is god a sociopath

If we work under the atheist assumption, that God is all in the imaginary, then using psychology principles, God would be considered a projection stemming from the human unconscious mind.

A projection is sort of like an image within the imagination, that will overlay sensory data coming into our brain from our sensory systems. For example, one may come upon a Muslim who is a nice person in reality. If you got afraid and thought he was a threat, the different between the sensory reality of their being a nice person, and your perception of threat, is connected to an imagination overlay onto reality; projection. The projection can appear real. One may even think it is based on sensory data. But it is in the imagination acting as an overlay onto objective data.

Projection is useful because it can tell us things about unconscious dynamics within the individual. For example, the fear of threat, in the above example, might tell us how the unconscious mind was conditioned, so one can't be fully objective to certain hard sensory data.

If we assume God is/was a projection, since God is a collective abstraction, his specified nature would tell us things about the nature of the ancient unconscious mind. The God of the old testament was a paradox. He could be nice and then get very angry. That projection would reflect the mind of the ancient person. The ancient person could do good things, and then could go ballistic and kill without remorse. This bi-polar disorder, between what we might call good and evil may have been the norm in its day.

Later, if Jesus was also just part of the imagination, and was therefore also a projection, this reflects a evolutionary change within the unconscious mind away from the bi-polar disorder. The soft nature of his projection would reflect this change, and will tell us about the human mind. But not everyone changed, with the cruel who projected fear of the sheep, having a different type of disposition.

Religions with polytheism, if that was their God projection, would reflect multiple personality disorders as the norm for that culture. Today one may become very artistic, with the personality one way, yet fully focused. Tomorrow the next personality may become full of rage, ready for war and destruction. etc. Focus into specialty personalities can take specialization very fair; art, partying, war, etc. The real sensory data of the Christian sheep would have a bi-polar and/or multiple personality projection overlay, so now the sheep is a dragon to slay. That reflected the darkness in the unconscious minds of the cruel, who could not see the reality data underneath their projection.

The old testament has Satan, as the left hand man of God. Satan would try to influence God, who was himself a paradox of love then rage. Satan was the lord of the earth in ancient traditions. This projection has a connection to instinct or mother nature (satan was father nature to coin a phrase). This ancient composite projection reflected the ancient split bipolar personality with a instinctive twist. It must have been a scary time to live, where modern normal would be an anomaly.

I am precluding the option that God is/was real to narrow the subject. I am only focusing on the concept of projection to infer the nature of the ancient human personality, as a function of their god projection. They were not us in ancient clothing. It was more like a trip to the mental ward of today. The ancient pathology could give some the superhuman strength of a psychotic rage. Later jump into creativity skills that can sculpter, etc, Their gods sort of tell us about their unconscious compulsions.

By defining projections into collective terms for a culture, Gods applies to all. The unconscious mind becomes more collective, via the superego, and begins to gain group structure. The entire herd can see the fearful Muslim, who is actually nice based on hard data. The tale of the scary (but nice) Muslim encounter will seem very real, and be carried forward via the herd projection and expectation. The mind is complicated with projection only changing from Gods to other things.
No I'm not saying that. I'm saying that these things are only considered bad by mortals. Your God allegedly gave you the Ten Commandments. That's it. That's all God told you not to do.

i've gotten a lot more direction from god than that.
Abrahamic god, the ancient greeks and romans KNEW that gods were sociopaths and just accepted it yet im tired of christans talking about "a loving god" who surposedly causes untold suffering AND forbids pleasure in his followers. That in itself is enough to class him as a antisocial personality disorder on the DSM-IV


'God' as most monotheists conceptualize him is, well, an industrial strength douchebag. ;)
God released a film?

Mel Gibson thinks he is the Christ. That is why he acts like he does . He can't help but think that . It is what his surroundings tell him . I know I am real familiar with the M.G. dream he lives in . He is about 20 clicks behind Me though . You can tell by his prejudices. It is like Lori 7 and her Mommy Dream . The outside world influences her thoughts and tells her she is the Mommy .

