Is drinking a sin?

duendy said:
if you try and cntrol fear it will come out in different ways. ANY energy repressed will

Control doesn't mean that you repress them. For example, the sexual energy (life) is a powerful energy, if it could be controlled, transformed, it could serve greater purposes. It's impossible to defeat such an energy because it is a manifestation of "god", so it is as powerful as god... you can't strangle it and it serves little purpose if you just let it out, and if you overdo it, it leads to things like alcoholism. To control energies, we must first know them.

Fear can be transformed if we look at it right in the eyes. Instead of letting natural forces to control us, we can control them. Like we used to control lions and other animals to serve us, we can learn control the animals inside ourselves. The zodiac.
c7ityi_ said:
Control doesn't mean that you repress them. For example, the sexual energy (life) is a powerful energy, if it could be controlled, transformed, it could serve greater purposes. It's impossible to defeat such an energy because it is a manifestation of "god", so it is as powerful as god... you can't strangle it and it serves little purpose if you just let it out, and if you overdo it, it leads to things like alcoholism. To control energies, we must first know them.

Fear can be transformed if we look at it right in the eyes. Instead of letting natural forces to control us, we can control them. Like we used to control lions and other animals to serve us, we can learn control the animals inside ourselves. The zodiac.

you mean sublimation. ie., sublimating 'dark' enegries into 'light'..? all of this--of 'taming the wild beast within' is Platonic dualism. he envsaged the hguman predicament of like a rider on a wild horse, and it is rider reponibility to control this wild horse. sudue it. break it

is it surprising then that this attitude of Plato caused him to reate fascistic ideas for a futue republic, ruled by the 'perfect' 'philosopher-kings' like himself?

tis should be a massive clue, so as we dont fall into same trap. theunderlying premise behind tis idea of sublimating inspinctual energies is tat they are 'bad'. from there the 'mind' which believes itself superior to the body seeks to CONTROl feelings, energies. to 'higher purposes'------yet, willy nilly this WILDENSS will NOTBE subdued. and when thwarted may manifest as all forms of distorted behaviours like sadism

so i recommend full immersion of orgiasm. dont sublimate, EXPERIENCE. you ARE experience
duendy said:
what you got to dig is this: regardless of how pretty andsophisticated the packaging is of alcohol, no matter what colour, what texture, flava, etc...THE active shit that gets you off is 'spirit' which is a colourless liquid. and it is poisonous. it first can make you merrry, but actualy it is a 'depressant' meaning the more u take it will evntually make you unconscious, and can kill you


It does make you feel good...well not if you throw up. And the morning after isn't too great.
duendy said:
is it surprising then that this attitude of Plato caused him to reate fascistic ideas for a futue republic, ruled by the 'perfect' 'philosopher-kings' like himself?

Plato wasn't perfect but Ptahhotep was. Creatures and things lower than humans are also almost perfect (at their specific level)

theunderlying premise behind tis idea of sublimating inspinctual energies is tat they are 'bad'.

They're not bad, it's just that they can be used for better purposes. The energy which is manifested through sexuality is the link between spirit and matter. Just as sexual energy has helped man out of his spiritual state into the body, so it can help him to return in full awareness to his divine primal state of wholeness...

from there the 'mind' which believes itself superior to the body seeks to CONTROl feelings, energies.

The mind is meant to control the body, not body control the mind. The body is only a tool, it's not ME!!

to 'higher purposes'


and when thwarted may manifest as all forms of distorted behaviours like sadism

well, i'm not talking about "thwarting".

so i recommend full immersion of orgiasm. dont sublimate, EXPERIENCE. you ARE experience

no... if you experience like that you just become sad and lose all energy... i don't like it. you can have much greater "experiences" if you sublimate! you can come closer to your real self. you can become a better human being, you can become "god"!!!

you know.. when you live celibate and never do anything sexual you feel so energetic. because... the sexual energy is life itself. it's an animal. but if it can be controlled, it will serve us with great power.

sexual desire is the devil! it took us away from garden of eden. but it can also take us back again!!.. if we stop using it... that way...
I wasn't asking if that was a sin. Just drinking. 0_o
You can experience an orgasm with or without drinking, you know.
Drinking doesn't make you sadist. It makes me happier, actually.
mt 6:25 'For this reason I charge you not to be over-anxious about your lives, inquiring what you are to eat or what you are to drink, nor yet about your bodies, inquiring what clothes you are to put on. Is not the life more precious than its food, and the body than its clothing?'

