Is God Rational?

In my religion we believe that omniscience the angel of light was sent from Heaven to earth in order to assure God was not ignorant of human suffering.
And what did he do about it? Except cause Jesus to suffer too? Not sure what that was supposed to prove. Walk on water but unable to remove a nail. And a carpenter at that.
And what did he do about it? Except cause Jesus to suffer too? Not sure what that was supposed to prove. Walk on water but unable to remove a nail. And a carpenter at that.

Even LOVE is fallen. Faith too. Hate masqurades as a virtue. The only hope is for Lucifer to return to Heaven right all along.
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Except that nature does not use, nor describe numbers at all.
It uses "relative values" which are always rational.

Quantum physics uses Dirac's concept ''negative virtual particles''
and nobody knows what they are,
What if they are real physical irrational objects - particles ( 2πr )
in Plato's view and their existence is independent of everything,
like quantum of light is independent of its source ( Einstein's view )
1.2 The philosophical significance of mathematical platonism

Mathematical platonism has considerable philosophical significance.
If the view is true, it will put great pressure on the physicalist idea
that reality is exhausted by the physical. For platonism entails that
reality extends far beyond the physical world and includes objects
which aren’t part of the causal and spatiotemporal order studied
by the physical sciences.
[1] Mathematical platonism, if true, will also put great pressure on many
naturalistic theories of knowledge.
For there is little doubt that we possess mathematical knowledge.
The truth of mathematical platonism would therefore establish
that we have knowledge of abstract (and thus causally inefficacious) objects.
This would be an important discovery, which many naturalistic theories
of knowledge would struggle to accommodate.
Planck surmised that the origin was an intelligent spirit.
It is comforting to think that an intelligent mind is out there or in here.

God is not actually omnipotent,
He must act according to Physical and Math Laws.
Therefore an intelligent spirit must have physical
and math marks.
1.2 The philosophical significance of mathematical platonism

Mathematical platonism has considerable philosophical significance.
If the view is true, it will put great pressure on the physicalist idea
that reality is exhausted by the physical. For platonism entails that
reality extends far beyond the physical world and includes objects
which aren’t part of the causal and spatiotemporal order studied
by the physical sciences.
[1] Mathematical platonism, if true, will also put great pressure on many
naturalistic theories of knowledge.
For there is little doubt that we possess mathematical knowledge.
The truth of mathematical platonism would therefore establish
that we have knowledge of abstract (and thus causally inefficacious) objects.
This would be an important discovery, which many naturalistic theories
of knowledge would struggle to accommodate.
I'm not sure if I agree with that. From the link.
Platonism about mathematics (or mathematical platonism) is the metaphysical view that there are abstract mathematical objects whose existence is independent of us and our language, thought, and practices. Just as electrons and planets exist independently of us, so do numbers and sets. And just as statements about electrons and planets are made true or false by the objects with which they are concerned and these objects’ perfectly objective properties, so are statements about numbers and sets. Mathematical truths are therefore discovered, not invented.
IMO, that statement perfectly describes natural universal potentials (metaphysical values) and is the very reason why and how it is possible for us to observe the mathematical patterns emerging from apparent chaotic conditions.

The universe uses unnamed "values and functions" which we are able to recognize and codify (give meaning to) into human symbolic representations of inherent universal physics and mathematics.

This is the basis for Max Tegmark's hypothesis of a "mathematical universe".

But it is also used by religions to justify the belief in an "intelligent agent" and "intelligent design". Of course, it's just universal mathematical functions, which to an observer appear to be intelligent (rational) functions, but are really only impersonal pseudo-intelligent mathematically rational functional processes of relative mathematical values.
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There are rational reasons to be religious. If it prevents you from murdering people. If you benefit from the church in some way. If your family would disown you and that's more important than your personal beliefs...
I happen to think atheism is rational as long as there is no convincing arguments otherwise.

My advice, follow where the evidence points and stick to your goals and values. If religion makes you a better and happier person then have faith. If being atheist or agnostic feels more comfortable and feels more honest then be one of those.
My advice, follow where the evidence points and stick to your goals and values. If religion makes you a better and happier person have faith. If being atheist or agnostic feels more comfortable and feels more honest then be that.
Tell that to Capracus. He seems very comfortable to be the Devil's Advocate. Are you going to defend morality, or are you leaving it to atheists to defeat evil?
I believe that killing other people in the name of God is wrong. How can we know what God knows or wants, or if he even exists.
Right, and as theist, you have standing in the spiritual world. So please do tell that to Capracus, who delights in sowing chaos in the landscape of morality.
Right, and as theist, you have standing in the spiritual world. So please do tell that to Capracus, who delights in sowing chaos in the landscape of morality.

If he is reading this and has said these things then I would like him to know that I believe murder, in the name of God or any form, is immoral because all life is sacred.
All the scientific evidence I have collected over the years points to there being absolutely no God.

The evidence shows that our planet is very small and therefore insignificant compared to the infinite size of the universe.

What I mean is that we could be just a small species who is projecting our own mental idolatries onto this vast cosmos but nature doesn't recognize and is completely indifferent to our mental idolatries and religions.

Also at the rate we are consuming this planet's resources we will run out of resources eventually and then many people are going to die and there is nothing we can do about it because this planet's resources are really in finite supply.

In my opinion religion is bullshit nothing more. We are all going to die one day and there is nothing we can do about it.
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