Is God willing but not able?

.... It's more appropiate, to say that you do not reason at all. Otherwise you would not rely so heavily on disparate books in disparate languages translated into other disparate languages and collected together as "ta biblia", the books, ...

Ya' mean sorta' like the encyclopedia and the dictionary and other such books? Yep, one shouldn't rely on those books!

Baron Max
Quiz: What's the difference between a dictionary and a fictional novel?

I don't know anymore. Back in the old days, there were conscientious authors who willingly proclaimed that their books were fiction or non-fiction. These days, one can't tell because it's all mixed up and no one wants to admit anything to anyone.

Baron Max
God wouldn't have created the human being in the first place if He didn't want him to be a living of free choice, able to choose the good or the bad. God already has other creatures who do not know and commit evil, they are the angels.
Ya' mean sorta' like the encyclopedia and the dictionary and other such books? Yep, one shouldn't rely on those books!
Baron Max

No I don't mean sorta' like the encyclopedia.......

The languages of the bible are: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.

The books of the bible are a collection of documents written in these languages by a variety of people in a variety of places at different times. Do I really need to explain all this ? Can I take it that you are aware that what constitutes today's bible is a SELECTION of ancient documents? Those which didn't fit were excluded.

Do you know how many gospels there were and why some have been omitted ? Need I go on to mention the various translations. Greek was beyond most of the early Churchmen, so a Latin translation was made.This was followed by translations into modern languages

If you know any languages other than English, you will be aware of the difficulties of translation. What is the English for "schadenfreude " ? There are some words that are untranslateable, not to mention the difficulties of translating idioms. Are you aware that vowels are often omitted in written Semitic languages. A literate person is expected to infer the meaning of a word from the context in which it appears. So, there is plenty of scope for ambiguity.

Translate PN. It could be pan, pen, pin or pun because a vowel has been omitted.

I understood your " SORTA' . But pity the poor foreigner with only a dictionary.

Ironically, the bible is like a Tower of Babel.

Encyclopaedias consist of collections of articles by people regarded as experts in their field. The articles are SUBJECT TO PEER REVIEW. Is this true of the bible ?
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Wasn't Lucifer an angel ?

As a muslim, I haven't come across the name Lucifer or a similar one in Islamic texts. But as far as the story of Lucifer goes, it bears a lot of resemblance to the story of Satan (Arch devil) in Islamic traditions. However, according to Islam, Satan was not an angel, but a genie of highest rank.

I found this on Lucifer. It should also be interesting, though not very relevant, to add that for the Sumerians believed Venus was the symbol of the Goddess of Love, and some commentaries on the story of Harut and Marut in Quran, though without any basis on islamic proofs, claim that venus was at first a very pretty woman who lured two angels God had sent on Earth to try them with human characteristics. The woman made the two angels disclose the secret knowledge needed for ascending to the Heavens and God in return turned her into a star and ....
As a muslim, I haven't come across the name Lucifer or a similar one in Islamic texts. But as far as the story of Lucifer goes, it bears a lot of resemblance to the story of Satan..

You are on the right track. Christians confused Lucifer with Satan.
Satan is said to have been an angel, archangel or something of the kind;what ,exactly, depends on the source reference.

He is said to have commited the sin of pride by attempting to set himself above god and organizing a rebellion. The point I was geting at is ,that if everything was so wonderful in heaven, why would Satan and the other angels rebel against god ?

To avoid any confusion I should tell you that I regard the whole thing as mythology.