is god a sociopath

Not all all, it just means you are a significance junkie, and clearly you do not understand the statistics behind 'The Birthday Problem'

I for instance share my birthday with a former colleague, and a brother in law. It's not weird, it's just statistics.

Do you live in the same delusional state as your brother in-law or colleague?
What do you mean by Significance Junkie ?
A big picture, made from contradictory statements is 100% correct? I don't think so, it just proves the unreliability of anything based upon it.

i'm sure you're just begging for it to be contradictory, but it's not. i'm explaining why it's not, and you're arbitrarily rejecting my explanation. it's well understood by many people. you're just not one of them, because you don't want to understand.

Behaviour? OK, you are embarrassing yourself now, so stop.

what are you smoking? the proof is in the results, mr. scienceman.
i'm sure you're just begging for it to be contradictory, but it's not. i'm explaining why it's not, and you're arbitrarily rejecting my explanation. it's well understood by many people. you're just not one of them, because you don't want to understand.

It IS contradictory, in it's own words. You have read it, haven't you? Not just the Cliff's Notes?

what are you smoking? the proof is in the results, mr. scienceman.

Give me that proof.
It IS contradictory, in it's own words. You have read it, haven't you? Not just the Cliff's Notes?

Give me that proof.

it's not contradictory phlog. the whole purpose of christ is to redeem us physically, and to turn us into perfect (sinless) people.

you see what the bible says about the characteristics of sin and the desires of the flesh, and then tell me how it's contradictory to what i've suggested.

and you'll get your proof when i and many others get our redemption.
it's not contradictory phlog. the whole purpose of christ is to redeem us physically, and to turn us into perfect (sinless) people.

Yet the bible fails to mention genetics. You just made that up.

and you'll get your proof when i and many others get our redemption.

Yet another prediction of the end times! What Fun! Care to set a date?
Yet the bible fails to mention genetics. You just made that up.

Why in the hell would the bible mention genetics? Think about it. Have you suddenly gone brain dead? Then answer this, what else would change our inherent physical makeup? Magic? Lol

Yet another prediction of the end times! What Fun! Care to set a date?

Why would you ask that again? My answer is still the same.
The most direct answer I can offer

I would only point out, as regards the topic question, that the answer is necessarily, "No".

God is not human.

Sociopathy is a human disorder.

You might as well ask if magma can have herpes, or a rose suffer a speech impediment.
Why in the hell would the bible mention genetics? Think about it. Have you suddenly gone brain dead? Then answer this, what else would change our inherent physical makeup? Magic? Lol

YOU mentioned genetics,.... but are you saying that we have real physical bodies in Heaven? Why? What of the 'soul'?

Why would you ask that again? My answer is still the same.

What answer? You have declined to actually answer. But of course, this is simply because any firm answer could be demonstrated to be wrong, so it's always coming, but never arrives. You aren't the first prophet of Doom, and you won't be the last. It still won't arrive however.
YOU mentioned genetics,.... but are you saying that we have real physical bodies in Heaven? Why? What of the 'soul'?

The kingdom of Christ is not in heaven. It's a physical kingdom and we will have physical bodies. "on earth as it is in heaven".

What answer? You have declined to actually answer. But of course, this is simply because any firm answer could be demonstrated to be wrong, so it's always coming, but never arrives. You aren't the first prophet of Doom, and you won't be the last. It still won't arrive however.

I've told you before I don't have a date, but I don't see how you can have your eyes open and think the apocalypse isn't right around the corner.
The kingdom of Christ is not in heaven. It's a physical kingdom and we will have physical bodies. "on earth as it is in heaven".

I don't quite understand where you get this notion from.

I've told you before I don't have a date, but I don't see how you can have your eyes open and think the apocalypse isn't right around the corner.

Just around the corner,... but you can't specify a date. Yeah, right. So does that mean less than five years? Ten? Twenty? Can you narrow 'just around the corner' down a little?
I don't quite understand where you get this notion from.

primarily from what i've experienced personally, but it is detailed in the bible as well.

Just around the corner,... but you can't specify a date. Yeah, right. So does that mean less than five years? Ten? Twenty? Can you narrow 'just around the corner' down a little?

who fucking cares when? what are you going to do, stockpile some shit? the point is that our actions have consequences, on a global scale now, and if you can't see that we as a human race are teetering on the brink of annihilation, then honey, you're not looking. :shrug:
The kingdom of Christ is not in heaven. It's a physical kingdom and we will have physical bodies. "on earth as it is in heaven".

I've told you before I don't have a date, but I don't see how you can have your eyes open and think the apocalypse isn't right around the corner.

What?!?!?!? A physical kingdom where? A physical kingdom that can't be physically verified?

Get a seems as though you have a desire for the apocalypse to happen based on your own convictions and presupposition. Eerily parellel to that of a fanatical muslim's desire for martyrdom.

End of the world prophecies (desires) have been around for centuries. Fortunately for humanity, those self proclaimed prophets continue to wait (in their graves).
What?!?!?!? A physical kingdom where? A physical kingdom that can't be physically verified?

Get a seems as though you have a desire for the apocalypse to happen based on your own convictions and presupposition. Eerily parellel to that of a fanatical muslim's desire for martyrdom.

End of the world prophecies (desires) have been around for centuries. Fortunately for humanity, those self proclaimed prophets continue to wait (in their graves).

on earth as far as i know. it's obviously not here yet, as i'm unaware of any collection of perfect people to date. i'm a part of it and i'm not perfect yet, so some major changes are going to have to go down prior to it's manifestation. changes that i believe are imminent.

and it shocks me, for as popular and supposedly well read and studied book the bible is, very few people seem to understand even the most basic things about what it says. :shrug:
I don't quite understand where you get this notion from.

