Is God Really Pro-Life?

[Assuming God exists] God as in The God of Islam? God of Christianity? Im not sure about Islam, but I know the Bible says that if you strike a pregnant women and harm the baby,(even if you dont kill it) You are punishable by whatever the mother chooses.

That sounds pretty good, maybe, in some cases, but I think that only applies to married and legitimately pregnant women. Those are the only ones who would be left alive. Well, maybe not all of the others would be killed. Some of them will be protected and hidden from the faithful and some of these poor children will inevitably be born. They would be in violation of the Law to do this, of course.

In the Bible, such children are considered to be and are branded as illegitimate children for life. Welcome to the world bastard! Yes that really is a Biblical word... Where do you think this whole idea comes from?

Deuteronomy 23:2
"A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD."

In the Bible, a single pregnant woman is supposed to be killed for her sin, baby and all. And an adulterous married woman is supposed to be killed for her sin as well. But some will slip through the cracks and they will deal with them.

What do you think? Is that justice for the mother or baby? Is that even justice for the next ten generations of offspring of this innocent child?

Actually, it might be the very best thing for this kid's family. That way perhaps, just perhaps, they won't have to go on killing each other generation after generation for sin, if they get kicked out of the faith for that long. And they may never go back and decide to choose a life of love, mercy, and forgiveness instead.
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