Is Hate Delusional Thinking?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Or love for that matter? Or a product of delusional thinking? I thought of this when I read SAM's 'Do Atheists have a God Complex' thread this morning. I don't hate theists, I pity them. Maybe hate is too strong a word but I believe SAM at least detests atheism. Detest being a harbinger of hate.

Hate for someone never seems to be instantaneous. Never hear that "it was hate at first sight'. So it kind of builds momentum. Same with love. Can love and hate be anything other than delusional thinking if the object of these affections doesn't reciprocate.

Getting back to the theist/atheist relationship...who is more likely to hate the other? Somehow I can't bring myself to believe that emotions such as hate & love are normal, everyday rational thoughts. Hate and love are accumulative, it takes a series of occurences to firmly establish themselves.

When I write about theists do I come across as hating them? If you think that then why? If you think I am anti religious out of spite then isn't that very thought hateful of me in some respect? I'm just using myself as an example of an atheist here so don't think I'm harboring any irrational fears, far from the truth.

Personally I can't hate the delusional theist. Are the deluded more prone to hate? If so, then in a world that's approximately 90% delusional it is not surprising to see a lot of it. Yes I expect a few theists to see my remarks and take it as a hate-thread, but isn't thinking that thought somewhat hateful of me or at least a step in that direction?

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No reason to hate people, but there are many reasons to detest religion.
No reason to hate people, but there are many reasons to detest religion.

Religion is a hate mechanism. Not saying everybody but as in anything in life it is something that people take to be more important than anything else including life.
hey look..its your favorite

i kinda agree to a point with your point about religions being hate machines...

but i think its more basic than that..
read this please..

when some ppl turn to religion (not god) they expect that religion to give them a sense of worth, they use their religion to justify their own feelings of worth and whether you are into religion or not most ppl tend to devalue those who are not like them, religion just give them an excuse to justify their hate..

i don't know how many churches i have walked away from as soon as i discovered the ppl take offense at almost everything (offense is self centered and has nothing to do with god) or have started speaking out against a particular group of ppl..(many other reason also..but not relative to my point..)
if i were to put a number to how many churches i think are 'getting it right' i would have to say about 1% of them..the rest are just trying to play the dominance game..

and also please be aware that i DO NOT believe as other believers please dont stereotype me..ask me what i believe first before you go off on any god believer hateing rants..
if i were to put a number to how many churches i think are 'getting it right' i would have to say about 1% of them..the rest are just trying to play the dominance game..

You say they're wrong, they say you're wrong. So, who's right?

and also please be aware that i DO NOT believe as other believers believe..

You believe as they all do, that the supernatural exists and has control over our destinies. The only difference are the names and places.
Hate or Love are the states of delusional thinking since we can not observe them anywhere other than among humans and certain type of animals with brain capacity. Detest, hate or love are emotions which are provided by nature as an alert system for species in terms of taking decisions and acting accordingly to their own existence as well as to their environment.

Religious people and their alertfulness against "atheist devils" are not exeptions. If someone says that their God(s) is/are nothing but a product of human imagination, this is simply an attack to their whole reasoning of existence, a threat to their world view. If they had any degree of sympathy against the very existence of non-believers, they would become "open" for their ideas, they would start to ask the similar suspicious question to their own beliefs. This is not allowed. Because almost all religions warn their fallowers against possible questionings put by outsiders: They are the representatives of Satan or Evil; they want to shake their good belief system; they are promoting hell.
They must at least be very careful about atheists, if they do not detest or hate.

Some of them are confrontational: They risk their beliefs and they play reasoning game: This can never be a serious reasoning, because in order to reason, involving people must have at least one common concept to develop some further ideas. Religious people come up with an indescribable God idea. They expect you to fill every empty, suspicious, unanswered -yet-, emotional part of your brain with this essence. So the shape and size of your God necessarily get bigger. Emptier the neuron connections, bigger the God. Non-religious theists have a softer, energy wave like Gods; religious theists have a character builder, active, political, social and emotional Gods, just as themselves.

Atheists fulfill their emptiness with "I don't know" question instead of the "god essence" thought. They are able to detest things: For example "how on earth some people are still believing in Gods". Moreover, they can also find themselves inside of the delusional thinking of hate. And everybody acts like apes...
Hate is an emotion, like love. They are not opposites, you cannot hate someone unless you are in some way invested in them. The opposite of love/hate is indifference.

Is love/hate irrational? Probably. Most worthwhile things in life are. Indifference is rational. Which is why the rational can kill without caring [we murder to dissect].

