Is eeryone happy with the Big Bang? I'm not.

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Math is not a Science,

Sure it is.

at least it wasn't the last time I checked.

You probably read that in a book, the title of which you made up?

Put a mathematician in charge and you'll come up with a Big Bang that flies in the face of Gravity.

Hmmmm, no, you just don't understand the Big Bang. The fundamental forces may have been unified right at the very beginning, so nteractions not as you imagine.

GR predicts that if all the Universe was gathered together in one place, it would become a Black Hole. Your Big Bang is a Physical impossibiliy.

Physical Impossibility? If you knew anything about Physics, you'd know Physics says it cannot make predictions inside a singularity, so your statement, is unsupported BUNK.

And you think that with a nuclear bomb detonated in Space, your computer is still going to work?

Depends on the type of bomb, it's yields, it's altitude, and location.

The Russians have developed a hand generated computer for just such an event. Sweeping, unsubstantiated, statements - that's you, isn't it?l

Even valves can be damaged by EMP kiddo. So what use is that?
'The early stageof an explosion?' You remind me of someone watching an experiment to produce Hydrogen by pouring sulphuric acid on zinc, but when the experiment starts, before anyone can upend the tube of sulphuric acid you stop the experiment, saying 'Where's the Hydrogen?' - Please.
Still no denial forthcoming. Yet no "admission of defeat" either.
There seems to be a lot of anger in your posts. And pissing contests (Wiki) are what immature boys get up to. That seems about right, in your case.
A pissing contest is certainly immature.
And what's in this 'thermally insulated ballon,' and how big is it, and how much does it weigh? If you want an answer, let's get some facts here, so we can observe this imaginary balloon to see who's right.
The size and weight of a standard party balloon, filled with air.
Knock yourself out.

You might also like to consider a few stellar masses of hydrogen. What happens when it collapses under its own weight?

And if you're so sure there was a Big Bang...
Not my argument, dude. I not immature enough to pretend I'm au fait with cosmology. I'm just here to point out a couple of glaring flaws in your arguments.
While we all derive some satisfaction from pointing out the inconsistencies, errors and blatant stupidity in posts by those ignoramuses like astrocat, surely there comes a time when the troll/idiot should be ignored. Might that not be now?

Good idea.

Ferrous Cranus

Ferrous Cranus is utterly impervious to reason, persuasion and new ideas, and when engaged in battle he will not yield an inch in his position regardless of its hopelessness. Though his thrusts are decisively repulsed, his arguments crushed in every detail and his defenses demolished beyond repair he will remount the same attack again and again with only the slightest variation in tactics.
You say you have a theory. I all I have seen in multiple posts from you are some vaguely expressed, ambiguous, sometimes contradictory statements that have the form of a weak and easily demolished analogy. You have not addressed any aspect of the universe mathematically. You have made no predictions. You have failed to explore the impact of your analogy on any important aspect of cosmology such as early star formation, galaxy formation, cosmic background radiation, etc.

