Is God Real?

Originally posted by Raithere
... But what we choose and why we choose it is immensely important. I prefer to have a better understanding than simply ascribing it to freedom of choice.
I fully agree, but personally, I cannot go through life without choosing to believe something. I might gain better understanding from my point of reference: my belief. The question is which point of reference is the best?

Of course this is where I ignore the concept of "If you don't share my belief you go to hell!". God is judge of all 'assuming' He exists.;)
Originally posted by Cris

Do you truly believe this or is that just sarcasm?
The first question I expected when I first posted this "your friend" thing was this; "Who or what are you referring to?" Heh... is it that obvious? That might not be a good thing Cris.

I hope you find your truth one day.

If you know God exists because of "personal" evidence, do you claim equal certainty for the Devil also becuase of "personal" evidence.
Originally posted by Cris

If you know God exists because of "personal" evidence, do you claim equal certainty for the Devil also becuase of "personal" evidence.
Satan is of a different nature than God. You'll find that the Bible mentions him in very different guises each time - and so equally we find or experience him in everything that is not God.
Originally posted by Jenyar
Satan is of a different nature than God. You'll find that the Bible mentions him in very different guises each time - and so equally we find or experience him in everything that is not God.

Scripture is so pertinent!


One can really "get to know the universe" with just a bible found in the average hotel room!!!!!

Originally posted by wesmorris
Scripture is so pertinent!


One can really "get to know the universe" with just a bible found in the average hotel room!!!!!

No you can't. But you can get to know God.

Satan is of a different nature than God. You'll find that the Bible mentions him in very different guises each time - and so equally we find or experience him in everything that is not God.
The issue is whether God is real. The bible offers no proof that God exists today, and it is debatable whether it offers proof of any kind but that is another issue. MarcAC is claiming that the only true way to know that God exists is to open your heart and believe and ask him (or words to that effect). I.e. personal evidence is the only way to KNOW.

But Satan is just another of the Christian gods, perhaps not as powerful as the one god, but a god nevertheless since he has miraculous powers to affect mankind.

If God is recognized as a warm fuzzy feeling then how do you recognize Satan? If Satan is just the absence of a warm fuzzy feeling then how do you distinguish between God’s presence, normalcy, and the presence of Satan? Or are you claiming that when you accept God into your life that you have a permanent warm fuzzy feeling?
Originally posted by Cris

The issue is whether God is real. The bible offers no proof that God exists today, and it is debatable whether it offers proof of any kind but that is another issue. MarcAC is claiming that the only true way to know that God exists is to open your heart and believe and ask him (or words to that effect). I.e. personal evidence is the only way to KNOW.

But Satan is just another of the Christian gods, perhaps not as powerful as the one god, but a god nevertheless since he has miraculous powers to affect mankind.

If God is recognized as a warm fuzzy feeling then how do you recognize Satan? If Satan is just the absence of a warm fuzzy feeling then how do you distinguish between God’s presence, normalcy, and the presence of Satan? Or are you claiming that when you accept God into your life that you have a permanent warm fuzzy feeling?
I agree with MarcAC, that the way you know God is by recognizing Him in your life. Living according to His will enables you to see his will. It isn't just a "warm fuzzy feeling" - there is a kind of intuition involved (called the spiritual "gift of discernment" in the Bible), but it in no way "proves" God. It simply serves as a valid experience of Him - something you can tell others about without lying. Satan is a very elusive reality compared to God (personally), he seems to inhabit all the nooks and crannies where God's light does not fall. I have to speak metaphorically, because no one example would do. I would hate to experience him as a personality as I experience God, although some people reportedly have.

Or if I can make an analogy: When you are used to driving on a concrete highway, you imediately notice when the concrete changes - it sounds different. But if every section of road is equally unpredictable, you won't have any reference to know which is which. Or when you live in a house and get to know its boundaries, you will easily recognize "outside" even if you can't out of experience define it as easily as you can describe the house. The presence of walls are usually enough indication that there must be an outside.
Originally posted by Cris

But Satan is just another of the Christian gods, perhaps not as powerful as the one god, but a god nevertheless since he has miraculous powers to affect mankind.

As far as I know, Satan is a fallen angel in the christian religion.

Originally posted by Jenyar
No you can't. But you can get to know God.

LOL, you keep telling yourself that.

NO Jenyar, it's a way YOU can "get to know god". For me it's just annoying literature from yet another sorry-assed cult.
Yes, and so what's the problem? What makes you think a complete description of God would be infinite? Not even infinite capacity would suffice for absolutely everything.

