Is god more important than Humanity ?

If so , why ?

I believe humans are host body's for spirits like knowledge and time or wishes and dreams, so we are as important as anything else. We may get hurt, and suffer time and time again while God knows about it and does nothing but that doesn't make us trash.
I believe humans are host body's for spirits like knowledge and time or wishes and dreams, so we are as important as anything else. We may get hurt, and suffer time and time again while God knows about it and does nothing but that doesn't make us trash.

Which do you thank is more happy... humans... spirits or God.???
Of course not. No one knows what he wants. No one knows if they can trust the people that say what he wants. What if he doesn't want anything? He made us, so he must think that's important.
God is a spirit that resides in those that believe. If God is in you then that's your deal, and so God's level of importance to you is your decision. My meter is pegged at zero.
"more important"?????....I do not understand the question. :shrug:
I believe humans are host body's for spirits like knowledge and time or wishes and dreams, so we are as important as anything else. We may get hurt, and suffer time and time again while God knows about it and does nothing but that doesn't make us trash.

You guys are being delusional because God does not exist. There is no evidence that God exists otherwise there wouldn't be so many people suffering on this planet.

The existence of extreme pain and suffering and injustice and death to me clearly proves that God does not exist.

And since God does not exist this makes humanity the most important of all. Religion has never solved any problem and never will, only humanity can do that.
You guys are being delusional because God does not exist. There is no evidence that God exists otherwise there wouldn't be so many people suffering on this planet.

The existence of extreme pain and suffering and injustice and death to me clearly proves that God does not exist.

And since God does not exist this makes humanity the most important of all. Religion has never solved any problem and never will, only humanity can do that.

Why assume a god would prevent pain and suffering and injustice and death???
Why assume a god would prevent pain and suffering and injustice and death???

Why not? If God is really omni-loving and omni-capable then it's definitely not so much to expect of him to eradicate all forms of suffering, pain and death.

Otherwise if he doesn't want to do that or is just not capable of doing this then why even call him God?

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”