Is drinking a sin?


Live the life
Registered Senior Member
I've always wondered whether or not it was okay to drink. Does the bible mention anything about it?
I know that when God made me he didn't want me to ruin my body with drinking away my liver and all. My mom always says that my body is a temple, but if I worried about that then why eat anything unhealthy? Why have chocolate? You know, it's not so bad. I know that I'm only 16, but yeah, it's so great. But I don't want to touch another drop if I shouldn't.
Has the Pope said anything about drinking? I know he's not crazy about Harry Potter or The Da vinci code, but what do you think?
As far as i know everythings fine in moderation, small ammounts of chocolate are good for you it thins the blood preventing clots, i remember vaguely small ammounts of wine are apparently good for you too but i cant remember why.
The bible speaks of Temperance.

and Jesus made water into wine... so it cant be all that bad... as long as we dont get drunk.

I believe that Muslims aren't permitted alcoholic beverages ...but I don't think they call it a "sin", do they?

Baron Max
Jesus did mention that he went into a town, and found "all of them drunk, and none of them thirsty". While wine was a safe alternative to contaminated water in those times, Jesus did not seem to endorse intoxication.
hug-a-tree said:
I've always wondered whether or not it was okay to drink. Does the bible mention anything about it?
I know that when God made me he didn't want me to ruin my body with drinking away my liver and all. My mom always says that my body is a temple, but if I worried about that then why eat anything unhealthy? Why have chocolate? You know, it's not so bad. I know that I'm only 16, but yeah, it's so great. But I don't want to touch another drop if I shouldn't.
Has the Pope said anything about drinking? I know he's not crazy about Harry Potter or The Da vinci code, but what do you think?
Moderation is the key.

I'm not religious - and I don't believe there is "sin" - only laws and my idea of justice.

'Tis true that the better you treat your body the more likely you are to live a long and healthy life - but I know heavy drinkers and smokers in their 80's - and I know seemingly healthy people who barely drink and didn't smoke who have died in their 40s and 50s.

The simple thing is - if you enjoy it - and it doesn't harm you or anyone else - then do what you want.
spuriousmonkey said:
I thought jesus had wine for blood?
Wine is the symbolic blood because of the last supper myth, but I don't think they were getting drunk from it.
Drunkenness is dangerous and anti-social, but small daily amounts of alcohol are generally good for the heart and blood flow. Red wine is also good for reducing bad cholesterol, which makes it the healthiest type of alcohol to drink. Small amounts of alcohol are also good before or during a meal as they promote appetite and aid digestion. Small, means 1-2 measures of spirits or 2-3 glasses of wine (1/3rd of a bottle) daily, more than that could be unhealthy and could be construed as abuse.

The word "sin" was really the name of the Canaanite God of the Moon (babylonian god). Sin (Sin-sharishkunor ) or Nannar as sometimes called is depicted as a young bull (the strong bull of heaven) perfect in every part: his beard is said to be of lapis lazuli ( cf Mesopotamian men): his orb is a giant self-propagating fruit. The god's horns are taken to be a reference to the crescent moon, although they are also sometimes regarded as the boat in which he skims through the midst of the heavens." An exorcist priest or ashipu joined in prayer and incantation when Sin was attacked and oppressed by demons during an eclipse. (Contenau 248, 292)

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, there is a tendency for them to discredit other Middle-Eastern gods and they try to depict Yahweh as intrinsically superior to the idolised deities of polytheism. That is why they change the meaning of the name Sin to sin which now means transgression of God's law.

