Is God Rational?

Does the objective concept of god answer to any of these definitions?
Its interesting that the word is an adjective.

An adjective is a word that modifies a noun (or pronoun) to make it more specific: a "rotten" egg, a "cloudy" day, a "lovely" lady, or a "tall," "cool" glass of water.
I had to return to the city to be with my father as he needed me.
I would not have given it up for anyone else.
And when he passes I will return...but with more telescopes ☺

And your phone. And your mind. :)

When it comes to fulfilling our needs and obligations, we return to the collective (unless you construct your own telescopes or are so remote to be outside the jurisdiction of federal police etc)

To be clear I dropped out of religion in my early teens.

Never felt the need nor could I see that it was healthy believing in what I considered a fairy tale.

My point was God may not be a religious fanatic. In other words one may benefit from leading a balanced life, even if one is not forthrightly religious.

I appreciate the ability of religion to unite peoples to the status of a nation and to have millions of young men die happily on the battle field.

Its sad but where would we be without religion to create an us and them mentality.

All the great (great in the sense of influencing contemporary culture) religions of the world originated in two places : The Middle East and India. Could you say all this if we were just talking about India?

And if I were elected the world ruler,even as an athiest, I would not get rid of religion but use it to help control the populace and keep them content ...mind you if world leader I would create the perfect utopia obviously.☺ and everyone would be happy...such that they would not have to dream of a not existent afterlife.

Even as hermits we entertain what we would do as world rulers. :D

By edit I actually meant throw the lot out☺and start from scratch.

If you are going to have a fairy tale guide your life I see virtue in making it at least up to date, to get rid of stuff that is simply wrong and get rid of moralities that are repugnant in this modern era...I refer to, but not exclusively to, treating slavery as the norm or to stone to death ones new wife if she is found not to be a virgin.

You really can make a list...but of course a preacher picks out the few good bits and most never read their bible to discovery it contains so much stuff that is nonsense or clearly immoral by reasonable standards in this era.

To defend editing such nonsense really suggests that you are a time traveller from the bronze age.

Take the book of relevations...the stars shall fall upon the what is wrong with that? Stars are the suze of Suns they cant fall on the ground...

So you treat a prophesy as in relevations as credible, it comes from an ignorant fool presumably drunk or high on something rambling what can only be said to be incoherently and not making just imagine you are sitting at the bus stop and some poor devil is sitting alongside you saying such stuff..talking to himself like the author of relevations....would you not then say that this is a crazy man rambling and high on drugs...think that thru please...

I ask what virtue is there in supporting something that is just simply hidiously incorrect and reflective of an ignorant fool ranting somwhat incoherently and having folk think he made any sort of sense.

Oh the beast means this and that represents this or if it is to be treated seriously it should be clear and make perfect sense...but clearly it does not and is nonsense.

Defending such nonsense cant be pushed aside as claiming it faith or needs interpretation..its just nonsense and should be thrown in the bin...dont you agree?☺

There is a lot to be said for leaving the bible in the bronze age as it infects folk with ignorance in this age...they somehow think the bible is the word of God.

...well if we are to let the masses believe in some fairy tale at least cant we get it somewhat correct ..or leave it as it is and so it is used to cultivate stupidity and ignorance.

I think most of the flat Earth followers cite one holy book or another as authority for their delussion.

And the flood at least localise the event so we dont have a situation where we have a story that is just impossible.


If you want to solve an impossible story, try that of being happy in the material world.
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If people are just (actually, probably "more") susceptible to desire, greed and anger

I used thisquote merely to say that I enjoyed your videoand to thank you for posting it.

He is to be believed as he has a beard.

I think I can take it one step further.

And I got shouted down here when I suggested this recently.But I still employ the machinery that I suggest.

I try to say of so many things that would probably get me angry..
"Things just are."
from that I remind myself that one need not judge so many things.

If a guy cuts you off in traffic well it is so easy to get angry ..whereas I try to say..."things just are"..meaning this sort of thing happens frequently and getting angry is to complain in effect of something that happen time and time again... as our learned friend said when recalling advice from his father..the guy may well regret his foolishness.
And so often when I have done something stupid such that it may anger others I certainly regret my perhaps impulsive and inappropriate action.

I when presenting my machinery to manage anger I made the mistake of saying I did not judge things to be good or bad and that bought astrong responce that there are bad things...and of course there are many bad things...but my use of this simple machinery lets one avoid getting upset with so many things that really one should not be bothered letting take up head space. I suggest try and avoid even step one of the various parts of anger as outlined by our learned friend.

These days I find I get angry less than I once would and it is because these words jump into my mind rather easily now.

