teaching.
if it's spirtual it's non existent, objectively never to be known.
Lawdog said:
3) In accord with the Catholic teachings on the Theology of the Body, it would seem that since man is best suited to have a body,
that he will be ressurrected with a new body,
and some will ressurect unto everlasting fire, as doctrine asserts.
The body is not just mere matter,
it is also integral unto spirit, hence the teachings on purity.
there is no afterlife no resurrecting, you die you die, end, finito, finished.
there is only an afterlife in your subjective mind.
Lawdog said:
4) The traditions of Christiandom, as well as many saints,
affirm this teaching
Dante, though not authoritative,
confessed that souls in Hell are awaiting to get their bodies at the ressurection, and so their pain may be perfected..
they cannot affirm what's imagined by the subjective mind.
Lawdog said:
5) Since demons are purely spiritual entities,
they torture spiritually. However, they may inhabit physical entities by possession.
rubbish they are imaginary, they cannot inhabit anything.
Lawdog said:
6) Hell is not part of Eternity, although those who go there must remain in unending torment.Tradition teaches that it is part of creation, a place, as it seems, originally created for the fallen angels even before they fell.
are you for real, I suggest you go see a doctor.
haha arent most people swallowed by the earth when they get buried?
oh and what about those poor people who get swallowed up in earthquakes.

You have a dog in your avatar you sure you aint the son of the son of sam?
Hell is right here on Earth; right now; it's subjective, it's physical and it's also a state of mind, you'll find it not only in the 3rd world but in Paris, London and New York just like Estee Lauder or Versace only the perspective is totally different. And for a very few, there's a kind of Heaven here as well.
So, lawdog thinks hell is maybe inside Earth? (is heaven in heaven/space then?)
Maybe we can make a hole and go to the centre of earth... and kill satan.
Lawdog said, 6) Hell is not part of Eternity, although those who go there must remain in unending torment.Tradition teaches that it is part of creation, a place, as it seems, originally created for the fallen angels even before they fell.

Woody: Jesus taught as much about hell as he did heaven. In the end of it all, earth and hell will both be destroyed, and those in hell will be caste alive into the lake of fire. Rev 20:15. He died on the cross so we wouldn't have to go there.

Sometimes, I think Jesus had it easy being crucified on the cross, if he was. The hard part is living. So what's all the hubbub about the cross? Many people die much more gruesome deaths every day around the world anyway. At least He only had to endure 30 something years on this God-forsaken planet, if he did at all. :bugeye:

Cottontop3000: Woody,

Sometimes, I think Jesus had it easy being crucified on the cross, if he was. The hard part is living. So what's all the hubbub about the cross? Many people die much more gruesome deaths every day around the world anyway. At least He only had to endure 30 something years on this God-forsaken planet, if he did at all. :bugeye:
M*W: There is no proof that Jesus died on a cross. In fact, far from it! Jesus was only on the cross (regardless if he was a living being or a myth) for less than three hours -- certainly not enough time to die from asphixiation! If he ever entered his tomb, he certainly was treated by a physician and lived -- hence the 'empty' tomb!

Jesus was no savior at all, but his 'existence' has been plagarized around the world. Jesus was just another version of Mithras (the pagan god he replaced).
Medicine Woman said:
Jesus was no savior at all, but his 'existence' has been plagarized around the world. Jesus was just another version of Mithras (the pagan god he replaced).

What does it matter, Mithras is real. This is like the "Noah's" flood, it has nothing to do with plagiarism. klgjd,j
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MW said: Jesus was no savior at all, but his 'existence' has been plagarized around the world. Jesus was just another version of Mithras (the pagan god he replaced).

Woody says: So you were there when all this "supposedly" happened were you?
Too bad you can't jump in a time machine and nip it all in the bud. But you'll need a lot of help, because others have tried to cover up the ressurection and failed, starting from day 1. The roman soldiers couldn't do it, neither could the pharisees. And when you get there in your time machine, you can tell Luke he was a liar as an eyewitness account.
Woody: Jesus taught as much about hell as he did heaven. In the end of it all, earth and hell will both be destroyed, and those in hell will be caste alive into the lake of fire. Rev 20:15. He died on the cross so we wouldn't have to go there.

LAWDOG; Would you elaborate on Hell as being replaced by the lake of fire?
Woody: MW said: Jesus was no savior at all, but his 'existence' has been plagarized around the world. Jesus was just another version of Mithras (the pagan god he replaced).

Woody says: So you were there when all this "supposedly" happened were you?
M*W: One does not need to be there if one reads history books. If you can't understand simple English... oh, I forgot you are a country hick. No wonder you're so dumb.

It is quite obvious that you haven't done much reading in world history or about the Roman Empire, otherwise you would know about the 16-25 other dying demigod saviors that came before the myth of Jesus, Mithras being one of them. If you have read in depth about the psychological motivations of Paul, you would know how he created the myth of Jesus out of other Roman gods.

Luke was NOT a follower of Jesus. Luke was a follower of Paul. It is traditionally believed that Luke wrote The Acts under the direction of Paul between 40-63 AD. The authorship of the Gospel of Luke was written after the death of Paul using Paul's Epistles as a guideline for the gospel. Luke never knew Jesus at all.
woody: Too bad you can't jump in a time machine and nip it all in the bud.
M*W: I'm not the one who needs to "jump in a time machine," you are the ignorant one who could use some learning.
woody: But you'll need a lot of help, because others have tried to cover up the ressurection and failed, starting from day 1. The roman soldiers couldn't do it, neither could the pharisees. And when you get there in your time machine, you can tell Luke he was a liar as an eyewitness account.
M*W: You people make me laugh so hard that I puked up my breakfast! Eyewitness-schmeyewitness -- you're a fool!
Medicine Woman said:
Woody: MW said: Jesus was no savior at all, but his 'existence' has been plagarized around the world. Jesus was just another version of Mithras (the pagan god he replaced).

It is quite obvious that you haven't done much reading in world history or about the Roman Empire, otherwise you would know about the 16-25 other dying demigod saviors that came before the myth of Jesus,
Mithras being one of them. If you have read in depth about
the psychological motivations of Paul, you would know how he created the myth of Jesus out of other Roman gods.

Medicine Woman: You seem like an intelligent Unbeliever,
however, your remarks about Mithras I find portay a
need for much proper reading and study of ancient cults.

Mithras was an import from Persia which elements the Roman military adopted.
Jesus was a divinity associated with Jews, a minority hated
by the Roman military. Also, both salvific cults were very aware of one another.
In time it is very likely that the dominant cult
overtook the underground Mithraic Shrines, as we see
in subterranian Rome. However, this does not signify
that the cult of Mithras was ever dominant in the Empire
and later the cultic hero was replaced by a Jesus figure.

Just because they share certain symbols this does not mean that the two
cults were related, if thats what your trying to say.
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Thank you, I dont need to look at that site, I hold a graduate degree in that field and have visited Mithraic shrines.
Therefore I can recognize bogus scholarship (rampant these days).
A countless number of Pagan gods were born of Virgins in caves...need you bother me more?
Perhaps you should make more thoughtful posts.
2) Christ's teachings in scripture, as well as many things from the OT,
strongly suggest that Hell is a place of physical torture,
as well as spiritual. There are scenes were entire groups
of people are swallowed by the Earth.
It does not seem to be a metaphorical teaching.

What are your criteria for distinguishing metaphorical from literal teachings in the Bible?

Lawdog said:
Just because they share certain symbols this does not mean that the two
cults were related, if thats what your trying to say.

Only that there are curious coincidences swept under the carpet.

The victors write history, 'tis true.