Rather than a theory it is obvious to all that what you have is poorly formulated, badly expressed, wholly unfounded speculation. Are you quite unable to recognise this? Help me understand how you came to be so deluded. You may already have addressed this point earlier, but I would be intrigued to know your educational qualifications and where you acquired your limited, distorted and usually wrong view of the universe.
I have a Theory, it's called the Mable Theory. Mable is the Mother of All Black HoLEs, the Black Hole at the Center of the Universe. I predict we will arrive at this Black Hole in 13.8 billion years. This Black Hole is 60 trillion times larger than the Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy. I predict that not only the Expansion will be found to be increasing exponentially, as it is according to Lee Smolin in his book on String Theory, but the Cooling Down will also be found to be increasing exponentially.
Mable is approximately 700 trillion years old.
Well, that's enough for predictions, Early Star formation came from Gravity assembling huge Hydrogen clouds, which compressed down until their centers went critical and certain isotopes of Hydrogen fused.
That's how the Early Universe started, from a huge ball of Gravity accreted Hydrogen, that went critical at the center. Now because the center was already compressed (and this applies to star formation too) such an explosion in such a confined Space caused other parts ofthe Cloud to go critical, resulting in a Cosmos that evolved slowly, starting from the core outwards,
gradually falling towards the center, faster and faster of course.
Now, this Speeding Up led to a Loss of Pressure (Bernoulli) and the Loss of Pressure led to Expansion (Boyle) and the Expansion led to Cooling Down as explained by the Joules-Thomson Effect. In addition, the Universe is Clumping Up, again - exponentially.
In my model of the Cosmos, the nozzle of a working Central Vac (CV) laid in the center of a room, there is a vortex at this nozzle. It is a zone of furious activity, and particles here collide and become elecctrically charged. Salesmen used to delight in showing customers how the Clumps went by the view port on the nozzle. From a roomful of dust particles, your CV will make Clumps, and paradoxically, in this zone of least density, are formed the biggest clumps.
So it is at the Center of the Universe, a void - about 5 million times the size of the Observable Universe. (We are becoming less dense).
Here, Balck Holes are forced to eat their accretion discs, or else risk having them ripped off in furious Hi-Speed battles with other Black Holes.
Here there is no light - it can't survive. It's cold - everything is in its Boez-Einstein state, where matter morphs but mass remains.
Here there are only Super Massive Black Holes. They rule this void, until, of course, one by one, they all fall into Mable.
I almost think these Black Holes are intelligent, the way they order their meals into long strings of matter that they accrete one by one.
Galaxies are merely the accretion rings of Black Holes. The sun (Sol) accretes Planets, just as Black Holes accrete Stars - it's all due to Gravity. What do you think Keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth? Dark Energy? - please! It's gravity, and I'm surprised you need me to tell you that.
These repulsive forces were manufactured - they don't exist. Gravity exists, and it's Universal Gravity that operates the Universe.
The CBR is merely that outside part of the GasCloud that hasn't yet noticed what is happening at the center. Gravity, like air, is elastic, and it will take time for the CBR to start moving.
Our Cosmos grows (like a Galaxy) when it passes through a particularly rich (with dust and gasses) part, and shrinks in a Void. Inthis sense, limited as it is, the Cosmos can expand. Otherwise, like everything relse in the Cosmos, we're going in. We are in a Big Crunch, always have been.
Deluded? It's you who have been juiced in it, my friend. You have fallen for the idea of a Belgian Priest who heard the Universe was expanding and decided there had been a Big Bang. Einstein later said of this Priest that he had 'a woeful lack of Physics,' and I agree. I agree with everything Einstein said, including that the Cosmological constant was the biggest Blunder of his carreer as a Mathematician. This came shortly after he married a Physicist, who I think explained to him that the manufacturing of repulsive forces was okay in Math, but would be considered Poor Science in a Physics Lab.
You were told there was a Big Bang and you believed it - you'll probably die believing this fabrication, and Dark Energy too, but I, fortunately escaped - I can still think for myself. I have tons of ideas.
Once, I found myself able to disembody - to rise up out of myself. In the spirit world, I asked to meet God, and found I didn't like him. That got me thinking about other stuff, including the Cosmos, how it's behaving just like any other falling object, Speeding Up, Cooling Down, Expanding and Losing Pressure. But it's also Clumping Up, you see - and that spells Vortex.
An axis to the Universe was discovered by the Borge-Norling team, by hooking up astronomers around the world, and others swear they can see an axis in the W-Map picture.
If there's an axis, then I'm right. The Cosmos is a Vortex, probably shaped a lot like our Milky Way, with four arms etc etc. Of course, Modern Scientists will probably try to suppress it, if an axis is confirmed. Hope that explains things a little, let me know how you feel.
What an amazing display of ignorance. Just about everything you've said is wrong. You have no knowledge of stellar formation or processes, and none about cosmology.