And as the learned genteleman in the video says as to the final stage of his clever break down of the components of anger, the part about resentment...the folly is to let anger persist as resentment allow someone to inhabit your head space. This is where you need to forgive..not so much for them but for you and your peace of mind.

So often its not the event that causes the damage but it comes from stewing over somethin that may not have gone the way you expected... For example..He did not pay back the loan anger invades..well the loss was when you first put your hand in your pocket..stewing over it and taking your mind off the next constructive thing to do is what causes real damage and the lost funds will be insignificant when compared to the stewing over the loss of cash.

And if anything one could thank that person to remind one not to lend money if there is a chance it wont come back without a fuss.SO in one aspect the blame liesnot with the debtor but with you for being silly to lend...And certainly if it is your business to lend well you would have taken security and the problem would never have been an issue.

Again thanks for the video I really liked that chap.


I see what you mean.
But I did indeed make scopes and I was so far out I dont think the police liked to come out that far.
Ironically the only people who visited after being there 18 months or more were four old folk belonging to the Jehova Witness group.
What could I do...I kept my atheism to myself and told them they were doing a wonderful job.
Poor things so old even older than me now.
And brave as out there the few folk around and miles away from me would have likely set the dogs on them.

If you want to solve an impossible story, try that of being happy in the material world.
Money was never my God.
I know I can be happy with very little.
I know many cannot.

I rate sucess not on money but on peace and contentment.

I have worked for folk who were very wealthy but unhappy ,...some wealthy people are happy no doubt but managing a decent chunk of capital will cause stress... tax, lawyers, accountants, folk who want you to invest or to buy or give .and if someone needs cash they call to see you before they go to the bank... the benefit of being a hermit I minimised so much of these things.

Time for me and my hobbies and my thoughts..time to draw and paint to build stuffand invent things..all personally satisfying yet inexpensive...astronomy sounds expensive but $10,000 gets you right there and you can start with like a $500 scope.

A local objective value still isn't universal.
An objective logical and rational value can certainly be universal. I think science has proven that.
Objective Values fall in the domain of mathematics, not the domain of religion or mythology. they deal with local subjective values..
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That would be a big if as really there is no need for a God when you just think clearly and rationally.
I would hope scientists have the ability to think clearly and rationally such that thete is no room for make believe.
“If you thought that science was certain - well, that is just an error on your part.”
/ Richard Feynman /
. . . . .
“If you thought that science was certain - well, that is just an error on your part.”
/ Richard Feynman /
. . . . .

I dont know the context in which he said that and frankly I would disagree.
A throw away to a class leading into what he really means..which I bet would be along the lines I outline below...Just think... me right... him wrong..argue for him and you can only lose.

And I bet he would be one of the first to propose the idea of sigma ratings which really makes somewhat a mockery of his statement.

Why not go to cosmoquest and say that the big bang theory is not certain or that dark matter is not certain and if you can return with out fur missing I will go along with the quote.

I hate quotes from famous people or rather I hate how folk sit around and say oh isnt that clever...when it is not.

Actually I think we could open a thread...Dumb arse quotes regarded as profound but not...or similar.

Rather than quote why not simply is not about seeking what a layman would describe as the truth but to merely find a model that fits a particular theory that has the propensity to make testable predictions that tend to confirm the theoryknowing that the maths and observations are very certain.... At that point perhaps draw attention to the concept of a scientific model that has the Earth at the center of the solar system..and how although that is not "truth" the model nevertheless is a good scientific model because one can reliably use it to predict the positions of planets etc in the future.

If you wish to say that such a model is not certain than you would be incorrect..if you were to say that the model placing the Earth at the center of the solar system is not the truth that is an entirely different matter...and I suppose truthfully the Earth is not at the center of the solar system but the model is absolutely certain in its reliable predictions.

Quotes bother me as they somehow relieve the person using the quote to make their own observation and use their own words ..its like swearing why use a descriptive adjective when you can pull out a one fits all a common worn out profanity... why not use the wonderful words that are available...not some term that folk dont even think about...f ng this or that...why not say something more...and so it is with quotes..what is it a test of memory that defeats thinking or worse still something found from an ability to search a quote web site.

And where do these famous folk make these famous statements..Mostly at parties where they are probably tipsy and trying to impress some chick and someone decides to report it in the newspaper next day...He must be either a very dirty man or a very clean one because he takes three baths a day...ha ha ha..have another scotch ..yes dont mind if I are so clever..lets go back to my place....
Damn its front page news did you tell will I live that down...dont worry folk are so stupid they will think its wise...sigh.