No one thinks omnipotence involves the ability to commit logical violations except amateurs. Try applying infinite amounts of electricity to 2 + 2 and see if you can make it equal 5.

Any way but Winston Smith's, of course.

"if God exists outside of time, then God cannot possibly do things in sequence"

Um hm. Ever hear of a "hypostasis"? Solves all your little problems with a finger snap.

"Now, let's look at the historical record of Christianity so far."

Sound bite version? Tell me,...

1) How many people were killed by the Spanish Inquisition? Any idea?
2) When Israel attacked the Amalekites, what were the Amalekites doing? Were they minding their own business? Picking flowers? Do tell us how much you know about the Ancient Near East; this should be fascinating.

It's nice to see how pissed you atheists are, but some facts would also be nice to supplement all that wee wee you put down.

Oui, oui.

Originally posted by Cris

The point is that a placebo has no active ingredients of its own. In the God case we don’t actually need him to exist to achieve an effect. All that is needed is the mental conviction that he exists. The reality is what the mind creates.

Gravage:No,reality is not what mind creates,world is not an illusion.If the reality wasn't real,our mind couldn't create memories of that place.Besides,if reality we see is the subject to our mind,than we would see reality different just about nearly every time because our sub-conscious brain would create such reality,and we couldn't die,we could change reality wit mere imagination.Sying the world is mind's illusion is the biigest stupidity and absurdity,I've ever heard in my life.Sure,I will throw myself into a magma,and if magma is just an illusion,I wuld stay alive,but the problem is magma is not an illusion,if I throw myself to magma I will be instantly burned out.Reality our mind sees is truly real,but our brain can't see the entire spectrum,that's why we have instruments for measuring that.
Originally posted by J.P.
Yes, and so what's the problem?

Well, ASS, in a nutshell, it's stupid. Of course in order to perform their function, many people have to believe in something that someone provides them, as they are not able/motivated to really doubt the dogma... since their function requires them to invest their efforts elsewhere. Since the fundamental questions don't go away, they'd have a hard time focusing on their function if other people's function wasn't to provide them with the dogma that support them in their preferred activity. MY function however is to question all this and find what IS and what IS NOT ultimately bullshit.

Cult generated dogma is ultimately bullshit, but provides a very utilitarian support system for those who would have it.

So the problem is when one of those cult-members wants to quesiton their information, but isn't observant enough to realize that they bound themselves by this dogma sometime ago and if they want to question all of this, they certainly can't do so honestly while still within their sphere of dogma, but they are "faithful", so they get themselves all into this circle of retardation, as they want to question their dogma but can't see beyond it because they chose (and still unconsciously choose) not to, as they have emotionally invested in the dogma... often to the point of no return.

Inherently from my perspective, that is a problem. It may not be seen as such from other perspectives. I think either perspective is valid. They are all dictated by function really, so... let us. Nah, carrot. Sorry, horrifically bad joke.
Originally posted by J.P.
What makes you think a complete description of God would be infinite?

I simply think the god concept is unknowable. I suppose you might say "a complete description of god would be infinite" as an analogy, but as it is unknowable, you can't know it, so how could you say it would be infinite? Maybe that infinity is unknowable? It might make a decent retort to given logic as an analogy that contradicts an assertion.

I'm so retarded JP that I think that even trying to define the concept of god is retarded (though kind of noble and beautiful (but SO abused by people that the nobility and beauty is tarnished)) and leads to compounding retardation.
Originally posted by J.P.

Not even infinite capacity would suffice for absolutely everything.
Capacity for what? What is "everything"? Why isn't infinity big enough? You talking cardinal numbers here? What about the set of all sets? That's surely big enough right? I mean, isn't that the definition?
Originally posted by J.P.

No one thinks omnipotence involves the ability to commit logical violations except amateurs.

LOL. That is a snobbishly idiotic thing to say. The idea of omnipotence directly implies the ability to contradict yourself. As the concept of omnipotence itself is pure abstract, one can iterate on the definition all day long to see how it plays. I think that the concept of omnipotence necessarily requires the ability to contradict itself as it is defining, but I dunno. It depends on a lot of things, your definitions/constraints.. blah blah. I'd guess you could set it up to where you don't have to contradict yourself to implement the concept but I'd argue that I think you've fundamentally changed the concept at that point. I'm sure you disagree.
Originally posted by J.P.

Try applying infinite amounts of electricity to 2 + 2 and see if you can make it equal 5.

It doesn't take that much to do it. 2+2=5 dependent on the context in which I use it.
Originally posted by J.P.

