Is drinking a sin?

The Devil Inside said:
no? what about monkeys masturbating? thats eroticism for personal pleasure, with NO procreation involved.

there's nothing erotic about monkeys masturbating. there's nothing erotic about men or women or anything.
there's nothing erotic about men or women or anything

Funny then, that the term 'erotic' exists?
Erotic things exist in the mind, but not in reality.

That is the second thing you've ever said that made any sense. Congrats!
Drinking itself isn't a sin, Jesus turned water into wine for a wedding. I believe it's the consumption of too much alcohol that is a sin. Too much of anything is bad. When you drink to run away from problems instead of facing them, drink to make yourself believe you are attractive or appealing, and drink because you feel you have to, that is a sin and needs to be put to a stop. In the mean time, enjoy the occasional drink.
Moderation is key to anything. Alcohol, in small amounts, cleans the liver, but in large quantities, poisons it, just as smoking certain herbs every once in a while can help clean the lungs, but smoking all the time will destroy the lungs. Salt is good for you, but have too much all the time, and it'll be terrible for you. Likewise with sugar, it's good for you, but have too much all the time, and you'll become diabetic. Moderation is key.