
First, are you unaware that Jesus was alive in the new testament and not in the old?????

John 1:1-2
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God, and the Word was God.
He was in the BEGINNING with God.

Now according to the Bible Jesus is the Word.
John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

So Jesus has always been around from the beginning, yes? Unless your point is that Jesus the man was not in the OT but rather the NT BECAUSE there are no true facts that
he is the son of God... Just a man..and his delusion... ;)

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited December 27, 1999).]
Hey Lori! We should talk. Bible talk. I'm a fellow Christian with faith ......BUT I have some of my own beliefs about his second coming and the bible and aliens!
What language is the oldest bible on earth written in? I studied this language for the sole purpose of reading it.
This same language was around way before Latin.......which means way before English............??!!
Dear Whammy,
welcome on board, but we're not playing enigma here, :) if you've got something original to say, just say it!
We're all ears...eyes er whatever!

[This message has been edited by tablariddim (edited December 31, 1999).]


I didn't say that SOME of the OT laws didn't make sense, but that they didn't make sense to me. There's a difference. I'm not THAT smart ya know? I'm sure it's obvious. For the most part, the message that I get, regarding many of the punishments and acts of atonement that are told of in the OT, is that we are very powerful beings. Our intentions and our thoughts and resulting behaviors towards each other, this planet, and to God MATTER more than any of us comprehend, and that seems logical to me. And our sin is much more destructive than we like to believe that it is. That seems right to me. Jesus was the Lamb. The last sacrifice ever needed to atone for sin. The ultimate gift to us from God. Grace, check into it. :)

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick. :)
According to the bible..that's what happened.

Jesus had a lot of public relations now..didn't he? Example...John the baptist...

Charles Manson was able to convince his group of a lot of things too.

PU! Turn down that stench woman! Stinky fruit alert! Stinky fruit alert! *sirens, bells, gas-masks*

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.

PU! Turn down that stench woman! Stinky fruit alert! Stinky fruit alert! *sirens, bells, gas-masks*

What can you do? That's what happens when Satan does the "happy dance"... It'll pass!!! :)

Jesus had a lot of public relations now..didn't he? Example...John the baptist...

Charles Manson was able to convince his group of a lot of things too.

Talk about someone who has been brain-washed!

Flash, I'm really concerned about what it is that has gotten ahold of you. It is apparently, very deceptive. :(

Do you realize that you are doing the work of the anti-Christ?
Isn't it funny when someone disagrees with you that is what you shout!
Admit "stinky" as it may seem to you.. it makes sense. THINK...or is that too hard for you to know..the open-
mind thing...

Need I remind you again??? This Spirit of Truth is NOT evil- so leave Satan out of it... happy dance??? Please!
Brain-washed?????? How?? Why do you say that??? Because it goes against what CHRISTIANS believe???? Hardly fair.
Perhaps you are the one that has been deceived..think about that.
I'm doing the work of the anti-christ????
Have you folks even read the Bible? Think back to those days (if you went) of church. They told you (us) what the biblical meanings were. Now enter the realm of the Bible as an objective researcher. Things will look very different. The "angels" that visited Ezeikl(sp?) were described as having decended from "heaven" in a craft having "wheels within wheels". What do angels need with machinery? By the way the craft described now holds a patient with NASA based on the propellers described on the landing legs (the power source is yet unknown).
In fact most famous is Moses's visit with "angels" that gave him the lord's top ten. When he returned from the top of the mountain his hair had turned white---classic radiation sickness symptom.
You ask if God is an alien. Assuming there is a being that does not use advanced technology to "monitor" us and that lives everywhere at once and creates all things, then yes. God would be the most amazing thing this side of the cosmos.
Realistically, God is a human born concept used throughout the ages to explain that which we do not know. Imagine living in Jesus's day. No phone, no lights, no motor cars.... get it? Anything decending from "heaven" or at least an earth bound orbit would seem as God-like as you could get. If God or his angels tried that crap today they would be chased by migs and F14s, not worshipped.
Above all think of the different crafts that you've seen pictures of over the last few years. Some glow and some are "v" shapped, some are nuclear powered (evidenced by the radiation sickness suffeed by eye witnesses) while others are round or diamond shapped.The differences indicate different races, or species. Some may be benign while others have agendas good and bad.
The point I'm making is that it doesn't matter what we call these ceatures or what we believe God should be defined as. If there is a God, he is not a he or she and God would not be anything we could comprehend or attach human attributes (anger, revenge, etc.)to.
If there are aliens they most certianly have the ability to wipe us out if so desired. All I know is that we're still here and were still screwed up. The only way to impress creatures as advanced as these is to dump oppresive and controlling organized religion and get spiritual instead. Erase the lines that divide our little planet and who knows, one day a small planet of creatures somewhere far far away may write a book and call us gods!!!


