Is creating false guilt for profit by religions a good moral tenet?

Greatest I am

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Is creating false guilt for profit by religions a good moral tenet?

One of the lies for profit by the Churches seems to be the invention of hell to instill fear and loosen the purse strings and increase the indulgences people pay to save their souls, which were never condemned in the first place.

Another example of this for profit lying by Christianity would be Original Sin. This was something unknown to the Jews who have a different interpretation of their myths. To them, Eden was we were elevated, not where we fell.

Is creating false guilt for profit a good moral tenet and should a religion that does so be followed?

Or would God forbid such a sin and curse those religions to hell?

It's terrible. Not to mention warping children's minds with visions of a half-naked man bleeding to death on a cross and guilttripping them for it. "Jesus died for YOUR sins! Happy Easter!" What a terrible burden to lay on a child. And if you think for one moment you can NOT sin, well you got another thing coming. The bible says even our righteousness is as filthy rags before God. My Catholic sister told me her priest said that if you decide not to go to church, but change your mind at the last moment and go anyway, it's still a sin because you INTENDED not to go. Isn't that nice? They also believe if you sin and die before you go to confession, you're going to hell for it. What an anxiety-filled life! "Oh dear, I'd better get to church and confess before I die and go to hell!" Leave something in the tip jar on your way out please.
Emperor Constantin and his council knew they needed to control the population. Whats better than picking up a vengeful hebrew god and use its punishments and "teachings"? Can you imagine a time when people couldn't distinguish a parrot from a bunny, or more seriously, thought a common cold or <insert random disease> was the product of the devil's efforts to conquer the mortal world? Heaven, Hell and Purgatory were very very real for them and know what? It still is for a lot of people.
It's terrible. Not to mention warping children's minds with visions of a half-naked man bleeding to death on a cross and guilttripping them for it. "Jesus died for YOUR sins! Happy Easter!" What a terrible burden to lay on a child. And if you think for one moment you can NOT sin, well you got another thing coming. The bible says even our righteousness is as filthy rags before God. My Catholic sister told me her priest said that if you decide not to go to church, but change your mind at the last moment and go anyway, it's still a sin because you INTENDED not to go. Isn't that nice? They also believe if you sin and die before you go to confession, you're going to hell for it. What an anxiety-filled life! "Oh dear, I'd better get to church and confess before I die and go to hell!" Leave something in the tip jar on your way out please.

When one considers the surveys that show that the belief in hell does damage to many in their youth, with an uncaring church there continuing to lie, it is terrible indeed.

All for the cash. As you indicate. If there was a God, he would crush every church and mosque to dust. I would help. No charge.

Emperor Constantin and his council knew they needed to control the population. Whats better than picking up a vengeful hebrew god and use its punishments and "teachings"? Can you imagine a time when people couldn't distinguish a parrot from a bunny, or more seriously, thought a common cold or <insert random disease> was the product of the devil's efforts to conquer the mortal world? Heaven, Hell and Purgatory were very very real for them and know what? It still is for a lot of people.

Lie to people long enough and that lie becomes reality.

You are correct to recognize that Constantine bought the church and sent it out to do his bidding. They helped usher in the Dark Ages and Inquisition and were successful enough that today, jihadists are trying for Dark Age II.

Lie to people long enough and that lie becomes reality.

You are correct to recognize that Constantine bought the church and sent it out to do his bidding. They helped usher in the Dark Ages and Inquisition and were successful enough that today, jihadists are trying for Dark Age II.


Yes, Jihadists would love to see the world immersed in the darkness that is ignorance, but so do all the other religions as far as I'm concerned, but in a different way so to speak. The catholic church is losing power everyday for instance, at least here in Portugal, a country recognized before for being extremely religious (read about the miracle of the sun in Fatima here). Information sharing is defeating old religious dogmas and waking people up. It is hard for someone with an average intelligence to keep believing in demons, angels and stuff like that when they read everyday about how ridiculous it is in a real world, in our world. The only way jihadists can do something besides what they already do is to recruit, and although there are some teens (even from Portugal), who decided to adopt their religion and subsequent malice, it is not enough to start a real change in the world in my opinion.

I'm more worried about the subtle brainwash the "less" fundamentalist religions do than what the jihadists are planning. Mind you, they are stupidly dangerous and they will end up killing lots of innocent people so I hope you understand where I'm getting to. It's not that I'm neglecting the danger, but when I think of a better and brighter future for humanity, I need to think on a larger scale.

I wrote something that may or may not be appropriate to complement this threads title. I wrote it because I was fed up of people thanking god instead of thanking whoever did them good...

Edit: When I shared this post in Portuguese people cursed at me. Maybe I was doing the devil's work here :=)
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Jihadists are only the puppets of those who are arms dealers. They kill for only getting paid and free weapons to upset the moderates who don't do much to stop them. They just enjoy provoking everyone so that more conflicts hence more weapons sold.
Is creating false guilt for profit by religions a good moral tenet
The wording of the question predicates the answer. Therefore no discussion is possible.

You may get more meaningful discussion with a more open question. And also specifying if you mean all religions, or just three in particular.
Is creating false guilt for profit by religions a good moral tenet?

One of the lies for profit by the Churches seems to be the invention of hell to instill fear and loosen the purse strings and increase the indulgences people pay to save their souls, which were never condemned in the first place.

