Is eating meat morally wrong

But we don't need efficent. Cultivating that land destroys what it was and you can nver get it back. Cattle ranching allows it to stay as it is.
Yeah, the soil will be destroyed when cultivation occurs, unless you cultivate only peanuts and tubers...but then just eating peanuts and tubers would not be very healthy, now would it?
TheAlphaWolf said:
That's sad. Are you really that desperate?
Communist hamster:

I don't really get that either... but if it never had a brain or any other organs, it's not morally wrong to eat it, since it never suffered or anything like it.
I shall start developing one at once.
Communist Hamster:

Would eating meat that has been grown in a vat by genetic science be morally wrong? It never had a brain or indeed any other organs

I can't see any reason it would be wrong per se.
Theoryofrelativity said:
When and why does humans killing animals to eat become a moral issue if at all?

When humans eat animals that they themselves are not capable of killing.

If one can catch and kill an animal, clean it, prepare it, cook it, and eat it, all this by oneself, I don't see a problem with killing animals to eat their meat.

But when a person has qualms about killing an animal, yet wishes to eat its meat,
this is when I think a moral issue is present.
James R said:
If humanity converted to a vegetarian diet tomorrow, then the currently-living animals could be allowed to live their natural lives, but we would restrict their breeding to gradually reduce numbers. We could still preserve the species at whatever level was deemed appropriate - perhaps in special wildlife sanctuaries like the ones we already have for other species which we don't eat.

Arguing that the meat industry is somehow being kind by creating animals to be killed is a very stupid argument indeed.

Take a similar argument. We do not, in general, eat dogs. Have dogs gone extinct? Why not?

Sorry James but this is very silly..Dogs are house hold pets hence not extinct, I don't know of any roaming wild, I do know dog patrols round them up if they do! Cows won't be household pets, and No if went veggie tomorrow they would NOT be allowed to live out their natural lives of 10-20yrs! We'd immediately need the land for crops. So sorry this reply not particularly helpful.

Also I NEVER argued meat industry being kind creating animals by creating animals to kill them???? Where did you get that from?????????? NOT ME! Don't misquote me please!

I'm asking if we went veggie tomorrow what would we do with the animals- REALLY, what would we do with them??

I studied animal welfare/rights/managment etc etc once (5 days a week for 2yrs) and college class was based in zoo so we could study species at first hand. I understand how management of animals works, and I can assure you if we went veggie tomorrow, (IN UK at least) the guns would come out and they'd all be shot, bar a very small handful. THIS is guarantted!

When foot and mouth hit, thousands of uninfected herds were slaughtered.

Whatever reasons for breeding them, this is not kind or moral.
well eating meat and butchering civillians in iraq is a BIG step not small one!

Although I get the point you are making, hence abortion being legal and widely accepted. Murder ok and redefined when it suits ones own needs!

Which brings me to two points that always baffle me:

Why are some anti animal cruelty vegetarians pro abortion! killing is killing?
Why do people call themsleves vegetarian when they eat fish? fish is livng creature not vegetable? Why don't they just say..I don't eat red/white meat?
Any vegetarians falling into above catagoriues like to share your views on this? Not an attack, genuinely curious?
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perplexity said:
With yourself in good order, good deeds follow naturally enough,
and to that end I mind what I eat.