It'll pass? Yea, it will. But possibly with much suffering for some. I have been telling her and warning her for over a year??? Brain-washed? That's one word for it. Cop out? Yea, that might be another. What did I refer to it as Flash? The antichrist laser light show?


Ok, I can't believe I'm doing this, but the differences between Jesus and Charles Manson are....(what the bleep is going on here)???!!!

Manson was a delusional lunatic, Jesus was a sinless man of peace, grace, and mercy, who spoke the word of God that heals the whole world.

Manson was a murderer. Jesus healed the sick, brought a dead child back to life even, and oh yea, drove evil spirits out of men. What do you want to bet that if Jesus had gotten ahold of Manson, or was to get ahold of him this very day, that He couldn't heal him too? I just watched that movie "Son of Sam" last night. Good movie. Did you know that Berkowitz is saved? I saw him on some documentary on TV not too long ago. I believe him. Jesus works miracles in people's lives. Oh yea, and Manson did not. And before anyone out there wants to jump at the chance to argue something ridiculous. Do I think that Berkowitz should be "released" now due to his new-found religion? Of course not. So there. He could minister to other prisoners though. Now there's a noble profession. Better than mine. Now that's a bleeping miracle, thank you very much Jesus.

Now listen Flash, we've been through this whole fruity issue before. It's not stinky TO ME, it's just stinky. It's defined that way in the Bible, and with good reason which you blatently choose to ignore, because of the antichrist laser light show. And not only is it defined as rotten, but the existence of such rotten fruit in and of itself is evidence of spiritual deception. Now TS, watch her totally IGNORE what I just said. Can you whip out some back up scripture? Oh well good, because she'll say it was written by man and then misinterpreted by man, all the while the manifestations of that very word of our Lord are RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER FACE. Word for word, to the letter, I've never seen a more powerful witness in my life, and she's totally blind to it.

Am I frustrated? Yes. :) I like you Flash. You're a good person. But you're messing around with the most dangerous thing on earth.

To everyone,

I think Wolfish just did a really great job of witnessing to us the word of God in the Book of Revelations. He just described the religion of the antichrist. What's his name, his number? Why it's the number of man. So thank you Wolfish for witnessing the Word of our Lord for us, and I ask our Father in Jesus name that you seek the truth in His divine word and that He touches your heart and speaks to your soul, and that you are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb, and our Saviour, Amen.

PS - Did you ever wonder where all the hardware was? Hint....there is none. It's all an illusion. It's spiritual in nature; it's a flippin' movie. God doesn't need a vehicle of physical dimention. That's why there's no evidence. If there was a spaceship for every sighting or abduction, or ok let's say for a 10th of them, there would be so much traffic in the sky, they would be colliding in mid-air. I fly all the time, never seen a thing. Do you know why? Because they know it would be a waste of time. I already know who they are. ;)

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.
Hey Everybody, I have some testimony for you!

I have almosted died three times but something or someone had something else to say about it.