Another example of this for profit lying by Christianity would be Original Sin. This was something unknown to the Jews who have a different interpretation of their myths. To them, Eden was we were elevated, not where we fell.

Is creating false guilt for profit a good moral tenet and should a religion that does so be followed?

Or would God forbid such a sin and curse those religions to hell?


I agree, which is why when liberals use white guilt to spend money on special interest groups, at the tax payer expense, this is not moral or condoned by God. The church might guilt me to contribute, but they do not have the power to force me. I can opt out or leave. But when a liberal government uses white guilt, they can use force by creating laws to steal money via taxes, under the guise of this being moral. Liberals have taken the guilt game to a new level.

If we took the guilt game out of the equation, and made it voluntary, like most churches are, then the sales pitch would need to be for compassion and mercy, with nobody being forced to volunteer. This is not the liberal way. They prefer old time fire and brimstone where the straight, white, Christian, males goes to hell if he does not repent.
The "Christians" back in the early days of settling in America would always find Native Americans as "savages" and was always finding ways to kill them off to steal their lands and make them slaves. Yes Christians commit genocide but never mention it because the Christians were looked at as removing savages from the land so that the Christians could take it away without payment and remove the Native Americans by murdering them so they couldn't get any of that land back. Yes the Christians were looked at the saviors and ones who rid the land of savages which we all know now was just a way to get something for nothing.
The "Christians" back in the early days of settling in America would always find Native Americans as "savages" and was always finding ways to kill them off to steal their lands and make them slaves. Yes Christians commit genocide but never mention it because the Christians were looked at as removing savages from the land so that the Christians could take it away without payment and remove the Native Americans by murdering them so they couldn't get any of that

whilst I disagree with colonialism, murder of Indians, and Christianity. Your statement above is logically incorrect. you cannot state that because the people who colonised America and killed the natives were Christians, that therefore Christians are murderers.

In truth Indians were not killed for being non Christian but being non white. Even those that converted to Christianity were persecuted, killed and not given land back.

In fact your argument is the same one racists use when they say that crimes have been committed by black people, therefore black people are criminals. Which is of course rubbish.
whilst I disagree with colonialism, murder of Indians, and Christianity. Your statement above is logically incorrect. you cannot state that because the people who colonised America and killed the natives were Christians, that therefore Christians are murderers.

In truth Indians were not killed for being non Christian but being non white. Even those that converted to Christianity were persecuted, killed and not given land back.

In fact your argument is the same one racists use when they say that crimes have been committed by black people, therefore black people are criminals. Which is of course rubbish.

Actually the majority of immigrants were Christians, here read up about it so you can see where you made an error.

Early Colonial era[edit]
Because the Spanish were the first Europeans to establish settlements on the mainland of North America, such as St. Augustine, Florida in 1565, the earliest Christians in the territory which would eventually become the United States were Roman Catholics. However, the territory that would become the Thirteen Colonies in 1776 was largely populated by Protestants due to Protestant settlers seeking religious freedom from the Church of England (est. 1534). These settlers were primarily Puritans from East Anglia, especially just before the English Civil War (1641–1651); there were also some Anglicans and Catholics but these were far fewer in number. Because of the predominance of Protestants among those coming from England, the English colonies became almost entirely Protestant by the time of the American Revolution.

Christianity was introduced to North America as it was colonized by Europeans beginning in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Spanish, French, and British brought Roman Catholicism to the colonies of New Spain, New France and Maryland respectively, while Northern European peoples introduced Protestantism to Massachusetts Bay Colony, New Netherland, Virginia colony, Carolina Colony, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Lower Canada. Among Protestants, adherents to Anglicanism, the Baptist Church, Congregationalism, Presbyterianism, Lutheranism, Quakerism, Mennonite and Moravian Church were the first to settle to the US, spreading their faith in the new country."

So now we see the FACTS and they are not racist but only FACTS. Don't call people names because when you are the one proven wrong you will be viewed as very bigoted. Again I will stand by saying the Christians committed genocide to take the land away from the Native Americans instead of trying to teach them how to understand the new white ways which the Native Americans didn't care much to learn about hence the genocide.
Actually the majority of immigrants were Christians, here read up about it so you can see where you made an error..

I know they were Christians . I agree with you completely. I never have disputed that fact.

I simply pointed out a logical error in your post. Which still stands. You cannot argue that because some people that were Christians killed people, therefore Christians are killers.
So now we see the FACTS and they are not racist but only FACTS. Don't call people names because when you are the one proven wrong you will be viewed as very bigoted.

ha I did not call you racist, I said the colonialists who killed the Indians were racist.

and they definitely were. ...

does that make me a bigot.. I don't think so
I know they were Christians . I agree with you completely. I never have disputed that fact.

I simply pointed out a logical error in your post. Which still stands. You cannot argue that because some people that were Christians killed people, therefore Christians are killers.

I never said that ALL Christians are murderers but only some of those that first settled in America were. There weren't many other religions that first settled in America.
I never said that ALL Christians are murderers but only some of those that first settled in America were. There weren't many other religions that first settled in America.

No you didn't you said " Christians commit genocide" which refers to Christians in general. Not those Christians or a particular group of Christians.

Now who is backing away