is god a sociopath


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Why would God create a world where pleasure was bad?
only a sociopath would do something like that, a loving god would want people to be happy and there for would encorage things which lead to pleasure.
Why would God create a world where pleasure was bad?
only a sociopath would do something like that, a loving god would want people to be happy and there for would encorage things which lead to pleasure.

This is why I always ask people to define their god. Pretty soon they either are giving it powers that show it is either a psychopath/sociopath or it doesn't have any control over our lives.

But if god does have control then yes it is a effing psychopath of the greatest order if we are to take the god of Abrahamic religions.

If one considers the universe god, then no. If one considers that god created our universe and moved on, then no.

So what god are we talking about ?
This is why I always ask people to define their god. Pretty soon they either are giving it powers that show it is either a psychopath/sociopath or it doesn't have any control over our lives.

But if god does have control then yes it is a effing psychopath of the greatest order if we are to take the god of Abrahamic religions.

If one considers the universe god, then no. If one considers that god created our universe and moved on, then no.

So what god are we talking about ?

Abrahamic god, the ancient greeks and romans KNEW that gods were sociopaths and just accepted it yet im tired of christans talking about "a loving god" who surposedly causes untold suffering AND forbids pleasure in his followers. That in itself is enough to class him as a antisocial personality disorder on the DSM-IV
I just I just don't know ? Lets do it again . God is metaphorical future Human . Like Marx could see . Super Man for the past and normal model of existence for the future . God is what we aspire to. It is attributes of God . You people know just about all or most of the names of god are descriptive don't ya . God is Great , God is Awesome, and all that . God is Love . I seen that in the bible to , Dw did you see that ? I saw that . This is why slups aspire to the roll , They will be gullible enough to swallow the hook . Like Jesus , He swallowed the hook and aspired . I don't agree with committing suicide and rising up as a vampire stealing the love of a parent from there child they call sinner. Making you drink his blood and eat his flesh . Does anybody understand Vampire culture out there . I feel so alone . You know you can't say his name , but we all know who he is. When the wolf is in the sheep's clothing you say his name loud and clear . I know some of you know. I seen your posts . You know who you are
The only way I can see it, is if life is all one big game/test for one human. Everything else is an illusion set to "test" this human.
Why would God create a world where pleasure was bad?
only a sociopath would do something like that, a loving god would want people to be happy and there for would encorage things which lead to pleasure.

Who said that . I heard the super preacher man part of the bible( said to be Solomon ) say " Enjoy the fruits of your labor" . What do you think the whole ritual of courting is all about ? Eat drink and be marry and all that good stuff . This is your portion in life the dead have no portion . Yeah that fuck Solomon he was a smart fucker . I think some of the things he said can be dis-proven , but a lot of what he said still makes good sense to Me. Like when your dead your dead . People don't seem to know that is in the Bible also . They like the sensationalized parts better . F--ck who don't like the action scenes when done well. Shit some of the battles are works of art when it comes to warfare. That Jeremiah character and the way he gained the higher ground was pure genius. I know a lot of people are drawn to revelations. Yeah that shit is like watching a sci-fi movie . Guys on white horses , Guys on black horses . Shit Sci-Fi western . Don't get any better if you ask me . Course I am prone to westerns being that I live in Good old Big Sky Montana . THE MOUNTAIN Of THe WORLD . God I love my State . To bad you all don't live here . I am trying not to gloat . It is hard cause Fuck am I the luckiest bastard in the world or what . I fucking live in Montana . Sorry for gloating . I know it is wrong . I can't help it cause I LOVE my state
Oh the sex the Bible , no one ever talks about that . Like did you know it was the custom to take your brothers wife , fuck her and get her pregnant if he died . You have to make sure his seed is past vicariously by you if he happened to die with out any kids . Now with the life expectancy and the amount of children in the families that my friend = a lot of fucking . See back then it was more about the survival of the human race . So the laws were Tailored for times . Jesus is the one that fucked up all the fucking that was going on . He proposed one wife for one husband . He was Mary Magdalene's stooge if you ask Me , But say la V she has an M.G. in her name so I like her . She was a very smart person ( not a fucking idiot) so she is O.K. with Me
Why would God create a world where pleasure was bad?
only a sociopath would do something like that, a loving god would want people to be happy and there for would encorage things which lead to pleasure.

What makes you think God doesn't encourage people do things that lead to pleasure?

Why would God create a world where pleasure was bad?

Do you mean "Why would God create a world in which people would not have the upper hand on deciding what is pleasurable and what isn't?" -?
Why would God create a world where pleasure was bad?
only a sociopath would do something like that, a loving god would want people to be happy and there for would encorage things which lead to pleasure.

the only reason that sin causes pleasure is because there's something seriously wrong with us. can't you tell?

god cares about the greater good and community. don't you see that sin does not? that it derives pleasure for one at the expense of others and the greater good? why isn't this obvious to you? why do you think the world is so fucked up and so many people suffer? don't you care?
come on. you've never heard of the 7 deadly sins?

Lust isn't a sin, its apsolutly nessary to the survival of the species, its both our way to procreate and the way to hold parents together to raise the next generation. It is also vital to government policies such as effective land management. Without lust people wouldn't pair bond, they wouldn't sleep in the same bed and we would use much more land
Lust isn't a sin, its apsolutly nessary to the survival of the species, its both our way to procreate and the way to hold parents together to raise the next generation. It is also vital to government policies such as effective land management. Without lust people wouldn't pair bond, they wouldn't sleep in the same bed and we would use much more land
procreation isn't lust
Lust isn't a sin, its apsolutly nessary to the survival of the species, its both our way to procreate and the way to hold parents together to raise the next generation. It is also vital to government policies such as effective land management. Without lust people wouldn't pair bond, they wouldn't sleep in the same bed and we would use much more land


"god gave me a penis, what do i need a brain for?"
Yeah, an invention of the Church, not directed by God or Jesus, so really, er, total BS.

Those are real human attributes fucking up the world every day. You're seriously going to tell me you can't identify things like greed, lust, and envy in yourself or the people around you? That's ridiculous.
You're seriously going to tell me you can't identify things like greed, lust, and envy in yourself or the people around you? That's ridiculous.

No I'm not saying that. I'm saying that these things are only considered bad by mortals. Your God allegedly gave you the Ten Commandments. That's it. That's all God told you not to do.