Religion gives worth and meaning to life. Love caring charity are all irrational, which is why you see so many religious groups invested in it. Being offensive is a matter of context. I've noticed that when atheists are offended, they paint theists as fanatics, bigots, haters. When theists are offended, its because they want to block freedom of expression. So from the atheist point of view, its alright for them to be as ofensive and hateful as they like, in the name of being "free" and "rational". But if they are treated the same way, or sometimes, not even that, a wink and a greeting, it is made out to be a grievous insult to their entire identity or ludicrously still, the whole of atheism.

I think atheists lack perspective. I think the reason they are atheists is because they are literal thinkers; they simply cannot understand points of view which seem perfectly obvious to me. I have often noticed this in discussions, where a theist will say one thing which seems very clear and inspite of being explained over and over, the atheist simply cannot understand it. They seem to be incapable of thinking on anything other than a literal plain. Once I realised this, I also realised the futility of attempting to explain anything to them. Its like showing a red rose to a colour blind person. He cannot appreciate its beauty, its all gray to him.

I don't hate atheists, I just hate assholes. Anyone who is incapable of according even nominal respect in a discussion should not be surprised if they are treated according to the samskara they display. Even atheists know this, they would never act the way they do anonymously on this forum, in real life. Not without consequences. Which is why they deceive people in reality, by playing a role of being polite and respectful, which they drop once they are anonymous. Its made me wonder what the atheists around me, that I meet are really like in their hearts and minds. How much of what they show is real and not a deception.
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I think atheists lack perspective. I think the reason they are atheists is because they are literal thinkers; they simply cannot understand points of view which seem perfectly obvious to me.

To say atheism lacks perspective is a mistake. Many of us were once theists, believed what you believed, etc. If you like, we were literal then also. I don't read any atheist literature, visit their websites or partake in any organized debates, nor do I lobby government on atheism's behalf. You are right in the fact that I(can't speak for others) do not defend atheism in my normal daily life. Maybe since the advent of forums the atheist has been provided an avenue for coming out of the closet, albeit slowly but with guns blazing.

In my position I cannot publicly denounce religion for fear of losing my livelihood and acquaintances. Through actual life situations I have realized that this is true, I didn't get it from some form of media. I realize that in the grand scheme of things that theists might considered this an irrational fear on my part. Am I more afraid of personal loss or of hate being directed towards me because in reality I'm a nice guy with plenty of friends and such? This is a real situation and I have plenty of reasons to hate theists for it. However I can't since they are delusional in every sense of the word. I don't hate theists any more than I'd hate a bedridden quadriplegic. I pity them for not being able to live a normal life.

Any atheist that has experienced a bout of theism has more perspective than someone who's only been a theist or atheist from the beginning. Until you have experienced both you won't ever have the full perspective. Not to say that others don't offer excellent points. No doubt, if we were all atheists, then we would still find a reason to hate one another.
Caring is irrational by definition? :rolleyes:

How so? says... Caring

1. a state of mind in which one is troubled; worry, anxiety, or concern: He was never free from care.
2. a cause or object of worry, anxiety, concern, etc.: Their son has always been a great care to them.
3. grief; suffering; sorrow.

Are these not what evolution has given us? Innate and inbred. Are you referring to pity?
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Or love for that matter? Or a product of delusional thinking? I thought of this when I read SAM's 'Do Atheists have a God Complex' thread this morning. I don't hate theists, I pity them. Maybe hate is too strong a word but I believe SAM at least detests atheism. Detest being a harbinger of hate.

Hate for someone never seems to be instantaneous. Never hear that "it was hate at first sight'. So it kind of builds momentum. Same with love. Can love and hate be anything other than delusional thinking if the object of these affections doesn't reciprocate.

Getting back to the theist/atheist relationship...who is more likely to hate the other? Somehow I can't bring myself to believe that emotions such as hate & love are normal, everyday rational thoughts. Hate and love are accumulative, it takes a series of occurences to firmly establish themselves.

When I write about theists do I come across as hating them? If you think that then why? If you think I am anti religious out of spite then isn't that very thought hateful of me in some respect? I'm just using myself as an example of an atheist here so don't think I'm harboring any irrational fears, far from the truth.

Personally I can't hate the delusional theist. Are the deluded more prone to hate? If so, then in a world that's approximately 90% delusional it is not surprising to see a lot of it. Yes I expect a few theists to see my remarks and take it as a hate-thread, but isn't thinking that thought somewhat hateful of me or at least a step in that direction?

cynicism and arrogance are also remarkably compatible with delusion.
Am I more afraid of personal loss or of hate being directed towards me because in reality I'm a nice guy with plenty of friends and such?

That depends, are you considered a "nice guy" because you don't say what you really think? Would you still be considered a "nice guy" if you did? On my part, I would never hide behind anonymity to say anything that I didn't have the guts to say out loud. Thats not to say its easy or doesn't get me into trouble, but if I'm pretending to be someone else just to be considered "acceptable" by people I consider idiots, then whats the frigging point? It would make me a bigger idiot.
Actually, at the risk of investing a little serious thought in your threads, its the nature of anger to facilitate delusion, and its the nature of delusion to shadow memory which causes intelligence to be lost .... and to go further afield, anger itself appears in a chain of cause and effect ....

