Is forcing sex on a pornstar the same as rape?

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i met a group of women that raped a man for days and kept him horny they were taken to court and he was laughed at
but he said no and they did it anyway when i asked them why they said they wanted men to know what its like to be raped

no means no when you force the issue on a woman and turn them on anyway whether they like it or not is rape
sum men know the spots to turn a woman on even though they dont know themselves
my so called man did this to me after i said no and he still kept touching my spots whether i liked it or not
i dont see him no more as a man i said no he kept it up without force he did it differently to turn me on like the woman did to the man is still rape
These women did not going looking for a job on Monster, or Workopolis.

They knew when they took the job "pornstar" that their job was to fuck strange men. They chose to have sex for money.
Who forced them to take that job? Don't like it....find a new job, just like everybody else who gets treated like shit from their employee.

I really can't beleive you are even having this debate.
RedArmy11 said:

1. The employee is free to seek alternative employ.
2. The employee is free to make an allegation of rape, or attempted rape, or report any other crime, at the earliest opportunity afforded her.
3. The employee is free to have sex with any big, ugly brute she pleases. And...
4. To not do.

This doesn't help.

Have you ever known anyone in the porn industry?

Let's review, first, the topic question:

Upheaval said:

A pornstar usually does not select her sexual partners, and her contract covers issues about allowing her body to be legally traded et cetera. I am certain that if she were to see some male she did not want to film with (have sex with) for whatever reason, she could complain, but her manager would nearly enforce the situation because she is binded by contract. Is she being raped?

Now, in the first place, the porn stars I've met wouldn't work under such circumstances. That should not imply that such circumstances do not exist; the porn world is a diverse place.

Secondly, if a manager/director/anyone else wants to enforce the situation, you can simply withhold pay and assert breach of contract (leading to the uncomfortable prostitution interview).

Furthermore, a manager even rumored to treat his/her clients that way, or a director or producer even rumored to operate that way, would find themselves ostracized by their fellows. The people on the business end of the "legal" flesh industry are painfully aware of the laws. The last thing any of them want to do is go down for rape, child abuse, or any number of heinous sex crimes.

Thus, I'm led to conclude that the proposed scenario suggests a predatory "manager", of which there are many, and they do get busted for their improprieties from time to time.

Rule #1 in the porn business is to treat your talent well. When the only people you can get to work for you are crack whores, you've crossed the line into coercion and exploitation, and it is only a matter of time before you cross the line into open sexual assault. It's almost axiomatic.

What strikes me most peculiarly about this topic is how little of the reality of the flesh trade people are taking into consideration, as well as how desperately people are seeking justification to compel a woman to have sex against her will.

We should also notice that nobody seems to give a damn why said porn star (note the word "star" in the title, and all through the topic) suddenly doesn't want to have sex with whomever.
What if she isn't a star? Does that make it less OK to rape her?
If you are a child with a rectal disorder that is regularly treated, does that mean that its open season on your ass?

It doesn't matter what we think this hypothetical porn star is doing and with or without her consent. If she doesn't give us consent then we don't get to have sex with her.
Rape is defined as forced, unwanted sex. A pornstar usually does not select her sexual partners, and her contract covers issues about allowing her body to be legally traded et cetera. I am certain that if she were to see some male she did not want to film with (have sex with) for whatever reason, she could complain, but her manager would nearly enforce the situation because she is binded by contract. Is she being raped? Does that contract she signed free the male or manager from any responsibility for her discomfort? What would a court say?

The entire premise of the thread is false. First off, one cannot consent to allowing one's body to be legally traded since this is slavery and slavery is forbidden. Such a contract would be unenforcable and indeed illegal.

No one can be bound by an illegal contact. As soon as the manager forces the woman to have sex either thrugh violence or threats that constitutes rape.