Oh Yeah God Gibson did create a movie , more than one

I am a sociopath . Good thing the wild beast is house broken
See I made the same mistake as Mel Baby when I was young . There was a girl who sat next to Me in a High school class and she was one lovely person of the opposite sex that made me have movement in the front of my pants . Oh yeah Mikey was in love at first sight . So I was a good little mormon well indoctrinated with the standard prejudiced of a good little conformist of the white persuasion and I say to her " The Jews Killed Jesus " Oh Shit no good loving coming Mikey's way . She was Jewish . She said " The Romans Killed Jesus not the Jews " and you know what it did make sense and not because I wanted her . Hell it was all about power structure of the day and we all know to well who had de power " Fuck nut expansionist Romans did if you still guessing
that's your opinion, but the voice in my head is a lot smarter than you so...

Help you out in pub quizzes does he? Hey, with all that information at your fingertips, you should run for President! Or get a Nobel Prize!

anyhoo, the bible also offers more direction than just the 10 commandments.

Yeah, like wearing clothes of mixed cloth and eating shellfish being 'abominations' yet I'd wager you're guilty of both.

But God has commanded so very little, that' my point. Also you only have the word of one man that the 10 commandments came from God,... so they are a bit tenuous, don't you think?
Help you out in pub quizzes does he? Hey, with all that information at your fingertips, you should run for President! Or get a Nobel Prize!

or birth the kingdom of christ.

Yeah, like wearing clothes of mixed cloth and eating shellfish being 'abominations' yet I'd wager you're guilty of both.

But God has commanded so very little, that' my point. Also you only have the word of one man that the 10 commandments came from God,... so they are a bit tenuous, don't you think?

not when you have common sense no.
Which way does your 'common sense' tell you to go on these matters then?

Any why is it in the bible, if it's to be ignored?

Who said it's to be ignored? Common sense is an incorrect way to put it. Things seem obvious to me now that weren't always to me and aren't to others. Did you know that Christ also said not to worry about what you put in or on your body? I guess by common sense I mean being able to see the forest through the trees. I realize you're not looking to do that.
Who said it's to be ignored? Common sense is an incorrect way to put it. Things seem obvious to me now that weren't always to me and aren't to others. Did you know that Christ also said not to worry about what you put in or on your body? I guess by common sense I mean being able to see the forest through the trees. I realize you're not looking to do that.

Well, you just said Christ said it's to be ignored. Parts of the very same book that allegedly foretold his coming. Parts of the book he said he had come to fulfil.

You aren't making much sense.
If we work under the atheist assumption, that God is all in the imaginary, then using psychology principles, God would be considered a projection stemming from the human unconscious mind.

A projection is sort of like an image within the imagination, that will overlay sensory data coming into our brain from our sensory systems. For example, one may come upon a Muslim who is a nice person in reality. If you got afraid and thought he was a threat, the different between the sensory reality of their being a nice person, and your perception of threat, is connected to an imagination overlay onto reality; projection. The projection can appear real. One may even think it is based on sensory data. But it is in the imagination acting as an overlay onto objective data.

Projection is useful because it can tell us things about unconscious dynamics within the individual. For example, the fear of threat, in the above example, might tell us how the unconscious mind was conditioned, so one can't be fully objective to certain hard sensory data.

If we assume God is/was a projection, since God is a collective abstraction, his specified nature would tell us things about the nature of the ancient unconscious mind. The God of the old testament was a paradox. He could be nice and then get very angry. That projection would reflect the mind of the ancient person. The ancient person could do good things, and then could go ballistic and kill without remorse. This bi-polar disorder, between what we might call good and evil may have been the norm in its day.

Later, if Jesus was also just part of the imagination, and was therefore also a projection, this reflects a evolutionary change within the unconscious mind away from the bi-polar disorder. The soft nature of his projection would reflect this change, and will tell us about the human mind. But not everyone changed, with the cruel who projected fear of the sheep, having a different type of disposition.

