Is eeryone happy with the Big Bang? I'm not.

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Prometheus, let me ask you, are you not the teeniest bit jealous of me?

Nicely played - from my two word postings on this thread you've managed to figure out that all I want in my life is to be like you, it's just that I can do it because I'm in the grip of the establishment. Actually, scratch that, I'm pretty much given free reign to research what I want and paid reasonably well for it too, so it's not a money issue either. I'm just not smart enough to compete with your work. That's more likely.

If my vote has any weight, I vote for this thread to stay here and open because it's jolly funny.
Do you have anything to support your theory?
Is there evidence of this vortex in the CMBR?
What do you think happened before those trillions of years?
Where did that tremendous cloud of hydrogen come from?
How large was it?
Sure Pete, the fact that we're Speeding Up exponentially, because we're falling. The fact that the Observable Universe is Cooling Down, Expanding and Losing Pressure. The CMBR is merely the outer edges of the Cosmos that have not noticed what the center is doing. Gravity, like air, is elastic.
Going around making up Repulsive Forces is Poor Science. With the Big Bang, Dark Energy and Einstein's self denounced Cosmological Constant, and then on top of that you have Gravity, and on top of that you have a Big Bang that started Fast, Slowed Down, then (in 1998) started to Speed Up again - you have too many entities! I, on the other hand, need only Gravity. Gravity is real, unlike your anti-gravity that you think powers the Cosmos.
Before those trillions of years, somehow Hydrogen was being manufactured. Now it's really interesting that when you primp in front of a mirror, you give off Hydrogen. Some things are local phenomena (a rainstorm) and some things are Universal (Newton's Gravity) and some things, like this creating Hydrogen are trans-dimensional - applying on Earth, Space and into the Spirit World. God made this Hydrogen, unless you can think of a better source...
So what's your problem? An explosion is also an accelerating outward expansion that dissipates, right?

Why? Is that what the Universe is supposed to be doing?

New ideas, astrocat. That's what growing and learning is all about.

You seem to be trying to ridicule something.
Are you disputing that a large star will only last a few million years?
Do you understand that the lifetime of a star depends on its size?

This isn't controversial. It's in the link I posted before.
Fascinating how your mind works. And yes, that's what they say the Universe is doing - Speeding Up ad infinitum. New ideas, Ferrous Cranus? I know how much you hate them already. Oh,and a large Star will only last a few million years, and Planets can go on for 10 billion years? Are we in agreement?
Well I'm back after my temporary and enforced absence. I notice we've kept up the crackpot intake while I've been away.
Hydrogen is transdimensional...?
God made this hydrogen?
And Astrocat has the gall to claim Pete is making things up and doing "poor science".
Just... wow.
Well, I'm not the one pushing a barrow, so I don't see that I need anything. If the Big Bang model is wrong, why would I care?

Your response didn't address any of the questions in my post:
Do you have anything to support your theory?
Is there evidence of this vortex in the CMBR?
What do you think happened before those trillions of years?
Where did that tremendous cloud of hydrogen come from?
How large was it?

It seems like you need a cloud of hydrogen that either appeared *poof*, or was just always hanging around until something (What? And why at that time?) triggered the start of its collapse.
No no, Pete. This Hydrogen Cloud that formed the Early Universe was a Warm, perfectly Smooth Soup. It evolved gradually, over a great length of time. There was nothing sudden or violent, except maybe when the inside of this cloud went critical and the first star was born. The Cosmos didn't arrive 'Poof,' just like that. They used to think Man arrived 'Poof' just like that, but Darwin showed them different. The Cosmos, like Man, evolved only slowly.
These made up Repulsive (Ugh) Forces dont exist. The Universe isn't run by anti-gravity - but Gravity.
Just as gravity keeps the Moon tied to Earth, the Sun to our Local Group, so it is that Gravity (Universal Gravity) does everything else. I realise this is new to you, Ferrous Cranus, and I know this can't have any effect on you, but it's true, nevertheless.
Well, I'm not the one pushing a barrow, so I don't see that I need anything. If the Big Bang model is wrong, why would I care?

Your response didn't address any of the questions in my post:
Do you have anything to support your theory?
Is there evidence of this vortex in the CMBR?
What do you think happened before those trillions of years?
Where did that tremendous cloud of hydrogen come from?
How large was it?

It seems like you need a cloud of hydrogen that either appeared *poof*, or was just always hanging around until something (What? And why at that time?) triggered the start of its collapse.
I'm trying my best to answer your questions. I just have Gravity to support my theory, I suppose. Real Gravity, the kind that keeps us tied to Earth. Evidence for the vortex lies in the Ever Lengthening, Speeding Up Streams that seem to compose the Observable Universe. Our own local stream, with us falling into the Hydra Centaurus Super Cluster, but in a way that we can never reach it, for the Hydra Centaurus Super Cluster is falling away from us faster than we are arriving, into an even more massive structure these Seven Samurai called 'The Great Attractor. The great Attractor itself is falling into the Shapely Concentration in the same manner. That's just our local stream.
These 'Sreamlets' as they really are, can only be found in a vortex. They are, in fact, what each and every Vortex is made of. The Hydrogen Cloud formed only very slowly, compacting down until Pressures and Temperatures allowed Fusion - we see it all the time in Star-birth. How large was it, basically the mass was about what it is tonite. Another thing is the conservation of mass and other things. What is happening to the Observable Universe is the opposite of what happens when you fall into a Black Hole - you'll Slow Down, Warm, Become moe Compqact and Compress. See? It's all conserved. The only way it could be.
Nicely played - from my two word postings on this thread you've managed to figure out that all I want in my life is to be like you, it's just that I can do it because I'm in the grip of the establishment. Actually, scratch that, I'm pretty much given free reign to research what I want and paid reasonably well for it too, so it's not a money issue either. I'm just not smart enough to compete with your work. That's more likely.