These are all bald statements Alex G. If I'm wrong, please take the trouble to explain where, and offer me your own viewpoint. Just sitting there typing 'You're Wrong, you're wrong,' doesn't advance anything except my frustration at your posts.
Okay, if you don't like what I'm saying - choose something, anything onwhich to challenge me.
Stars form from huge Hydrogen clouds that compact down to a center that goes critical. You don't like that - why don't you tell me how you think Stars were formed - or are you going to tell me they came already formed from the Big Bang, your instat, 'Poof, just like that' Universe.
I have a Theory, it's called the Mable Theory. Mable is the Mother of All Black HoLEs, the Black Hole at the Center of the Universe. I predict we will arrive at this Black Hole in 13.8 billion years. This Black Hole is 60 trillion times larger than the Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy. I predict that not only the Expansion will be found to be increasing exponentially, as it is according to Lee Smolin in his book on String Theory, but the Cooling Down will also be found to be increasing exponentially.
Mable is approximately 700 trillion years old.
Well, that's enough for predictions, Early Star formation came from Gravity assembling huge Hydrogen clouds, which compressed down until their centers went critical and certain isotopes of Hydrogen fused.
That's how the Early Universe started, from a huge ball of Gravity accreted Hydrogen, that went critical at the center. Now because the center was already compressed (and this applies to star formation too) such an explosion in such a confined Space caused other parts ofthe Cloud to go critical, resulting in a Cosmos that evolved slowly, starting from the core outwards,
gradually falling towards the center, faster and faster of course.
Now, this Speeding Up led to a Loss of Pressure (Bernoulli) and the Loss of Pressure led to Expansion (Boyle) and the Expansion led to Cooling Down as explained by the Joules-Thomson Effect. In addition, the Universe is Clumping Up, again - exponentially.
In my model of the Cosmos, the nozzle of a working Central Vac (CV) laid in the center of a room, there is a vortex at this nozzle. It is a zone of furious activity, and particles here collide and become elecctrically charged. Salesmen used to delight in showing customers how the Clumps went by the view port on the nozzle. From a roomful of dust particles, your CV will make Clumps, and paradoxically, in this zone of least density, are formed the biggest clumps.
So it is at the Center of the Universe, a void - about 5 million times the size of the Observable Universe. (We are becoming less dense).
Here, Balck Holes are forced to eat their accretion discs, or else risk having them ripped off in furious Hi-Speed battles with other Black Holes.
Here there is no light - it can't survive. It's cold - everything is in its Boez-Einstein state, where matter morphs but mass remains.
Here there are only Super Massive Black Holes. They rule this void, until, of course, one by one, they all fall into Mable.
I almost think these Black Holes are intelligent, the way they order their meals into long strings of matter that they accrete one by one.
Galaxies are merely the accretion rings of Black Holes. The sun (Sol) accretes Planets, just as Black Holes accrete Stars - it's all due to Gravity. What do you think Keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth? Dark Energy? - please! It's gravity, and I'm surprised you need me to tell you that.
These repulsive forces were manufactured - they don't exist. Gravity exists, and it's Universal Gravity that operates the Universe.
The CBR is merely that outside part of the GasCloud that hasn't yet noticed what is happening at the center. Gravity, like air, is elastic, and it will take time for the CBR to start moving.
Our Cosmos grows (like a Galaxy) when it passes through a particularly rich (with dust and gasses) part, and shrinks in a Void. Inthis sense, limited as it is, the Cosmos can expand. Otherwise, like everything relse in the Cosmos, we're going in. We are in a Big Crunch, always have been.
Deluded? It's you who have been juiced in it, my friend. You have fallen for the idea of a Belgian Priest who heard the Universe was expanding and decided there had been a Big Bang. Einstein later said of this Priest that he had 'a woeful lack of Physics,' and I agree. I agree with everything Einstein said, including that the Cosmological constant was the biggest Blunder of his carreer as a Mathematician. This came shortly after he married a Physicist, who I think explained to him that the manufacturing of repulsive forces was okay in Math, but would be considered Poor Science in a Physics Lab.
You were told there was a Big Bang and you believed it - you'll probably die believing this fabrication, and Dark Energy too, but I, fortunately escaped - I can still think for myself. I have tons of ideas.
Once, I found myself able to disembody - to rise up out of myself. In the spirit world, I asked to meet God, and found I didn't like him. That got me thinking about other stuff, including the Cosmos, how it's behaving just like any other falling object, Speeding Up, Cooling Down, Expanding and Losing Pressure. But it's also Clumping Up, you see - and that spells Vortex.
An axis to the Universe was discovered by the Borge-Norling team, by hooking up astronomers around the world, and others swear they can see an axis in the W-Map picture.
If there's an axis, then I'm right. The Cosmos is a Vortex, probably shaped a lot like our Milky Way, with four arms etc etc. Of course, Modern Scientists will probably try to suppress it, if an axis is confirmed. Hope that explains things a little, let me know how you feel.

