Is God Really Pro-Life?

I think it's pretty much an irrelevant question. Convince me that God exists first..

For you, and many others, it may not be a relevant question. But... how does that make the question irrelevant for everyone else on this earth?
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For you, and many others, it may not be a relevant question. But... how does that make the question irrelevant for everyone else on this earth?

How can one question attributes of something of which there is not even a speck of evidence ? What's the point ?
How can one question attributes of something of which there is not even a speck of evidence ? What's the point ?

You are right, it would probably have no point for you.

But this is surely not irrelevant for all of the millions of very real people who have been taught that the Bible is the one and only perfect moral guide and is the inerrant "Word of God". These people are often taught that if they dare question this Book they are in peril for their soul on that basis alone.

The point is that it is a very healthy thing for anyone to question their own belief system, no matter what it is. It can help guard against arrogance and narrow mindedness.

Is that possible?
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Why should we? We prefer to let you live in your ignorance.

That is not very loving of you!

You cannot be a follower of Jesus! Jesus commanded you to love your enemies!

Who are you following then?
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A large fraction of pregnancies (about half as I recall) spontaneously abort very early on, usually before the mother is even aware she was pregnant. If you believe that an embryo is a person with a soul from the moment of conception, then about half of the souls that exist were only around on earth as embryos for a few days. once told me that all cells have a soul. I realize that there are different degrees of soulness but of the ovum and the sperm....2 souls becoming one? Or is one soulless? If the sperm contains a soul then why do we need so many if the vast majority die? Souls lounging around in soul land can choose to be reborn as a sperm? once told me that all cells have a soul. I realize that there are different degrees of soulness but of the ovum and the sperm....2 souls becoming one? Or is one soulless? If the sperm contains a soul then why do we need so many if the vast majority die? Souls lounging around in soul land can choose to be reborn as a sperm?
fertilization provides a vehicle for the soul to inhabit - kind of like there may be a bus full of 60 people, but only one is in the driver's seat
fertilization provides a vehicle for the soul to inhabit - kind of like there may be a bus full of 60 people, but only one is in the driver's seat

So does that mean that there can be no soul or maybe its no life unless both seemingly living (but maybe not) components combine? So with millions of sperm all trying to get to the driver's seat it sounds as if they are all alive, with a soul but only one soul gets to mature so to speak. The soul inhabiting the original egg...does it get a seat on the bus too?

Countless googols of sperm each containing a soul that has made a conscious decision to be a sperm cell are being killed every day. Why is this carnage permitted? A soul in purgatory does not seem to possess much in the way of smarts but are definitely great risk takers.

If each cell contains a soul then where do the extra souls come from. What is the method of delivery? It seems strange that countless zillions are killed off only to have others make it in to the human zygote/human being anyway.
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So does that mean that there can be no soul or maybe its no life unless both seemingly living (but maybe not) components combine? So with millions of sperm all trying to get to the driver's seat it sounds as if they are all alive, with a soul but only one soul gets to mature so to speak. The soul inhabiting the original egg...does it get a seat on the bus too?

Countless googols of sperm each containing a soul that has made a conscious decision to be a sperm cell are being killed every day. Why is this carnage permitted? A soul in purgatory does not seem to possess much in the way of smarts but are definitely great risk takers.

If each cell contains a soul then where do the extra souls come from. What is the method of delivery? It seems strange that countless zillions are killed off only to have others make it in to the human zygote/human being anyway.

The idea is this.

each cell has a soul (since it has life)
those cells that afford the opportunity for fertilization are simply providing the opportunity for a soul to incarnate (IOW it is not a case of the soul inhabiting either the sperm or the ovary that proceeds on to be the zygote)

I am not sure why you are saying this suggestion requires that countless souls get curtailed or manifested to maintain the status quo.
[Assuming God exists] God as in The God of Islam? God of Christianity? Im not sure about Islam, but I know the Bible says that if you strike a pregnant women and harm the baby,(even if you dont kill it) You are punishable by whatever the mother chooses.
How can one question attributes of something of which there is not even a speck of evidence ? What's the point ?

One of the laws of thermodynamics says matter can not be created or destroyed. There's evidence for ya. Although, one piece of evidence is not enough to prove anything, lets see you give some evidence for evolution before you ask for evidence from Creationists.