Don't worry about a bit of booze.
hug-a-tree said:
I've always wondered whether or not it was okay to drink. Does the bible mention anything about it?
I know that when God made me he didn't want me to ruin my body with drinking away my liver and all. My mom always says that my body is a temple, but if I worried about that then why eat anything unhealthy? Why have chocolate? You know, it's not so bad. I know that I'm only 16, but yeah, it's so great. But I don't want to touch another drop if I shouldn't.
Has the Pope said anything about drinking? I know he's not crazy about Harry Potter or The Da vinci code, but what do you think?

Scriptures repeat the idea in the new testament of the importance of drinking in moderation.

We are decreed to drink:
1st Timothy 5:2says, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities. "
1st Timothy 3:8 says, "Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;"

Romans 14:12 says, "And he that doubteth [to eat meat] is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin." In that chapter, Paul using the example of vegetarians who are offended. But, he is talking about all things. Whatever you do without faith is sin. Whatever you think is okay, have it between you and God, or with people who will not be discouraged. The holy spirit, if it is in you, will guide you. That is the theme in chapter 14.

Everything in moderation is not sin, because God made everything. It is overindulgence that is sin. If the thing gets between your worship (which does not mean singing on Sunday), it is sin. That is why cocaine is sin, because it will control you and get in the way of you worshipping God.

Above all: Don't listen to the Pope, don't listen to me. Listen to God, no one else can be trusted because humans are fallible.
Ricky Houy said:
It is not a sin to drink wine, the bible says it is acceptable to drink two glasses of wine a day. However it is a sin if your a christian to do anything to to destroy your temple seeing as how christians believe christ lives in them. So it's basically what i think its trying to say is that it is ok to drink, just not more then 2 glasses of wine a day.

M*W: Please be more specific. Define what the bible means by "2 glasses." What size were the "glasses?" What kind of "glasses" did they use in the days the bible was written? Were the "glasses" a regular cup size of 8 ounces? Could the "glasses" have been more like pots, tumblers, tankards or chalices?And explain what the fermentation process was at that time. Further, what was the alcoholic content of the wine made in those days? "Two glasses" is such an arbitrary amount. How can you be so exact when quoting the bible?
Exactly where in the bible does it say "two glasses" was the limit?
duendy said:
if you try and cntrol fear it will come out in different ways. ANY energy repressed will

best thing then is to exploe it to the fullest. findout WHAT you fear...what your fears are....find out. dont control

much boozin is the attempt to control fear by numbing it away. but it still isthere behind the numbness

I'm not trying. I just go with the flow.

Wine in Roman times could have had an alcohol content of as much as 16%, but it was the custom to dilute wine with 2-4 parts water, which would have effectively made it 4%-1% alcoholic, or about as strong as a mild to weak beer.
tablariddim said:

Wine in Roman times could have had an alcohol content of as much as 16%, but it was the custom to dilute wine with 2-4 parts water, which would have effectively made it 4%-1% alcoholic, or about as strong as a mild to weak beer.
M*W: Thanks for the interesting tidbit. Have you researched this area? I guess I'm truly a sinner then!
tablariddim said:

Wine in Roman times could have had an alcohol content of as much as 16%, but it was the custom to dilute wine with 2-4 parts water, which would have effectively made it 4%-1% alcoholic, or about as strong as a mild to weak beer.

If ever there was a sin committed, watering down the wine is it.

MW: Any time you want to knock back a couple of sins, let me know.

I'm thinking of joining Sinners Anonymous but I don't want to give up sinning.

As W.C. Fields once said, ' It's easy to quit sinning, I've done it a thousand times.

Work is the curse of the sinning class.
jayleew said:
Above all: Don't listen to the Pope, don't listen to me. Listen to God, no one else can be trusted because humans are fallible.

Pfffft! Listening to the pope is listening to God in a sense. I'm not saying he's God. OH no no no, I'm just saying that he's like the messenager pretty much. Well I know he knows more then me, lets just say that.
c7ityi_ said:
Plato wasn't perfect but Ptahhotep was. Creatures and things lower than humans are also almost perfect (at their specific level)
me))ohhhh perfect shperrfect. nutin isperfect. when you posit 'perfection' it is evil for you begin to see moreand more lesser than your facist ideal

They're not bad, it's just that they can be used for better purposes. The energy which is manifested through sexuality is the link between spirit and matter. Just as sexual energy has helped man out of his spiritual state into the body, so it can help him to return in full awareness to his divine primal state of wholeness...

me))))why you keep callin me not whole? speak fo yoself. stop guilting people wid yur 'perfect religious dogma'

The mind is meant to control the body, not body control the mind. The body is only a tool, it's not ME!!

me)))well in your case you keep tellin us over and over how miserable you are. so obviously it aint workin for you. best then look elsewhere tan wheres yous lookin. it seems obvious you are divided from yur body cause you feel superior to it. ie., 'mind/body problem'. you got it, science got it. so explore other shit o resolve it


well, i'm not talking about "thwarting".