Religions with polytheism, if that was their God projection, would reflect multiple personality disorders as the norm for that culture. Today one may become very artistic, with the personality one way, yet fully focused. Tomorrow the next personality may become full of rage, ready for war and destruction. etc. Focus into specialty personalities can take specialization very fair; art, partying, war, etc. The real sensory data of the Christian sheep would have a bi-polar and/or multiple personality projection overlay, so now the sheep is a dragon to slay. That reflected the darkness in the unconscious minds of the cruel, who could not see the reality data underneath their projection.

The old testament has Satan, as the left hand man of God. Satan would try to influence God, who was himself a paradox of love then rage. Satan was the lord of the earth in ancient traditions. This projection has a connection to instinct or mother nature (satan was father nature to coin a phrase). This ancient composite projection reflected the ancient split bipolar personality with a instinctive twist. It must have been a scary time to live, where modern normal would be an anomaly.

I am precluding the option that God is/was real to narrow the subject. I am only focusing on the concept of projection to infer the nature of the ancient human personality, as a function of their god projection. They were not us in ancient clothing. It was more like a trip to the mental ward of today. The ancient pathology could give some the superhuman strength of a psychotic rage. Later jump into creativity skills that can sculpter, etc, Their gods sort of tell us about their unconscious compulsions.

By defining projections into collective terms for a culture, Gods applies to all. The unconscious mind becomes more collective, via the superego, and begins to gain group structure. The entire herd can see the fearful Muslim, who is actually nice based on hard data. The tale of the scary (but nice) Muslim encounter will seem very real, and be carried forward via the herd projection and expectation. The mind is complicated with projection only changing from Gods to other things.

Dude you and I are starting to be on the same wave length . Yes , Consider even modern popular best selling books are of the same effect . Group consciousness by events in common in daily existence. The events happen to us all at about the same time by advanced information out lets . It might have taken decades for information silos to fall in ancient times and that trickle of information kept time and change in check , were as the information trickled through the communities at a much slower rate there by allowing more time for adjustment to the new improved ways. Not now though for information silos are falling at unbelievable rates of speed like the world has never seen . The Information age is changing human perception in a way that blows my friggen mind . The implications are massive. The Imagery of God is in hyper-speed change . Baking the mirror of the modern Man . Something don't feel right . It was funny as hell . So I hear that song on the radio and don't give it much thought , except I am singing the melody for it is catchy as hell can be . I go down in my basement to take a leak and what have you I hear a crash and I come out of the bathroom and my wifes full length mirror had fallen over and splintered glass every were . What a nightmare . Shit butt f--ck Me anyway , yet I am think of the song ! Thinking that song was talking to Me ! I am that bubble living Modern Man in the song that does not interact with my surroundings and this braking mirror is my wake up call to the message in that song . That singer broke my mirror , Popped my bubble in a matter of minutes . I changed in that few minutes . It set the idea in stone by coinkidenk events unfolding in synchronized fashion . Things like that and you start to get a good feeling of my freakiness
Which way does your 'common sense' tell you to go on these matters then?

Any why is it in the bible, if it's to be ignored?

Did you know that Lori and me have the same birthday exactly 10 years apart. To the day . Don't you think that is weird ? Given that we have had very similar God experiences . I think it is weird as can be . I attribute many of my delusion to the time of my birth. I think it is outside influence of wishes from the past and that is why Lori7 and I share the same delusions . The old Holy Rood day was on our birthday. It was eliminated by a Pope in 1960 except Mexico kept the celebration and honers it by devotion to the Construction Worker. Don't you find that strange considering Lori7 and I share the same Delusions. She thinks she is the mother and my delusions tell Me I am the Father . I try to side step and see my delusions for what they are . It is by no means an easy task to separate from the dream state
Well, you just said Christ said it's to be ignored. Parts of the very same book that allegedly foretold his coming. Parts of the book he said he had come to fulfil.

You aren't making much sense.

i'm just telling you what the book says.

how do you think christ is the fulfillment of the law? what do you think that means?