You have it exactly backwards. Mass doesn't get more dense by coming together into a smaller volume, mass gets less dense by spreading out into a greater volume, hence, I say, "mass evolves to space!"

Mass gets less dense over time. The Earth came from the sun, like all the planets did. ;)

The second law of thermodynamics has my back.
Still no denial forthcoming. Yet no "admission of defeat" either.

A pissing contest is certainly immature.

The size and weight of a standard party balloon, filled with air.
Knock yourself out.

You might also like to consider a few stellar masses of hydrogen. What happens when it collapses under its own weight?

Not my argument, dude. I not immature enough to pretend I'm au fait with cosmology. I'm just here to point out a couple of glaring flaws in your arguments.
I explained how I feel about your interrupted experiment. Either you can see it or you can't. Either way, I'm tired of trying to explain it to you.
Yeah, well I'm mature.
Okay your party ballon filled with air. Now, you didn't give any location for this experiment, so I'm going to choose the surface of the Moon, where your party ballon, if it could withstand the vacuum, would fall just like a feather,
which would fall just like a hammer - or a rubber ball, Speeding Up, tending to Cool Down, Expand and lose Pressure.
I like the rubber ball, myself, as it behaves like the others but the effects are more easy to see. When it lands, it will of course Slow Down and Stop, Pete, it will warm and compress, becoming more compact as it does so.
I have a Theory, it's called the Mable Theory. Mable is the Mother of All Black HoLEs, the Black Hole at the Center of the Universe. I predict we will arrive at this Black Hole in 13.8 billion years. This Black Hole is 60 trillion times larger than the Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy. I predict that not only the Expansion will be found to be increasing exponentially, as it is according to Lee Smolin in his book on String Theory, but the Cooling Down will also be found to be increasing exponentially.
Mable is approximately 700 trillion years old.
Well, that's enough for predictions, Early Star formation came from Gravity assembling huge Hydrogen clouds, which compressed down until their centers went critical and certain isotopes of Hydrogen fused.
That's how the Early Universe started, from a huge ball of Gravity accreted Hydrogen, that went critical at the center. Now because the center was already compressed (and this applies to star formation too) such an explosion in such a confined Space caused other parts ofthe Cloud to go critical, resulting in a Cosmos that evolved slowly, starting from the core outwards,
gradually falling towards the center, faster and faster of course.
Now, this Speeding Up led to a Loss of Pressure (Bernoulli) and the Loss of Pressure led to Expansion (Boyle) and the Expansion led to Cooling Down as explained by the Joules-Thomson Effect. In addition, the Universe is Clumping Up, again - exponentially.
In my model of the Cosmos, the nozzle of a working Central Vac (CV) laid in the center of a room, there is a vortex at this nozzle. It is a zone of furious activity, and particles here collide and become elecctrically charged. Salesmen used to delight in showing customers how the Clumps went by the view port on the nozzle. From a roomful of dust particles, your CV will make Clumps, and paradoxically, in this zone of least density, are formed the biggest clumps.
So it is at the Center of the Universe, a void - about 5 million times the size of the Observable Universe. (We are becoming less dense).
Here, Balck Holes are forced to eat their accretion discs, or else risk having them ripped off in furious Hi-Speed battles with other Black Holes.
Here there is no light - it can't survive. It's cold - everything is in its Boez-Einstein state, where matter morphs but mass remains.
Here there are only Super Massive Black Holes. They rule this void, until, of course, one by one, they all fall into Mable.
I almost think these Black Holes are intelligent, the way they order their meals into long strings of matter that they accrete one by one.
Galaxies are merely the accretion rings of Black Holes. The sun (Sol) accretes Planets, just as Black Holes accrete Stars - it's all due to Gravity. What do you think Keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth? Dark Energy? - please! It's gravity, and I'm surprised you need me to tell you that.
These repulsive forces were manufactured - they don't exist. Gravity exists, and it's Universal Gravity that operates the Universe.
The CBR is merely that outside part of the GasCloud that hasn't yet noticed what is happening at the center. Gravity, like air, is elastic, and it will take time for the CBR to start moving.
Our Cosmos grows (like a Galaxy) when it passes through a particularly rich (with dust and gasses) part, and shrinks in a Void. Inthis sense, limited as it is, the Cosmos can expand. Otherwise, like everything relse in the Cosmos, we're going in. We are in a Big Crunch, always have been.
Deluded? It's you who have been juiced in it, my friend. You have fallen for the idea of a Belgian Priest who heard the Universe was expanding and decided there had been a Big Bang. Einstein later said of this Priest that he had 'a woeful lack of Physics,' and I agree. I agree with everything Einstein said, including that the Cosmological constant was the biggest Blunder of his carreer as a Mathematician. This came shortly after he married a Physicist, who I think explained to him that the manufacturing of repulsive forces was okay in Math, but would be considered Poor Science in a Physics Lab.
You were told there was a Big Bang and you believed it - you'll probably die believing this fabrication, and Dark Energy too, but I, fortunately escaped - I can still think for myself. I have tons of ideas.
Once, I found myself able to disembody - to rise up out of myself. In the spirit world, I asked to meet God, and found I didn't like him. That got me thinking about other stuff, including the Cosmos, how it's behaving just like any other falling object, Speeding Up, Cooling Down, Expanding and Losing Pressure. But it's also Clumping Up, you see - and that spells Vortex.
An axis to the Universe was discovered by the Borge-Norling team, by hooking up astronomers around the world, and others swear they can see an axis in the W-Map picture.
If there's an axis, then I'm right. The Cosmos is a Vortex, probably shaped a lot like our Milky Way, with four arms etc etc. Of course, Modern Scientists will probably try to suppress it, if an axis is confirmed. Hope that explains things a little, let me know how you feel.

