PRO LIFE has always been just a Political Calculation.
Originally the Catholics threw in behind it to increase their numbers, back in the days when Statesmen and Presidents calculated their chances in War by the Birthrate of the Countries they were allied with. The Unaborted Fetus today will be tomorrows Solder -- "Charge those Machine Guns! (after enough bodies those guns have GOT to run out of bullets!)"
Then the Republicans did the math and decided that their own Pro-Life Program would suck in the Catholic Vote, normally Democratic (Remember John Kennedy), and change the entire Electoral Landscape. And the Stupid Bishops could not guess what was happening. So the Pro Life Aggenda made allies between otherwise decent Catholics and those Scum Bag Predatory Protestants, Republicans for short.
Actually, in the Bible they make it clearly to be understood that a Baby, even when born, is not a Human Being until the Presentation. Well into the Modern Era it is largely to be expected that a great deal of Nostril Pinching was going on, that is, suffocating the baby shortly after birth, and telling the mother that the poor little baby did not make it. Really, when people used to look around and see that a Family's resources were hardly sufficient to support the present conglomeration of mouths to feed, then between a practical father and a realistic Mid-wife, they would see their sad duty before them. Indeed, the rather sizeable Infant Mortality Rates of the past centuries make little sense otherwise.
The way it is now, anybody who agitates for Pro-Life should be placed on a list of those who would willingly receive any baby that could be dropped off on their doorstep, and then they would be held responsible for their entire upbringing, and responsible for the consequences also -- if one of their Charges becomes a Criminal and goes to Prison, well, we can see that there was a failure to Take Responsibility and the Do Gooder Pro-Life person should go to jail too. Really, anytime a person, who would have been aborted in the normal scheme of things goes bad and turns into a social burden or a social liability, they should round up some Pro-Life Person to pay and take the blame.
As it is now they just go to rallies and shoot their mouths off, vote for Predator Politicians, and laugh at the consequences... pleased that God is forgiving them all their Sins after Sin after Sin.