is God atheist?

Enigma'07 said:
He could not be atheist, for then He would be denying His own existance. There is only one God, and He doesn't worship "gods" that do not exist. There is no reason for Him to, for He is all powerful and they can never be.

§outh§tar said:
Why would an "all mighty" God, even as you say, worship other gods?
question: what came first the chicken, or the egg.

If you believe we could not of just suddenly existed,and that we must of been created, by a god. the the same logic applies to him, who created him,
basic chicken and the egg.

so you two amoeba minds, please take it from here.

I am an atheist and I know I exist, I think therefore I am.
On the contrary, God means the creator of the Universe.

This is an assumption. "god" the entity whom supposedly created the universe only gives an atribute to some action this entity has done, it does not define what god is, it's not human, we are only told that this entity is uncomprehensible to the human mind, not exactly an explanation of who or what god is, only that our feeble minds can't comprehend what "it" is. Thus the word still has no identity.

There appear to be flaws in the reasoning on that site.

Point them out to Vexen, he seems to have a very reasonable and logical argument however I'm no expert. I'm just an atheist. But I'm interested of which flaws for instance are you talking about?.

This is false. The author makes no distinction between strong and weak atheism. It is weak athism that doesn't claim God is disproved, while strong atheists do. Nonetheless, there are good arguments on that page.

The article is quite old, I've only seen weak/strong atheist objectives here, this is relatively new phenomenon, thats been going on for several years on the net. I tend to consider myself a strong atheist, however I've come to the conclusion that one can't claim the existence of or non existence of a supreme entity which one can't define. In order for me to claim that "wagasgadget" exist I would have to know what wagasgadget are, if I don't I can't claim their existence or lack off. Thus one has to have a clear consice defenition of what god is, in order to claim existence/non-existence of this entity.

God is defined as the creator of the Universe, and there are proofs of God's nonexistence.

If I were to take this sentence out of context of our argument, this would look like a contradiction. :D

However my reasoning still stands, one has no defenition of what god is based on some action. (i.e. creating a universe), with enough technology, and power we may be able to create our own universe, however we humans have identity, the supposed creator of this universe does not.

question: what came first the chicken, or the egg.

At face value, I would ask why couldn't they both come at the same time? If you apply this to religion, then I would say the creator (the chicken) came first.

If you believe we could not of just suddenly existed,and that we must of been created, by a god. the the same logic applies to him, who created him

No they don't because alter the kalam so that you get (1) whatever begins to exist has a cause, (2) people begin to exist, (3) people have a cause. God is infinant, therefore, He doesn't need a cause.

so you two amoeba minds, please take it from here.

We are the same species as you, therefore, we having amoeba minds = you having an amoeba mind.

Nope. And it's "inifinite" not "infinant".

Sorry, I suck at spelling. :rolleyes:

Have you ever heard of Impossibility of Transversing the Infinite, or shall I explain?
Sorry, I suck at spelling

Enigma, dont worry about your spelling when one only attacks such trivial thing as spelling or gramar these are considered weak argument tactics, I understand your writing just fine.


God is infinant, therefore, He doesn't need a cause.

If the above is true, then god is weak, and he caused the universe, and again caused us, thus this renders the causeless god, with cause, or it's useless, without having some minion minds worship it. God is a non-sequirtus, a word with no meaning and an entity with no identity.

You claim that god has no cause or need no cause, however it still created a universe, and created life on a planet to worship it. God sounds like a bored child that created some toys to play with, and we are the toys.

This is an assumption. "god" the entity whom supposedly created the universe only gives an atribute to some action this entity has done, it does not define what god is, it's not human, we are only told that this entity is uncomprehensible to the human mind, not exactly an explanation of who or what god is, only that our feeble minds can't comprehend what "it" is. Thus the word still has no identity.
It's not an assumption, it's the definition. The meaning of the word God is creator of the Universe, and any incomprehensibility or incoherence of the concept is irrelevant. What God is, is the creator of the Universe. Nothing more can be said about God.
Point them out to Vexen, he seems to have a very reasonable and logical argument however I'm no expert. I'm just an atheist. But I'm interested of which flaws for instance are you talking about?
"2.1. Instant Creation
If God is all-knowing, then the instant God was conscious it would have known all the pros and cons of creating a Universe and knew that it was going to do it. Therefore there is no reason for God to wait. If God chooses to wait then what is the reason?... there must be a reason. This reason, to cause God to wait, would be a limit on his omnipotence. If there is some reason why God hesitates in creating the Universe then at some point that reason no longer existed and he went on to create the Universe. What caused the "reason" for the wait to go away? Therefore the Universe must have existed for infinity, it must have been automatically created the same instant God was."