no... if you experience like that you just become sad and lose all energy... i don't like it. you can have much greater "experiences" if you sublimate! you can come closer to your real self. you can become a better human being, you can become "god"!!!

me)))oh god, thats the dream of the Illuminti. so you wanna become god huh? that is inflationary. once you start believing yer gettin close to being 'god' or arrre 'god' stay away from me, cause i like REAl people

you know.. when you live celibate and never do anything sexual you feel so energetic. because... the sexual energy is life itself. it's an animal. but if it can be controlled, it will serve us with great power.

me))))))not my experience darlin. ho it's your life. canttell you what to do. also remember. it aint such a big deal for someone wit a low sex drive to give up sex...!

sexual desire is the devil! it took us away from garden of eden. but it can also take us back again!!.. if we stop using it... that way...
ohhhh they got youuu, thats for sure. 'sexual desire is the devil' no less. well its all comin out now aint it
look. th patriarchy Do demonize sexual desire, of course. cause they want control over . over women, and over Nature. they cant ciope with te 'chaos' of uninhibited sexual desire, which includes very much orgiastic expression which is inspired with psychedelic experience

the garden myth is the patriarchal demonization of both

yer missin out on the fun and joy and ecstasy of of LIFE, love. but as i say, its your life

let me ask you agin tho. if as u claim you have so much energy now and are god or nearly god. why do u seem to moan your lot most of the time?
duendy said:
me))))why you keep callin me not whole?

It's you who call yourself that. You turn my words towards you. I have said nothing about you, I have only spoken, to no one.

it seems obvious you are divided from yur body cause you feel superior to it.

In reality, I'm seprarated from myself (God) because I have become a body. I want to control the body, but the body controls me, that's why I'm so imperfect and evil.

also remember. it aint such a big deal for someone wit a low sex drive to give up sex...!

Who has a low sex drive? Who's giving up sex?

ohhhh they got youuu, thats for sure. 'sexual desire is the devil' no less. well its all comin out now aint it look.

There's nothing bad about the devil, it's the other side of God. Satan is the law of matter. It's a necessary and natural law. Satan is dead as long as it is in matter. The only way the devil can become alive is if man gives his spirit to matter, by obeying the law of matter -- the devil. With his own self, with his life ("God"), he makes the matter alive. He becomes matter, he becomes the devil, 'living' matter. Matter is divine if it stays as matter, but if it becomes alive in a human being, its properties are transformed and reflected in mental living form: coldness, hardness, egoism.

Because that's what matter is. It's cold, 'hard' and it draws things towards it.

the garden myth is the patriarchal demonization of both

Did you misunderstand the myth? You know that the devil is represented as a serpent, but do you know that Moses lifted up a serpent in the desert and everyone who looked at it were healed? The snake is both the satan and 'God' at the same time. Lucifer.

"Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man (the self, Christ) be lifted up, so that whoever believes in him will have eternal life"

Of course, if we believe in the eternal self instead of the perishable body, we have eternal life. The serpent is the sexual energy, Moses lifted it up, he directed it towards his brain and it became divine wisdom.

yer missin out on the fun and joy and ecstasy of of LIFE, love. but as i say, its your life

How do you know I'm missing it?

let me ask you agin tho. if as u claim you have so much energy now and are god or nearly god. why do u seem to moan your lot most of the time?

Because I'm far away from God. Also, I didn't claim to have lots of energy. "I" (my "person") can never become God, only the self IS God.

As long as I speak the things I speak of, I have not understood them, I have not united with them. We speak and think of what we want to become. Thinking is a process to become something. If I knew everything, I wouldn't have to think about anything, I would just be. Thoughts took us away from paradise. By stopping thoughts, we return to paradise.

We don't think about the things we have mastered.
c7ityi_ said:
It's you who call yourself that. You turn my words towards you. I have said nothing about you, I have only spoken, to no one.

me))))))))i cll meself not whole....who me??

In reality, I'm seprarated from myself (God) because I have become a body. I want to control the body, but the body controls me, that's why I'm so imperfect and evil.

me))))))))) you sound like a Pauline cultist

Who has a low sex drive? Who's giving up sex?

me)))your the one ravin on about celibacy baby

There's nothing bad about the devil, it's the other side of God. Satan is the law of matter. It's a necessary and natural law. Satan is dead as long as it is in matter. The only way the devil can become alive is if man gives his spirit to matter, by obeying the law of matter -- the devil. With his own self, with his life ("God"), he makes the matter alive. He becomes matter, he becomes the devil, 'living' matter. Matter is divine if it stays as matter, but if it becomes alive in a human being, its properties are transformed and reflected in mental living form: coldness, hardness, egoism.

me))))))))where DO you get this stuff from? you sound gnostic. i have no problems with matter . it is your problem no mine. my way is to explore not being in a conflict between instinctual life and mind. that is the dualism that has fueled the patriarchy including presently, materialistic science!