This reads like you're suggesting vegetarians are nicer, gooder, better people than meat eaters, knowing some vegetarians, can't AGREE 1millionth of a percentage with that at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But we don't need efficent. Cultivating that land destroys what it was and you can nver get it back. Cattle ranching allows it to stay as it is.
Cattle ranching also destroys land.
Why are some anti animal cruelty vegetarians pro abortion! killing is killing?
Why do people call themsleves vegetarian when they eat fish? fish is livng creature not vegetable? Why don't they just say..I don't eat red/white meat?
Any vegetarians falling into above catagoriues like to share your views on this? Not an attack, genuinely curious?
1) no, killing is NOT killing. I have no qualms about eating beans. For one, fetuses do not feel pain, they don't think, they don't suffer, they don't have any emotions whatsoever. Cows, pigs, chickens, etc. do. Two, fetuses are not grown in horrible conditions only to be killed and eaten just for the pure pleasure of it. Cows and others are.
2)I don' tknow, that's stupid.
3) vegetables are living creatures
This reads like you're suggesting vegetarians are nicer, gooder, better people than meat eaters, knowing some vegetarians, can't AGREE 1millionth of a percentage with that at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and you've been saying things that suggest you think vegetarians are evil hypocrites who go around forcing people to be vegetarians and should all go to hell. (ok, maybe not that strongly)
TheAlphaWolf said:
Cattle ranching also destroys land.

1) no, killing is NOT killing. I have no qualms about eating beans. For one, fetuses do not feel pain, they don't think, they don't suffer, they don't have any emotions whatsoever. Cows, pigs, chickens, etc. do. Two, fetuses are not grown in horrible conditions only to be killed and eaten just for the pure pleasure of it. Cows and others are.
2)I don' tknow, that's stupid.
3) vegetables are living creatures

and you've been saying things that suggest you think vegetarians are evil hypocrites who go around forcing people to be vegetarians and should all go to hell. (ok, maybe not that strongly)

You can clearly NOT read

I NEVER EVER suggested vegetarians were evil??? I intend to be one myself (said so here many times) when I am sure the diet and recipes are sorted! My boyfriend and best friend are vegetarian you sad loser.

re abortion, fetuses may not feel pain (check your facts on that!) but babies do and babies are aborted up to full term! I think they can feel pain from 8 WEEKS so check your facts vegetarian baby killer.

NO vegetables are not living 'CREATURES' they are vegetables! since when were they creatures??? how old are you?

I may want to be vegetarian but NO I don't agree that meat eating is wrong. I do however agree that some (not all) methods of farming are wrong.

I would never force my veg views on anyone just as I wouldn't force my personal 'god' beliefs on someone. There are too many people here that want to ram their biased views down peoples throats, thats what I object too.

Eating meat is NOT morally wrong, some methods of farming are.

And for those reasons (farming related) when I am able and can ensure a healthy diet (without supplements-cos if you have to supplement then its NOT healthy) I will be vegetarian.

Meanwhile DON'T make up your own crap about things I've said when I HAVEN'T said them, if you do you are a troll and need to go take your trolly ways into someone leses thread!
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perplexity said:
"I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams."
(W Sakespeare, Hamlet: Act II, Scene II)

you appear to think that you own some sort of authority to try the merit of vegetarians as a class.

I do not accept that authority.
I see no real point or purpose to such a trial, no foreseeable consequence to it,
nor even anything close to a satisfactory means to conduct it.

For as far as I am concerned you are scarcely more than a vexatious time wasting troll.

Please rather attend to your own,
issues within the domain of your personal power and responsibility.


So I take it you are one of those vegetarians who believes in abortion and eats fish, I just think its hypocritical that's all. I'm sure it was you (can't be bothered to check) that said peoples views change to suit their prejudices, this is why I raised the question of vegetarians that don't eat meat because of their friendliness towards living creatures, but have no problems with abortion past 8 weeks. I thought that was excellent example of what you suggested.

Its' very simple, if you think thats 'trolling' you are nuts. Isn't anyone allowed to have ask questions that challenge your view?

I have no problem with vegetariansim, its a noble thing.

I do have problems with people who adopt a hollier than thou attitude and are full of hypocrisy.

Meanwhile how dare you accuse me of trolling my own thread? I can see by every reply you are indeed an individual who thinks they are higher and better than everyone else, and you'd be the same if you ate meat. You are ALL ego and so much so you can't even see it. Read back through your judgemental holier than thou (crap quotes) posts!
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