If my vote has any weight, I vote for this thread to stay here and open because it's jolly funny.
Glad you got a sense of humour, Prometheus. As a mathematician, it's hard for me to know what you have observed, or how you think the Observable Universe is unfolding. Have you ever heard of the Seven Samurai, as they called themselves, an international group of Scientists active in the mid Eighties? Are you at all familiar with their discoveries? Do you know that the picture of the CMBR taken by COBE, in the Infra Red, the same picture unveiled by Eli Dwek in 1986, showed a perfectly smooth Early Universe, a picture slightly redder at one end than the other? Do you believe the Cosmos started Speeding Up in 1998?
That's what it says in Wiki, if you look under Big Bang. I see they don't even allow the possibility that this Expansion started only Slowly and has since Sped Up. According to Wiki the expansion started Fast, Slowed Down, then Sped Up again... Is this what you believe too?
Well I'm back after my temporary and enforced absence. I notice we've kept up the crackpot intake while I've been away.
Hydrogen is transdimensional...?
God made this hydrogen?
And Astrocat has the gall to claim Pete is making things up and doing "poor science".
Just... wow.
Well, I'll retract that bit about God making the Hydrogen just as soon as you can provide a more likely scenario, and no, I don't think Hydrogen is transdimentional. I said 'primping' was. And yes, going around dreaming up Repulsive Forces is Poor Science. Now, Dyddyr, if I got that right, do you have anything Scientific to add to this thread, or are you just here to denigrate? Do you know that human males give off small amounts of NO (Nitrous monoxide?) when sexually aroused? Do you know that females give off pherenomes, that different chemicals are emitted under different situations. Dogs can smell fear? Another chemical, life's full of them. How can you say for sure that these effects are not transdimensional?
Please quote the relevant passage to support this contention.
I refer, of course, to the graph they show of the Cosmos' Expansion (even tho' it's only the Observable Universe that's expanding.) If you go to Big Bang inWiki, I don't see how you can miss it. They don't even allow the possibility that this expansion started only slowly. Could it be they're afraid to? I suspect they are.
Well, I'll retract that bit about God making the Hydrogen just as soon as you can provide a more likely scenario
More likely than God?
Since YOU made the claim it's up to you to support it. :rolleyes:

and no, I don't think Hydrogen is transdimentional. I said 'primping' was.
No you didn't.
Astrocat said:
and some things, like this creating Hydrogen are trans-dimensional
Post 263.
And WTF is "primped" hydrogen? Please explain how "primping" is "transdimensional".

Now, Dyddyr, if I got that right
Can't even copy a name?

do you have anything Scientific to add to this thread, or are you just here to denigrate?
I'm always ready to denigrate crackpits.

Do you know that human males give off small amounts of NO (Nitrous monoxide?) when sexually aroused? Do you know that females give off pherenomes, that different chemicals are emitted under different situations. Dogs can smell fear? Another chemical, life's full of them.
So what?

How can you say for sure that these effects are not transdimensional?
You'd have to define exactly what you mean by "transdimensional". If all you mean is that dogs are more receptive to smells than humans, then okay. If you mean something else then you'll have to support it.
Maybe he means this pop-sci visual:

If so, I don't know where he got the idea that accelerated expansion began in 1998. But, I've given up. He's not here to learn and discuss, he's just here to win his little pissing contest.
Glad you got a sense of humour, Prometheus. As a mathematician, it's hard for me to know what you have observed, or how you think the Observable Universe is unfolding. Have you ever heard of the Seven Samurai, as they called themselves, an international group of Scientists active in the mid Eighties? Are you at all familiar with their discoveries? Do you know that the picture of the CMBR taken by COBE, in the Infra Red, the same picture unveiled by Eli Dwek in 1986, showed a perfectly smooth Early Universe, a picture slightly redder at one end than the other? Do you believe the Cosmos started Speeding Up in 1998?
That's what it says in Wiki, if you look under Big Bang. I see they don't even allow the possibility that this Expansion started only Slowly and has since Sped Up. According to Wiki the expansion started Fast, Slowed Down, then Sped Up again... Is this what you believe too?

Alternatively, the COBE measurements of the CMB were simply more precise than the earlier ones. The variations in the CMB are really very small indeed you know.
Saying CMBR is in the infrared is a little like saying it's a long walk to Honolulu.
If so, I don't know where he got the idea that accelerated expansion began in 1998. .
When did our awareness of the accelerated expansion come into being? Was that 1998?

astrocat employs the same snide, deliberate misunderstandings often seen in creationists. One suspects he is not nearly as dumb as he appears - largely beacuse it is doubtful anyone could be that dumb and survive.
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