Is Driving A Privilege?


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  • Poll closed . my kids have to be afraid to cross the street to their friends house because some idiot like you, does not feel like he has to keep an eye out and not go speeding down the road. Some kids play on their own property and run out to get a ball or something......You as a driver should keep an eye out for that. I mean its different on the highway there aren't pedestrians walking around.

I have all ready said drivers have to be ultra alert, you said your kids play in the street, don't change the facts to fit your own view.
if a driver is speeding and kills your kid then it is his/her fault, if your kid runs out into the street after a ball and gets killed it is the kids fault? ultimately yours
oh you sicko i can understand if it was an acident like ball rolls in front of the when your driving past but you should be abididng the speeding regulations anyway, and acording to you you can spped as fast as you want becuase even if you hit a child it's fine i wont feel it's my fualt i mean its there mothers fualt you have got somthing wrong in your head!
Yes, true. I do not dispute this comment.

I do say driving is a RIGHT until you do something which removes your freedom, but you must first do SOMETHING it cannot be removed unless an event brings it about.


This is debated in the USA & other nations, I believe it's a human right and cannot be taken away, even if you killed somebody doing it!

Argue here my friends, but beware I am convinced driving is your personal right!
Well :shrug: technically if you view things in this way, then you have the right to run someone over until you have, then after it you will be thrown in jail and imprisoned, thereby your driving privileges are taken away by default. Of course if we view it this way then it's abit disturbing, but ehhh it's still technically true.
I have all ready said drivers have to be ultra alert, you said your kids play in the street, don't change the facts to fit your own view.
if a driver is speeding and kills your kid then it is his/her fault, if your kid runs out into the street after a ball and gets killed it is the kids fault? ultimately yours

my kids do not take their toys and play in the street......they cross the street to play with friends....they ride bikes around on the street and sidewalks....(not in the middle of the street) I have taught them from an early age to look both ways and not to fool in the street. What I am saying is.....I live in a neighbourhood with tons of the summer they are always out. Sometimes and mostly playing on their own properties. But as I drive down, I slow down to watch.......because you never know what persons kids might run out suddenly. The way some of these assholes drive down my street they think they are on a racetrack.....There is no way they would stop in time.......So if they killed a kid on my street whose fault would you say that was?
Well :shrug: technically if you view things in this way, then you have the right to run someone over until you have, then after it you will be thrown in jail and imprisoned, thereby your driving privileges are taken away by default. Of course if we view it this way then it's abit disturbing, but ehhh it's still technically true.

ok, what about this, if you have a licence for a gun and you kill someone should you be able to keep the gun?

because a car is just has lethal has a gun!!
ok, what about this, if you have a licence for a gun and you kill someone should you be able to keep the gun?

because a car is just has lethal has a gun!!

That's a valid statement, you are right. If someone has a gun / drivers license and they end up harming someone with it, then I would say that right is not an innate one anymore. However before that can be taken away they must do something to warrent it. In this case I submitt to your view... ideally I'd prefer that anyone had a right to bear arms or drive without even being tested, after-all prior to documentation of this kind people just pretty much did what they wanted, it was a RIGHT.

Of course one can also argue that by killing someone with either a car or gun you will be put into prison, thus you won't have access to a gun or car to use your innate RIGHT. Oh well...

Another idea I have is really, if you're speeding and you get a ticket the cop still has no right to take your license, all you did was go above a speed limit, that in itself should only be finable and not revoke your RIGHT to drive.
That's a valid statement, you are right. If someone has a gun / drivers license and they end up harming someone with it, then I would say that right is not an innate one anymore. However before that can be taken away they must do something to warrent it. In this case I submitt to your view... ideally I'd prefer that anyone had a right to bear arms or drive without even being tested, after-all prior to documentation of this kind people just pretty much did what they wanted, it was a RIGHT.

Of course one can also argue that by killing someone with either a car or gun you will be put into prison, thus you won't have access to a gun or car to use your innate RIGHT. Oh well...

let me get this straight in my head, are you saying that you would rather people not be tested for driving?
oh you sicko i can understand if it was an acident like ball rolls in front of the when your driving past but you should be abididng the speeding regulations anyway, and acording to you you can spped as fast as you want becuase even if you hit a child it's fine i wont feel it's my fualt i mean its there mothers fualt you have got somthing wrong in your head!

You are twisting everything i say.

I have said that drivers should be (ULTRA) alert.

Get into the real world mix kids with cars and some kids will be killed
Roads are built for vehicular traffic, not for kids play grounds.
You are twisting everything i say.

I have said that drivers should be (ULTRA) alert.

Get into the real world mix kids with cars and some kids will be killed
Roads are built for vehicular traffic, not for kids play grounds.

do you have any kids?
but just respect kids i mean they don't think about it as much as we do i mean come on man there only kids!!!!
i don't have any kids but i have a niece and if anythink happend to her it would be heart breaking for me
Cell Phones and Distracted Driving

Studies have shown that driving while talking on a cell phone is tantamount to driving drunk. Using a cell phone can physically distract drivers, requiring a hand or shoulder if not hands-free, and all types of cell phone, including hands-free, distract drivers mentally—emotionally and intellectually. Speaking with someone who cannot adjust conversation to the flow of traffic keeps a driver’s attention and conversation outside of the car and can lead to greatly impaired driving.
let me get this straight in my head, are you saying that you would rather people not be tested for driving?

You should this fine woman walking in the building with her man, dear god... anyways... ahemm.... you see there are 2 problems, if we say people need testing to hold a firearm or drive then it violates my reason for this post, and if I say it's reasonable then it also violates my reason for this post. I must therefore say I would prefer driving + firearms instruction be given in educational institutes but even if they child or whomever fails they should still have those rights until something takes them away.

Humm ever seen Equilibrium? Wouldn't if be freakin cool to teach kids how to disarm and stop someone using a gun! Wow.. what a world...
Child Safety in Passenger Vehicles

Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for children between the ages of 1 and 16. Although the child death rate has decreased as the trend of properly restraining children has risen, automobiles are still not always designed with the safety of children in mind and new laws are needed to insure the safest highway, and driveway, for America's children.

On February 28th, 2007, Public Citizen President Joan Claybrook tells Congress to improve motor vehicle child safety.
my kids do not take their toys and play in the street......they cross the street to play with friends....they ride bikes around on the street and sidewalks....(not in the middle of the street) I have taught them from an early age to look both ways and not to fool in the street. What I am saying is.....I live in a neighbourhood with tons of the summer they are always out. Sometimes and mostly playing on their own properties. But as I drive down, I slow down to watch.......because you never know what persons kids might run out suddenly. The way some of these assholes drive down my street they think they are on a racetrack.....There is no way they would stop in time.......So if they killed a kid on my street whose fault would you say that was?

As i have said it would be the car drivers fault if he/she was speeding.
But no one has the reactions to stop if a kid runs out right in front of them, even if they are driving under the limit, in that case it is the kids/your fault.