If we were being pulled towards a black hole, wouldn't we observe a preference for one direction in the distribution of galactic velocities relative to ours? Since we observe that galaxies recede from us and their velocity is proportional to their distance from us, I say your "theory" has been observationally disproven. I'd like to quote this again, because it's very funny:

Well, that's enough for predictions

lol! :D
Good idea.

Ferrous Cranus

Ferrous Cranus is utterly impervious to reason, persuasion and new ideas, and when engaged in battle he will not yield an inch in his position regardless of its hopelessness. Though his thrusts are decisively repulsed, his arguments crushed in every detail and his defenses demolished beyond repair he will remount the same attack again and again with only the slightest variation in tactics.
I see your Ferrous Cranus is impervious to new ideas. This Black Hole at the Center of the Universe is a new idea - to you, and Ferrous Cranus. But he is blinkered - he can't see the truth, that the manufacturing of 'repulsive forces' is Poor Science! What are we going to do with him?
Or are you going to suggest the Big Bang is a new idea? It's as old as the hills, Pete, there's nothing new about it.
It's new ideas that your character can't deal with. Pete, it's you.
Im not happy with the Big Bang. I hate existing.
This "I hate living," is becoming more and more common in our Society. I have heard that in Places like Northern Labrador there is a high suicide rate, due to lack of a will to live. I met a Japanese lady who told me the same thing. It's so sad. I don't blame you, tho', for distrusting the Big Bang. I don't trust it either - especially when I see where it came from.
You have it exactly backwards. Mass doesn't get more dense by coming together into a smaller volume, mass gets less dense by spreading out into a greater volume, hence, I say, "mass evolves to space!"

Mass gets less dense over time. The Earth came from the sun, like all the planets did. ;)

The second law of thermodynamics has my back.
Backwards? When I say a body becomes more dense by coming together in a small volume? Did I say mass becomes more dense..? Where did I say that? What line? I don't think I would say a thing like that!
Did I say Mass becomes less dense over time? I'm going to have to look for that. Was it in response to one of your posts that I said that?
Earth came from the remnants of an exploded star. If Sol exploded at the end of it's life, it would eject all kinds of elements, including the heaviest (atomically Speaking) which we can find here, on Earth.
Where do you think Planets come from? Or are you going to tell me Earth came out of the Big Bang already formed, just the way it is today.
You have it exactly backwards. Mass doesn't get more dense by coming together into a smaller volume, mass gets less dense by spreading out into a greater volume, hence, I say, "mass evolves to space!"