Since sin means the transgression of the Judeo-Christian god's law, then non-believers are not under this rule.
To some extent I can't see it matters much if you mess up your body. Aging is going to do that for you anyway in a few decades - an insignificant period of time compared to eternity.
Since sin means the transgression of the Judeo-Christian god's law, then non-believers are not under this rule.
Absolutely - us atheists can sin all we like.
hug-a-tree said:
I've always wondered whether or not it was okay to drink. Does the bible mention anything about it?
I know that when God made me he didn't want me to ruin my body with drinking away my liver and all. My mom always says that my body is a temple, but if I worried about that then why eat anything unhealthy? Why have chocolate? You know, it's not so bad. I know that I'm only 16, but yeah, it's so great. But I don't want to touch another drop if I shouldn't.
Has the Pope said anything about drinking? I know he's not crazy about Harry Potter or The Da vinci code, but what do you think?

Drinking in moderation is ok. Jesus consumed wine. What the bible does talk against is drunkenness. Alcoholism is an abuse of ones own body destroys families and societies.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It is not a sin to drink wine, the bible says it is acceptable to drink two glasses of wine a day. However it is a sin if your a christian to do anything to to destroy your temple seeing as how christians believe christ lives in them. So it's basically what i think its trying to say is that it is ok to drink, just not more then 2 glasses of wine a day.
dont care what judeao christianity dogmatizes about 'sin' etc....but i Do know that in the UK we have a really serious problem with young people drinking

it distrsses me greatly to hear about this. more and more youths are getting liver damage etc etc earlier andearlir. this is fukin terrible

we have to ask WHY

a huge reason is he vile alcohol industry whih pushes fruity tasting alcohol and then spnsors the seeling of it cheap as a double nticement for te'yoof market', and the poxy government--remember the fukers wid their 'war against drugs' seems to really proMOTE THIS fukin drug (alcohol IS A drug!), ,,,,thewy have even just allowed
potentially 24 hour drinking

if you look at poples who have been suppressed by this same mindset---for example Native American peoples. they had no alcohol prpoblems before the invasion of therlads. no, this all came--along wit heavy hard rug problems when all themeaning of their lives was destroyed by theoppression

so there is a clue. how many youths say they are bored? tis life we livin wi the flashy gadgets and the 'educa-fukin -cation' shoved down everyone's throat aiant doin it.....isn't fulfilling deep needs for us. admit it. THAT is the sin, and i dont mean 'Sin'
Just wondering Duendy, what's the drinking age in England anyway? Isn't it 16? How young are you talking about? Like little 13 year olds drinking? That's weird...
Sure I'm 16, but yeah. I don't drink too much. I don't like wine even.
hug-a-tree said:
Just wondering Duendy, what's the drinking age in England anyway? Isn't it 16? How young are you talking about? Like little 13 year olds drinking? That's weird...
Sure I'm 16, but yeah. I don't drink too much. I don't like wine even.
its 18. but as u know , kids is looking older than theiryears

the ages kids are drinking can be as young as TEN! joke. tho gererally it is young teens. of course they will try an outdo each other as to pretend they can 'take it' and are grown up.

what you got to dig is this: regardless of how pretty andsophisticated the packaging is of alcohol, no matter what colour, what texture, flava, etc...THE active shit that gets you off is 'spirit' which is a colourless liquid. and it is poisonous. it first can make you merrry, but actualy it is a 'depressant' meaning the more u take it will evntually make you unconscious, and can kill you

how many times hafve we seen yung men pretending to be 'reall' men---(and more and more owmen are startin to do tis too)...their'friends' will pour loads of alcohol down teir throats. and tew task is to see how much you can take and still stand up? well, in REALITY, whats goin on is them frinds is pouring poison down their friends throat. then are amazed when friend goes into a coma and dies!
Sin comes from fear, so if you control fear you control alcohol. I have 16 years of training in ki kok schank :D In my case I'm getting stronger and smarter.
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Qorl said:
Sin comes from fear, so if you control fear you control alcohol.

if you try and cntrol fear it will come out in different ways. ANY energy repressed will

best thing then is to exploe it to the fullest. findout WHAT you fear...what your fears are....find out. dont control

much boozin is the attempt to control fear by numbing it away. but it still isthere behind the numbness