BG 2.62 While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.

BG 2.63 From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.

IOW what sets the ball rolling is being in a state of incompleteness, to begin the game of acquisition .

Since you appear to be late 70's/early 80's man, perhaps you might understand the topic more clearly from one of your gurus

If you don't like (Where'd you get that word?), what you has got (Appropriot? The word is not)
Drop it in the dirt (Drop it yeah) and let it rot (I can smell it now)
Someone else (Here they come, here they come) will surely come (I told you he was comin')
And pick it up (That's right) 'cause he wants some (And he wants it for free)
And when one day (There will come a day) you wonder who (I wonder too) you used to was (Who I was anyway)
And what you do (I, I, I used to work at the post office)
You'll scratch your head (But I don't wanna un-do my doo) and look around (To see what's goin' on)
But what you lost (Can't seem to find it) will not be found (A Mercedes Benz)
Do you know what you are? (I know)
You are what you is (I'm the kinda guy)
You is what you am (That ought to be drivin'), a cow don't make a ham (A four-fifty SLC)

That depends, are you considered a "nice guy" because you don't say what you really think? Would you still be considered a "nice guy" if you did? On my part, I would never hide behind anonymity to say anything that I didn't have the guts to say out loud. Thats not to say its easy or doesn't get me into trouble, but if I'm pretending to be someone else just to be considered "acceptable" by people I consider idiots, then whats the frigging point? It would make me a bigger idiot.

Here's how I see it. In an insane asylum, does it do any good for the doctor to tell the patients they're crazy? None whatsoever. If I'm in the same institution talking with my peers does it do any good to take the opposite stance and declare the patients sane? None whatsoever. If word got out that I felt either way about my chosen field I would either be ostracized or canned. So for self preservation I keep a low profile in real life. Life is about survival & enjoying for me. Call me selfish if you want.

In a world where there is significantly more people who are theists then it is no problem for them to besiege us with anything and everything about their faith. The odds are that it will be well received. Much different scenario for an atheist to shout out his thoughts publicly as there is much more risk involved. I don't like it, I may even hate it but I don't blame those who take the theistic approach. They should not be hated for being delusional, they are more like crime victims to me, lost and befuddled.
Here's how I see it. In an insane asylum, does it do any good for the doctor to tell the patients they're crazy? None whatsoever. If I'm in the same institution talking with my peers does it do any good to take the opposite stance and declare the patients sane? None whatsoever. If word got out that I felt either way about my chosen field I would either be ostracized or canned. So for self preservation I keep a low profile in real life. Life is about survival & enjoying for me. Call me selfish if you want.

In a world where there is significantly more people who are theists then it is no problem for them to besiege us with anything and everything about their faith. The odds are that it will be well received. Much different scenario for an atheist to shout out his thoughts publicly as there is much more risk involved. I don't like it, I may even hate it but I don't blame those who take the theistic approach. They should not be hated for being delusional, they are more like crime victims to me, lost and befuddled.

So you're a "nice guy" because you treat the people you interact with as inmates of an asylum where you have to watch what you say. If those people knew what you really thought of them, they wouldn't entertain you.
So you're a "nice guy" because you treat the people you interact with as inmates of an asylum where you have to watch what you say. If those people knew what you really thought of them, they wouldn't entertain you.

Jeezuz SAM, I didn't think I was planting the seeds of hate. I told you why. I don't wear a symbol of atheism around my neck or have it tattooed on my face so I'm not going to risk going public in a predominantly theistic world, too much at stake. I'm not good at differentiating between an atheist and theist just by looks. For all I know, YOU might be in the crowd.
Jeezuz SAM, I didn't think I was planting the seeds of hate. I told you why. I don't wear a symbol of atheism around my neck or have it tattooed on my face so I'm not going to risk going public in a predominantly theistic world, too much at stake. I'm not good at differentiating between an atheist and theist just by looks. For all I know, YOU might be in the crowd.

Indeed. And considering the kind of person you are with the mask off, its a blessing to all around you that you have to wear the mask. One person keeping his idiotic opinions to himself is worth all the others not having to listen to it.
Indeed. And considering the kind of person you are with the mask off, its a blessing to all around you that you have to wear the mask. One person keeping his idiotic opinions to himself is worth all the others not having to listen to it.

With you I can't be sure if you're trying to play me like a violin. Is this commentary, like calling me an idiot, meant for me to suddenly proclaim that delusion does breed hate? I think it borders on the devious though. Poor thing, what institution are you writing from?