"if God exists outside of time, then God cannot possibly do things in sequence"
But if "god" existed outside of time he could do whatever. In sequence out of sequence... blah blah. My question would be "as a creature bound to time, how can you say anything about 'god' if 'he' exists outside of time with any degree of confidence?"
Originally posted by J.P.

Um hm. Ever hear of a "hypostasis"? Solves all your little problems with a finger snap.
No I haven't heard of it and uhm.. "all my little problems" are in a somewhat different context than you place them. Maybe Chris Langden would make such amatuer mistakes.
Originally posted by J.P.

"Now, let's look at the historical record of Christianity so far."
Originally posted by J.P.

Sound bite version? Tell me,...

1) How many people were killed by the Spanish Inquisition? Any idea?
2) When Israel attacked the Amalekites, what were the Amalekites doing? Were they minding their own business? Picking flowers? Do tell us how much you know about the Ancient Near East; this should be fascinating.
I'm sure people would have found some other reason to kill each other if it weren't for their retarded dogma.
Originally posted by J.P.
It's nice to see how pissed you atheists are, but some facts would also be nice to supplement all that wee wee you put down.
That is simply hallarious from a prick like yourself, spewing venom and pretending he's on the high road. What a joke you are, ASS.
Okay J.P.

So let's see J.P., are you defending christianity, the god concept, your hero's theory, or your own snobbish retardation? Which is it?
Is God Real?
One must wonder how (the concept of) 'God' first came about. Perhaps he did give us his word, or perhaps when classifying everything, all is accounted for except one thing; that that has a mind and a soul but no body. All else is covered!
Originally posted by Hemlock
One must wonder how (the concept of) 'God' first came about. Perhaps he did give us his word, or perhaps when classifying everything, all is accounted for except one thing; that that has a mind and a soul but no body. All else is covered!
M*W: Or, it could be the result of a chemical reaction in the human brain, i.e. in our hard wiring. Our hard wiring may have been programmed to manifest in the human race at some point during our evolution. Our hard wiring may have actually caused evolution. If we descended from apes, why are there still apes in the world? Shouldn't they all be human by now? What caused us to evolve beyond them? It's gotta be the hard wiring. Early mankind experienced their perception of God by the light of day and the dark of night, the movements of the moon, sun, Earth, stars and planets, and the changing weather, etc. Through the ages mankind has acquired a more definitive perception of what they believe God to be. And here we are now, eons later, still wondering if God exists. I believe all one needs to do to prove that God does exist is to look in the mirror. If one sees a reflection, one can be sure there is a God.
Our hard wiring may have actually caused evolution. If we descended from apes, why are there still apes in the world? Shouldn't they all be human by now? What caused us to evolve beyond them? It's gotta be the hard wiring.

Try learning something about evolution before spouting nonsense.

I believe all one needs to do to prove that God does exist is to look in the mirror. If one sees a reflection, one can be sure there is a God.

Or, one can fantasize whatever one wants when they see a reflection. I am fantasizing dragons, therefore I am sure dragons exist.
it's just a story:

A man went to a barber shop to have his hair and his beard cut as always. He
started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They
talked about so many things and various subjects.

Suddenly, they touched the subject of God. The barber said : "Look man, I
don't believe that God exists as you say so." "Why do you say that?" Asked
the client. Well, it's so easy, you just have to go out in the street to
realize that God does not exist. Oh, tell me, if God existed, would
there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God
existed, there would be no suffering nor pain. I can't think of a God who
permits all of these things." The client stopped for a moment thinking but
he didn't want to respond so as to prevent an argument.

The barber finished his job and the client went out of the shop. Just after
he left the barber shop he saw a man in the street with a long hair and
beard (it seems that it had been a long time since he had his cut and he
looked so untidy). Then the client again entered the barber shop and he said
to the barber : " know what? Barbers do not exist."

"How come they don't exist?"-asked the barber. "Well I am here and I am a
barber." "No!" - the client exclaimed. "They don't exist because if they did
there would be no people with long hair and beard like that man who walks in
the street."

"Ah, barbers do exist, what happens is that people do not come to me."
"Exactly!"- affirmed the client. "That's the point. God does exist, what
happens is people don't go to Him and do not look for Him that's why there's
so much pain and suffering in the world."
That's a nice story, but we can see the barber. Also, no one claimed that the barber was all-knowing and all-seeing and all-everything...
Originally posted by Cris

Why do they need to come from anywhere?

That's like a thiest saying "why does god need to have some explanation?". It's simple logic, cause and effect. Also, if you imply that nature came from nowhere, then you are saying that everything in the entire universe came from nothing, where's the logic in that? The answer "it's simply there" is absurd and has no explanation whatsoever.