
Registered Senior Member

actualy, wouldn't be cool if he was and the aliens made us and they've been loking in on us like we're all one really long science experment

IF YOUR READING THIS IN January go to the last page last two post. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by Dude (edited January 21, 2000).]
You may very well have just pulled that one straight out of your ass, but you know what? The scenario that you are postulating is EXACTLY the story that aliens are telling abductees or channeling through them. They are not God though, they are fallen angels directed by Satan himself. Trying to take God's place. That's their mission ya know? What a clever way to propagate the end times deception. Sorry Satan, but God told all of us about this ahead of time, you know, in the Bible. :(

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"

You are so funny.

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
God is not an alien. Aliens are not Gods. ET was not sent by Satan. We aren't going to hell in a handbasket.

I believe in extraterrestrial intelligence. I don't believe it created us, evolved us, or whatever. I believe that we are to them what a lion was to the Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom field crew. We are zoological specimens. When we finally encounter life on another planet, we're going to treat it the same way. It's the nature of the curious.

If I ever do meet god, I'm going to dissect him or else use an anal probe on him. I'm not holding my breath, though.
Well, if you think of God in the sense that God dwells in dimensions other than those that we are familiar with, and that God has powers which we cannot even begin to imagine, then yes, you could consider God "alien" to some degree.

If you are speaking in terms of those little green and gray people, then, the answer is a resounding, NOOOOO!!!!

I have met aliens and I have met God. Believe me, they are not one in the same.

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited December 10, 1999).]
You met GOD??????????????????????????????????
Please tell us all about him.
No critism intended as usual, just want to know all about God.

I think that the God of the bible was an alien. This has nothing to do with the true God.
My prof? There is none. I'm making the assumption that every single alien abductee out there telling their story is not lying. I mean sure, there have got to be some that are lying, but if I had a nickel for every time I heard the above scenario from abductee testimony, I could quit my job and write a book. I'm actually good friends with an abductee. She tells me what they say, and I compare it to what the Bible says, and then of course freak out because it jives with revelations prophecy regarding end times events. She thinks I'm full of shit. The whole reason they picked her is because she has a real bad taste for Christianity in the first place. Same as lots of people. Judgement overload from organized religion. Her aliens actually compared Jesus with Jim Jones (the cool aid guy) as an analogy of how He got so screwed up in the head to think that He was the Son of God. Scary huh? I think so. They also told her about the genetic re-engineering thing which I think is the mark of the beast. And they told her that there will be people (like myself) who will be too close-minded to participate in the re-engineering (they will refuse because they are Christians and know better), so they are going to take us away to another 3rd dimensional planet prior to the dimensional shift of this planet, to finish out our evolution (hint, hint, this is the cover up of the rapture of the church). Now do you see where I'm coming from? If you listen to this stuff, and then go and read Revelations in the Bible, you can't deny that it's spooky and totally feasible.

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
(ouch this is going to hurt..)

I'm making the assumption that every single alien abductee out there telling their story is not lying

There are abudcties that claim the Aliens are from our future.. There are abductee's that claim the aliens are from mars.. There are abducties that claim aliens are from a different earth dimension.. there are abducties that claim Aliens are Reptiles.. there are Abducties that claim aliens are grey there are abudcties that claim aliens are "Light Beings" there are abducties that claim aliens are here to destroy us.. There are abducties that claim aliens are here to help us..

Your theory is just one of the many.. and no more valid or than any other

And not to mention that any testimony is probably convoluted to all hell with false memories.
The god presented in the bible was not an alien. A lot of people claim this, and use convuluted and misrepresented bible passages to support this. I have read and studied the bible, and there is no evidence of extraterrestrial visitors being god.
Convoluted misrepresentations? I'm not a bible scholar, but in reading the bible, there are some things that just plain stink, or have totally F#%!ing whack premises...for instance, divine conception. sound familiar?

Of course, there is no evidence to support this. there is only implication, which stacks up about as well for God.

Curses, you found us out!!!

Now on a more serious note. Now I do see exactly where you are coming from... unfortunately. This would all revolve around the bible being true! People walk around believing that the damned book is true. It is just a book that was not only written an extremely long time ago, but has been rewritten and has had a total of 13 books removed from it by the Vatican. All because the Vatican believed the 13 books were not meant for the general public.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born
Actually, modern biblical scholars have pointed out that the Virgin mary may not have been a virgin. The word used has two meaning, one young girl (she was 14) and the other means virgin.

And Jmitch: Most of the bible is true. Most of the bible is historical accounts, essays, poems, songs or biographies.
If the bible is "historical acounts" why does it contradict itself every other friggin page?


"Love your country, but never trust it's government" - Robert A. Heinlein

Yea, and isn't it amazing that given all of that, the message is still CRYSTAL CLEAR??? You're just being obtuse. :)

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
Corp. , Now that would definitely clear things up. I hadn't heard of that double meaming. You say "Most of the bible is true". Yes, I couldn't disagree with that. The places and people are undoubtedly real.