First, he presumes God is omniscient, which is fine if you're discussing the Christian God, but that is just one religion. Omniscience is inconsistent with reality, so that rules out the Christian God. Second, he presumes that God waited to create the Universe. Third, he presumes there's something wrong with him delaying. There could be any number of reasons, since we don't know what would be going through the mind of a supposedly omniscient being. Perhaps he simply chose for time to pass beforehand? He also claims that waiting is somehow a limit on omnipotence.
My point is, he makes a lot of claims and assumptions, but does not substantiate them, and I do not see how they follow.
question: what came first the chicken, or the egg.
The egg of course.
The article is quite old, I've only seen weak/strong atheist objectives here, this is relatively new phenomenon, thats been going on for several years on the net. I tend to consider myself a strong atheist, however I've come to the conclusion that one can't claim the existence of or non existence of a supreme entity which one can't define.
I'm a strong atheist as well, and I would agree if I didn't think God could be defined, but the word exists, so there must be a definition or it wouldn't be a word.
In order for me to claim that "wagasgadget" exist I would have to know what wagasgadget are, if I don't I can't claim their existence or lack off. Thus one has to have a clear consice defenition of what god is, in order to claim existence/non-existence of this entity.
How can you get more clear and concise than "creator of the Universe"? It's as simple and consice as it gets.
If I were to take this sentence out of context of our argument, this would look like a contradiction.
Perhaps if one assumed the statement presumed the existence of God was true, though given the second half of the statement, that wouldn't make much sense.
Have you ever heard of Impossibility of Transversing the Infinite, or shall I explain?
What's your point?
Enigma, dont worry about your spelling when one only attacks such trivial thing as spelling or gramar these are considered weak argument tactics, I understand your writing just fine.
I don't know how you construed it as an argument tactic. I simply corrected his spelling, which has no relevance to any arguments made.
God is a non-sequirtus, a word with no meaning and an entity with no identity.
The term is non-sequitur, and it means the conclusion does not follow (is not supported by the argument).
If the above is true, then god is weak,
That is an example of a non-sequitur.
You claim that god has no cause or need no cause, however it still created a universe, and created life on a planet to worship it. God sounds like a bored child that created some toys to play with, and we are the toys.
What he means is God doesn't need to have been caused to exist, and that he's eternal. Not that he doesn't need to cause anything.
fahrenheit 451 said:
question: what came first the chicken, or the egg.
not sure where Ive seen the answer to this but it must have been
the egg ,
only it didnt come out of a chicken but some other bird/animal,thats your evolution in action ;)
That's right. The first chicken would be the one that branched off the previous species and couldn't procreate with generations from the previous species. Thus, it's parent would be of the previous species, but it would be considered a chicken (or rather, it's ancestor).
Q25 said:
if there was this all mighty God/creator/being as some believe,
would it worship other gods?or would it be atheist? :p
Maybe if it was lucky it’d be Buddhist? But the way the Christian God is going I fear he may not reach that realization until it’s to late and He dies and is born as a Human or another animal?
Michael said:
Maybe if it was lucky it’d be Buddhist? But the way the Christian God is going I fear he may not reach that realization until it’s to late and He dies and is born as a Human or another animal?

Buddhist!? The core teaching there is "the cause of all suffering is desire". Do you think God suffers? Do you think God should have no desires?

Buddhism is nothing more than what Western Stoic Philosophy was. It has no moral vision. The goal of Buddhism and Stoicism was to give its adherents Peace of Mind. The main idea was to give up caring about anything so that you would no longer be anxious or worried. We call it Religious Quietism, today. It is the tendency to bury one's head in the sand and to ignore anything that wasn't entirely pleasant.

This is why Christ's ministry opened up a Religious Revolution. Christ, rather than holding up individual Peace of Mind, as the supreme goal, taught that it was noble to suffer if by suffering morality and justice could be established. Emphasis was placed upon a Collective Security founded in a Community of Love and Charity, as opposed to individuals seeking their own peace of mind. Look at the Buddhists and the Stoics -- they were not Communities, but individuals. Buddhism thrived in the town where wealthy businessmen would retire into Monk's Robes and try to forget the pillagings of a lifetime. The same demographics could be seen in the Roman Stoics. Protestants today are the heirs to Roman Stoicism -- live a life of Greed and Selfishness and rest assured that Christ will absolve you of your guilt.
*I'm a strong atheist as well, and I would agree if I didn't think God could be defined, but the word exists, so there must be a definition or it wouldn't be a word.*

Alpha I will drop it, it makes no sense arguing the identity of non-existence entity, however there is this one defenition I think you might like it:

A young boy asks his Priest if God is a man or a woman. The Priest decides to tease the boy and answers that God is both.

The boy then asks if God is black or white. Again the answer is both.

Next question, is God gay or straight. Once more the answer is both.

The boy then asks "Father, is Michael Jackson God?"

Alpha I will drop it, it makes no sense arguing the identity of non-existence entity,
The identity is simple, it's arguing the non-existence that's where all the debate is at.
invert_nexus said:
Damnit! You all beat me to it. The egg came first. It's simple.
not according to Enigma
I quote: At face value, I would ask why couldn't they both come at the same time? If you apply this to religion, then I would say the creator (the chicken) came first.
it begger's belief.
Leo Volont said:
Buddhist!? The core teaching there is "the cause of all suffering is desire".
Xian! The core teaching there is "death" – preferably by crucifixion. :)

Anyway, Buddhism is just like any other religion. As a matter of fact in day-to-day living I rarely see little (if any at all) differences in “most” peoples lives regardless of which religion they practice. The main influence is societal.

Leo Volont said:
Do you think God suffers? Do you think God should have no desires?
Do you think God has desires?

The reason I thought of Buddhism is because of a conversation I once had with a devout Buddhist. Nice guy. We were talking about God(s) and how they fit into the scheme of Buddhism and how being a God may actually be a big hindrance on its “advancing” towards becoming Buddha.