1) I was 16 years old and got a Z-28 Camaro for my B-day. Two weeks later I'm racing down a street chasing one of my friends. I came to a corner (90 degrees) going about 80 mph. For some reason I thought I could take this corner(90 degrees) without slowing down. About 100ft down, on the same side of the street as the corner, was a tree. Probably a 1000 year old tree that got some exercise for the first time in long while.SMASH!!!! When the police arrived I was just standing there thinking of lies to tell my parents. I had a red stuff all over me and the inside of the car. Cops are freaking out, telling me to sit down, and asking me if I'm alright.
I had a red pop in my lap. They immediately assumed it was blood because of the imprint on the windsheild from my head. "Your lucky you had your seat belt on son." I must of heard that 100 times that night from different people. After looking at my skid marks on the road, the Cops said that I was going between 65-70mph when I hit the tree dead on.
I LIED about my seatbelt. Never had it on!!!

2) To make a long story short. I've had a bat broken over my head. The neurologist said that they hit me(amazingly) on hardest part of my skull(my crown). 2 inches higher or lower would have killed upon contact. Instead they cracked my skull and put me hospital for 2 weeks.

3) Just recently, while visiting the beatiful British Virgin Island, I had a gun pointed at me. Nice place to visit yeah?!
NOT!!! :mad:

So the point i'm trying to make to you'all is that I definatley believe in God. I beileve that God has put each and everything on this planet for a reason, of course, some more important than others. :D

Just got to have faith... whatever you believe in!!!
Whammy- Time for me to channel Dana Scully here:

Tale #1) A 100 mile an hour impact into a tree does not in any way guarantee that you are going to die, or even get hurt. While the odds are great, they are not a sure thing. No divine being saved you, only the sheer luck of coming up on the right side of the coin. Write it off to experience and, when or if you become a parent, NEVER give a sports car to a teenager.

Tale #2)The crown of the head is so called because it is the highest point on the skull. The slightly pointed shape of this feature calls for considerably more bone structure because it is the place most likely to get hit. The odds were with you this time, and you can owe this one to simple geometry. The crown is slightly pyramid shaped, and the pyramid is one of the strongest structures known.

Tale #3) Having a gun pointed at you is no indication of divine intervention. Many people get loaded guns pointed at them by desperate people who never pull the trigger. In fact, most people today who use guns in the commission of crimes are so convinced of the power of the presence of a gun that they honestly believe that simply waving it at someone is the best way to intimidate them. The notorious I-5 gang always waved their guns around, but never shot anybody. All they wanted to do was scare the victim into surrendering the goods. What you had was a scary situation that turned out the way most of that nature do. The press never tells you about the shootings that don't happen.

Yes, I've been on the wrong end of a gun. Yes, the person holding the gun had my undivided attention. I kept my hands in sight and made no funny moves. That hammer was back and that bullet was writing my name on itself. Rationale and a calm demeanor saved the day. Things only got better when the gunman turned out to be a plainclothes cop and I had happened to show up at the wrong place at the wrong time. No god involved.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
I was not asking that you compare Jesus with Charles Manson... sorry you went to all that trouble..oops :) What I meant is Charles Manson's great ability to brain-wash his people... What I did ask you to compare was Jim Jones and Jesus. That is a perfect comparison...can you do THAT one for me? If you even attempt to ....I bet you have a hard time trying not to make the two sound alike in many ways. I am not saying they are 100% alike...but pretty dang close!

Also, I am not "messing around" with anything dangerous... I am being receptive to it or not! ;)
Wow... talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time!! Yikes...

You have many good points here. I too have had experiences where they could have turned out bad. Just a couple of examples...
when I was a teenager I had a knife pulled on me... oh...and also there was some
psycho lady that slipped in a bunch of pills into my coffee that resulted in some bad poop... I lived through both.. no God involved there in my cases either....
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... ;)

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited January 03, 2000).]
Hello to all... have not joined any of the discussions in a long I guess I will just jump in...and start the year on the right foot....
To my point of view I think that Wolfish has explained it very very well. As a matter of fact I was going to post just about the same point of view... so here goes. maybe he was not an alien in the sense that we think of them now... but he sure was not one of "us" in every sense of the word.

On a different note, I hope that all had a great start of the New year, and to all I wish you the best...

HA HO All ,