I bet if you tried the line at cosmoquest and did not drop a name and they did not jerry to who said it you would be ripped to bits.

What do you think?

“If you thought that science was certain - well, that is just an error on your part.”
/ Richard Feynman /
. . . . .
Maybe I missed what you were trying to say...are you trying to establish that because some one said something they could not hold to with a straight face that gives credibility to a make believe fairy tale... well no it does not..If you claim there is a God then show me something real and by that I mean evidence that the story is more than make believe.
But please if you are trying to link science with religion then start with evidence not quotes out of context actually saying almost the opposite of the true position.

Are you saying because scinece is not certain God therefore that what you are saying?

Its interesting that the word is an adjective.

An adjective is a word that modifies a noun (or pronoun) to make it more specific: a "rotten" egg, a "cloudy" day, a "lovely" lady, or a "tall," "cool" glass of water.
Yes, it can mean the state of an object or condition.
It is also a noun;
Rational, noun, Mathematics.
1. a number that can be expressed exactly by a ratio of two integers.

If you have a "cool" glass of water, a mathematical calculation will show that you beter drink it soon, because the moment it is served, it will begin to lose its coolness.. This can be calculated with great exactness, by means of rational mathematics.
god is not rational .

Any god , of any form , that wants to elimate Humanity . Is not rational
Well that's kind of depressing. If even God, who has literally all the power, wealth and resources in the universe cannot fulfill his desire, what hope does the rest of us have?
Yes, it can mean the state of an object or condition.
It is also a noun;

If you have a "cool" glass of water, a mathematical calculation will show that you beter drink it soon, because the moment it is served, it will begin to lose its coolness.. This can be calculated with great exactness, by means of rational mathematics.
If you can't gather correct information on the noun, any attempt to qualify it with an adjective is a waste of time.

Just see this picture of a frozen glass of water to see what I mean.

If you can't gather correct information on the noun, any attempt to qualify it with an adjective is a waste of time.

Just see this picture of a frozen glass of water to see what I mean.

First, that is not a frozen glass of water, which already dooms your example. Second, we were specifically talking about a "cool" glass of water.

But ok, let unpack this.

If we had all the available information of the prevailing conditions, we could precisely predict when all the ice would be melted and the partly cold, partly already warmed banana. The mathematics would be able to determine the rational state of the glass, the ice, and the banana at every step of warming.
Unsurprisingly, issues with defining the noun automatically preempt any discussions about the adjective.
No, you already defined the adjective form of rational and I have no quarrel with that, but your example ignores the term "rational" in mathematics. Mathematically your example does not represent the adjective "cool" water. It's a fricking block of ice with ripe bananas frozen inside. Is that enough adjectives for you? But mathematically it does not in any way represent a glass of "cool" water.

It is you who ignored the mathematical aspect and definition of rationality, thereby preempting the noun "rational" as a mathematical aspect of a "cool" glass of water. Which became obvious by your example.

I presented 5 definitions (4 adjectives and 1 noun in mathematics) in post # 79, with the question if any of these definitions applied to the standard interpretation of God.
So far the only answer I received is "zero out of 5" and no one else seems to disagree.

But ok, what rational adjective would you give to God? Omnipotent?
1.(of a deity) having unlimited power; able to do anything.

synonyms: all-powerful, almighty, supreme, preeminent, most high, ...

noun: 1.God.

So per definitions of the noun ; God = Mathematical rationality.

Actually that would speak in favor of the concept of God. A mathematical god is much more plausible than a indeterminate omnipotent being.
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No, you already defined the adjective form of rational and I have no quarrel with that, but your example ignores the term "rational" in mathematics. Mathematically your example does not represent the adjective "cool" water. It's a fricking block of ice with ripe bananas frozen inside. Is that enough adjectives for you? But mathematically it does not in any way represent a glass of "cool" water.

It is you who ignored the mathematical aspect and definition of rationality, thereby preempting the noun "rational" as a mathematical aspect of a "cool" glass of water. Which became obvious by your example.

I presented 5 definitions (4 adjectives and 1 noun in mathematics) in post # 79, with the question if any of these definitions applied to the standard interpretation of God.
So far the only answer I received is "zero out of 5" and no one else seems to disagree.

But ok, what rational adjective would you give to God? Omnipotent?

So per definitions of the noun ; God = Mathematical rationality.

Actually that would speak in favor of the concept of God. A mathematical god is much more plausible than a indeterminate omnipotent being.

If you want to talk about rational as a noun, you have misread the OP.

And if you want to talk about God purely in terms of mathematics (and not merely as a metaphor), you probably have more explaining to do than a person trying to pass off a banana in an ice cube as a glass of frozen water.
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