Because that's what matter is. It's cold, 'hard' and it draws things towards it.

me))))))))my body is sexy and warm thank ye verymuch. it only gets cold and hard when dead

Did you misunderstand the myth? You know that the devil is represented as a serpent, but do you know that Moses lifted up a serpent in the desert and everyone who looked at it were healed? The snake is both the satan and 'God' at the same time. Lucifer.

me)))hmmmm maybe your a Luciferian!
actually the deeper meaning of the Garden myth which was appropriated by the Hebrew mythmakers, is that the Serpent is the GODDESS. this assocation isextremely anceint. Serpent also represents her son/lover/consort, And the sacred psychedelic fruit which inspires insight into polar-related reality.....exampl, son represents the ever living ever dying ever regenerating aspects of cyclical Nature. eternity in time time in eternity. the patriarchal propaganda SPLITS this pocess, so as to guilt you to adhere to teir authority. FEAR ha alwys been central to autoritarianism for hooking gullible minds

"Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man (the self, Christ) be lifted up, so that whoever believes in him will have eternal life"

me)))read behind the literalism...means lift up psychedelic mushroom. howeve their interpretation inliteral terms is escape from Nature to spiritual source

Of course, if we believe in the eternal self instead of the perishable body, we have eternal life. The serpent is the sexual energy, Moses lifted it up, he directed it towards his brain and it became divine wisdom.

me)))as said. eternal life WITH process of life death regeration. NOT as in ESCAPE forefver frm physicality

How do you know I'm missing it?

me))))your ideas.your words what yo wrote?

Because I'm far away from God. Also, I didn't claim to have lots of energy. "I" (my "person") can never become God, only the self IS God.

me)))))))))you play wit words. one min you say someting. next you claim yo mean sumtin else.....?

As long as I speak the things I speak of, I have not understood them, I have not united with them. We speak and think of what we want to become. Thinking is a process to become something. If I knew everything, I wouldn't have to think about anything, I would just be. Thoughts took us away from paradise. By stopping thoughts, we return to paradise.

me)))so thinkin becomes your scapegoat ritht?...rathe just feel your way into being at ease wit Nature, wit yer good and bad n inbetweens and sexuality...etc

We don't think about the things we have mastered.

you were going on about mastering the body, which is asceticsm. it is a demaening atitude towars physicality wit a dream to escapaing it. it is dualistic, and skinny and cold and devoid of abundance.....annnnd i have heard that some Indian ascetics are so incapapble in thie devout need to get somewhere that others have to attend to their bodily needs
duendy said:
me))))))))) you sound like a Pauline cultist

You read too much.

me)))your the one ravin on about celibacy baby

Let's have another rave, okay? I'll leave the planning to you.

you sound gnostic.

You limit yourself by categorizing. I don't belong to any religion.

me)))hmmmm maybe your a Luciferian!

Pauline cultist, gnostic, luciferian...

me))))your ideas.your words what yo wrote?

I'm not my words.

me)))))))))you play wit words. one min you say someting. next you claim yo mean sumtin else.....?

You misunderstand and jump to conclusions.

you were going on about mastering the body, which is asceticsm.

Mastering the body is done with Yoga, not ascetism. Ascetism is only practiced by primitive people.
of couuuuurse yoga involves such an extent that a practice of meditation called 'one pointed awareness' is part of their belief. this meant focusing on a single point to th exclusion of sensuality........eVEN looking at Nature was discouraged as being to dangerous (dont knw if you've noticed by the shapes of Nature are very erotic, as are all the other delights for sensual receptors)....for Nature was seen as a seductive female--'MAYA'. te desire was to escape her seductive magnetism into a state of pure bliss

i feel u share this dream. am i right?
duendy said:
of couuuuurse yoga involves such an extent that a practice of meditation called 'one pointed awareness' is part of their belief. this meant focusing on a single point to th exclusion of sensuality........eVEN looking at Nature was discouraged as being to dangerous
You don't know much about yoga. It's a part of life.

(dont knw if you've noticed by the shapes of Nature are very erotic, as are all the other delights for sensual receptors)
There's nothing erotic anywhere in nature.
c7ityi_ said:
You don't know much about yoga. It's a part of life.

There's nothing erotic anywhere in nature.
M*W: I find nature very erotic. What's your problem?