Admittedly the woman in question is a slut, loose, a whore, a lowlife, call her whatever you want but that doesn't mean she gives up her rights as a human being. Laws must protect the most despicable among us as well as the rest. We don't have laws that say they cover this person but not that person.
If they want to give it away, fine. That doesn't mean you can take it if they don't want to give it away that day. No means no no matter who is saying it.
This thread is an example of the lowest form of what passes for 'debate' around here; basically an excuse to get some titillation from talking about women in the most derogatory way possible. The language used to refer to women, particularly sex workers, is highly offensive and downright sexist but I doubt that anything will be done about it. It is interesting to note how often female workers are referred to as sluts, lowlifes and whores. What does that make the lowlifes who use them and keep the 'industry' going? And what does it say about you lowlifes who have a good old giggle at their expense.


Go away little boys and have a good think about your attitudes to women. And shorty I really wish you could have said something useful here!
I can't figure out to what extent they're trying to justify their own attitudes. But it seems to me that somewhere in this "paperwork is rape" argument is a craven desire to license any form of rape.

Now you're going off the deep end.

I don't think it's a proper comparison. In other words, while I think coal mines involve atrocious, dehumanizing conditions, I don't see the connection between entering a dangerous area and having a penis inserted into your body.

When did you last have another person's penis inside your body, Madanthonywayne?

When was the last time you worked in a coal mine? The quite obvious connection is doing things you'd rather not do for money. I've never been tackled by a steroid enhanced 300 Lb. man doing his best to hurt me. This is the lot of professional football players. It damages their bodies and their minds, and shortens their lives. But for the most part they are well compensated, and they choose the profession.

But I've never done it, so I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Why are you fixating on someone being penetrated? As I mentioned before, the hypothetical scenario could also be a woman being contractually obligated to have sex with another woman, not a penis in sight. For a woman who isn't attracted to other women, this could be just as bad (possibly worse) as being contractually obligated to have sex with a man they'd really rather not. If they do not want to do it, they have my blessing to walk out the door and get a job as a waitress (or whatever else they might have the skills for). Immediately seek other employment is my standing advice to anyone who finds their job too disgusting to do.
Now you're going off the deep end.

When was the last time you worked in a coal mine? The quite obvious connection is doing things you'd rather not do for money. I've never been tackled by a steroid enhanced 300 Lb. man doing his best to hurt me. This is the lot of professional football players. It damages their bodies and their minds, and shortens their lives. But for the most part they are well compensated, and they choose the profession.

But I've never done it, so I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Why are you fixating on someone being penetrated? As I mentioned before, the hypothetical scenario could also be a woman being contractually obligated to have sex with another woman, not a penis in sight. For a woman who isn't attracted to other women, this could be just as bad (possibly worse) as being contractually obligated to have sex with a man they'd really rather not. If they do not want to do it, they have my blessing to walk out the door and get a job as a waitress (or whatever else they might have the skills for). Immediately seek other employment is my standing advice to anyone who finds their job too disgusting to do.

To compare an overhyped overpaid football player to a sex worker is a fallacious one. Not in the same league let alone ball park.

I'm sure all the sex workers in the world will really appreciate 'your blessing' and permission to seek 'other employment'!
It is interesting to note how often female workers are referred to as sluts, lowlifes and whores. What does that make the lowlifes who use them and keep the 'industry' going? And what does it say about you lowlifes who have a good old giggle at their expense.


And shorty I really wish you could have said something useful here!

Useful like what? I think if they don't like the job, they should find a new one!
Who forced them to take their clothes off and fuck infront of a camera? They chose that job, mainly for the big bucks and I should feel sorry for them?

I was going to say the exact thing though. As these men call these women all these names, they sure enjoying watching their work!! They are the ones putting all this money in their pockets! But I don't have any nice names to call them myself, so if that is what you are looking to get from me you won't! You know what I think of PORN! so there is no support from me here.
Shorty how do you know the women working in porn are doing it for the money? Maybe some are but do you know how much they actually earn? I mean does it compare to non porn 'stars'? Are there many or few who earn 'top dollar'. Are women working in the sex industry doing it for the money or to feed addictions or because they are forced into it by unscrupulous men. I've read that victims of child sexual abuse often end up in the porn industry.....
Surely any argument applied to women here should be applicable to men. How about a male porn star who doesn't want to fuck a particular woman. Or a gay male porn star who doesn't want to be fucked by a particular man. In regards to the OP, sex should be completely irrelevant.
There was a case recently in the US, where this happened, a stripper was raped. The judge changed the charge to robbery....
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