Just around the corner,... but you can't specify a date. Yeah, right. So does that mean less than five years? Ten? Twenty? Can you narrow 'just around the corner' down a little?

THAT IS the lords prayer by King David . It is the most recited prayer in Bible . Give us our daily bread and all . I think it starts Thou I pass threw the shadow of death . It is a psalm . I forget the number , but I am sure a good Christian could tell you. It is all about protection . Stuff like this is where we got the Idea we need laws to govern . That is what religion is all about . O.K. consider we are a bunch of animals running around doing what ever our nature wants to do . Bestiality, Rape , Killing for food , Scavenging from other tribes . Taking what ever you want when you want it . Doing what ever you want when you want to . The nature of Humans . Now someone gets a bright Idea there needs to be control and put a stop to a mayhem . The law is born . That is why even as late as the New Testament after Jesus's death it says Government is by God. Man may be making the laws , but what is the motivation behind making the laws . Higher Truth of fairness for the collective of humanity . When you understand that then you can start to get a feel of what God represents . Now we are still just muddling through by cookie cutter style just like the first laws of civilization that were born out of God Told Me . This is it for everyone . One size fits all and fuck the ones that fall threw the cracks . But Hey humans have not evolved that much yet from when we came up with the idea we need written laws to govern us .
on earth as far as i know. it's obviously not here yet, as i'm unaware of any collection of perfect people to date. i'm a part of it and i'm not perfect yet, so some major changes are going to have to go down prior to it's manifestation. changes that i believe are imminent.

and it shocks me, for as popular and supposedly well read and studied book the bible is, very few people seem to understand even the most basic things about what it says. :shrug:

So Heaven is ultimately two very distinct places?

On one hand you have Heaven where the "saved souls" go (perhaps spirits), definitley not with their bodies, after they pass it's safe to assert this place is not physical.

One the other hand, Heaven is/will be a physical place with physical bodies on Earth? (*after all the heathens are slaughtered*)

Is my assessment accurate?

I understand the Second Coming, Heaven on Earth, Trials and Tribulations, etc but never understood this concept and how it is generally accepted and justified.
What?!?!?!? A physical kingdom where? A physical kingdom that can't be physically verified?

Get a seems as though you have a desire for the apocalypse to happen based on your own convictions and presupposition. Eerily parellel to that of a fanatical muslim's desire for martyrdom.

End of the world prophecies (desires) have been around for centuries. Fortunately for humanity, those self proclaimed prophets continue to wait (in their graves).

Lori and I are going to make it happen . We work to that end everyday . We are going to change your minds to the way we feel fit cause we are Megalomaniacs that think you and everyone else should change your perspective and there by changing the world by new collective thoughts of ethics and fairness for all . I know we are a little self righteous and all, but what do you expect Megalomaniacs to be like after all . We fit our profile pretty good, so you should be happy we do. We change the world by daily activity , cause were Megalomaniacs that believe we can . There is a lot of power in Believing we can
So Heaven is ultimately two very distinct places?

On one hand you have Heaven where the "saved souls" go (perhaps spirits), definitley not with their bodies, after they pass it's safe to assert this place is not physical.

One the other hand, Heaven is/will be a physical place with physical bodies on Earth? (*after all the heathens are slaughtered*)

Is my assessment accurate?

I understand the Second Coming, Heaven on Earth, Trials and Tribulations, etc but never understood this concept and how it is generally accepted and justified.

when your dead you dead . Your spirit may live on by the deeds you do while you are alive and that be about it . . Consider this : Jesus is still alive cause people believe he is still alive . That don't mean he is walking around in the flesh .

Hey I am a Heathen and your not going to kill Me . I be doing the killing round here . Your ego is my mission . Not Mine yours
Lori and I are going to make it happen . We work to that end everyday . We are going to change your minds to the way we feel fit cause we are Megalomaniacs that think you and everyone else should change your perspective and there by changing the world by new collective thoughts of ethics and fairness for all . I know we are a little self righteous and all, but what do you expect Megalomaniacs to be like after all . We fit our profile pretty good, so you should be happy we do. We change the world by daily activity , cause were Megalomaniacs that believe we can . There is a lot of power in Believing we can

The mind is a powerful thing :)

when your dead you dead . Your spirit may live on by the deeds you do while you are alive and that be about it . . Consider this : Jesus is still alive cause people believe he is still alive . That don't mean he is walking around in the flesh .

Hey I am a Heathen and your not going to kill Me . I be doing the killing round here . Your ego is my mission . Not Mine yours

Certainly this is not the classical view of Jesus and it doesn't really touch on my point. I'm asking is there really two versions of Heaven in the Christian world?

That don't mean he is walking around in the flesh

But he could right, if he wanted to, whether people believed in him or not ;)
primarily from what i've experienced personally, but it is detailed in the bible as well.

Round and round,... you said "Why in the hell would the bible mention genetics?", yet above you make the claim that the bible does mention perfect physical bodies, and you personally have claimed genetic make up causes that. Can you separate personal and biblical points of view, and reference each please.

who fucking cares when?

I do. Because prophets of doom are ten a penny. Predictions come and go, and life goes on. I want you to put stake in the ground, so you can be proven wrong, quite simply.

what are you going to do, stockpile some shit?

No, I'm going to question you on why it didn't happen on the day you said it would.

the point is that our actions have consequences, on a global scale now, and if you can't see that we as a human race are teetering on the brink of annihilation, then honey, you're not looking. :shrug:

No, the point is that life goes on despite all these predictions of the end times.
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