Mass gets less dense over time. The Earth came from the sun, like all the planets did. ;)

The second law of thermodynamics has my back.
Motor Daddy, I went back over my response to someone's post, the one you object to, and nowhere, Motor Daddy do I say 'Mass gets less dense over time.'
Where you got this from, I don't know - I can only conclude you made it up.
If we were being pulled towards a black hole, wouldn't we observe a preference for one direction in the distribution of galactic velocities relative to ours? Since we observe that galaxies recede from us and their velocity is proportional to their distance from us, I say your "theory" has been observationally disproven. I'd like to quote this again, because it's very funny:

lol! :D
Go ahead, Prometheus, kill yourself laughing. Of course the Observable Universe has a preffered direction. This was discovered by a group of scientists who called themselves the Seven Samurai.
Looking into the 'Zone of Avoidance,' the other side of our Milky Way, they noticed that (according to the CMB) our whole group of Galaxies, including the Virgo formation, is falling into the giant Hydra Centaurus Super Cluster, but in such a way that we will never reach it, because the Hydra Centaurus Super Cluster is moving away from us, drawn by another structure they called 'The Great Attractor' which I have since heard is falling into an even more massive structure called The Shapely Concentration, but of course, the Great Attractor cannot reach the Shapely Concentration because it, in its turn, is falling even faster.
What they described, these Seven Samurai, was an Observable Universe largely composed of these ever lengthening, Speeding Up 'Streams,' really Streamlets, the very same Streamlets that compose each and every Vortex.
You have it exactly backwards. Mass doesn't get more dense by coming together into a smaller volume, mass gets less dense by spreading out into a greater volume, hence, I say, "mass evolves to space!"

Mass gets less dense over time. The Earth came from the sun, like all the planets did. ;)

The second law of thermodynamics has my back.
Motor Daddy, I'm sorry to keep coming back to you. Earth came from the sun, like all the other Planets. That's news to me - what about everybody else?
Motor Daddy, I'm sorry to keep coming back to you. Earth came from the sun, like all the other Planets. That's news to me - what about everybody else?

Of course it's news to you, I figured it out and just told you.

Mass evolves to space, ie..mass gets less dense over time. You can think of our entire solar system as the sun. It used to be all together in one mass in less volume of space, but it has since expanded and got less dense by "chunks" of mass expanding out away from the core of the sun. We live in the sun, in a less dense area than the core.
Acat, nothing you say corresponds in any way to observed reality. To take your points one by one and show how they are wrong is a waste of time. It's much more concise to simply say that nothing you post is correct.

Arguing with a crank like you is a waste of time. You know nothing about physics or science at all.
Go ahead, Prometheus, kill yourself laughing. Of course the Observable Universe has a preffered direction. This was discovered by a group of scientists who called themselves the Seven Samurai.
Looking into the 'Zone of Avoidance,' the other side of our Milky Way, they noticed that (according to the CMB) our whole group of Galaxies, including the Virgo formation, is falling into the giant Hydra Centaurus Super Cluster, but in such a way that we will never reach it, because the Hydra Centaurus Super Cluster is moving away from us, drawn by another structure they called 'The Great Attractor' which I have since heard is falling into an even more massive structure called The Shapely Concentration, but of course, the Great Attractor cannot reach the Shapely Concentration because it, in its turn, is falling even faster.
What they described, these Seven Samurai, was an Observable Universe largely composed of these ever lengthening, Speeding Up 'Streams,' really Streamlets, the very same Streamlets that compose each and every Vortex.

In reality of course, there is no preferred direction in the universe. As big as they are, effects like the great attractor are both small (the cosmological redshift is a far bigger effect) and local. Galaxy clusters effect each other gravitationally - that's not in doubt, but there isn't progressively bigger and bigger great attractors. All the evidence points to a homogeneous and isotropic universe at large scales. If you think that's wrong, provide some evidence to the contrary, and by evidence I don't mean more of your own waffle, I mean a real scientific paper or equivalent.
Of course it's news to you, I figured it out and just told you.

Mass evolves to space, ie..mass gets less dense over time. You can think of our entire solar system as the sun. It used to be all together in one mass in less volume of space, but it has since expanded and got less dense by "chunks" of mass expanding out away from the core of the sun. We live in the sun, in a less dense area than the core.
Motordaddy, let me be the first to disillusion you.
Earth, as it was then, became captured by Sol's Gravity as it, Earth, careened thru' Space. Sol accreted Earth just as Sol accreted the other Planets. The Planets and Asteroids that orbit Sol represent Sol's accretion Disk.
I suppose some matter might become less dense over time, but I certainly never learned it in Physics Class. Got any proof?
Acat, nothing you say corresponds in any way to observed reality. To take your points one by one and show how they are wrong is a waste of time. It's much more concise to simply say that nothing you post is correct.

Arguing with a crank like you is a waste of time. You know nothing about physics or science at all.
Bald statements, AlexG. Too bad we can't communicate.
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