Is christianity dead already?

I did'nt call you a Nazi. You dont know me either, what religion am i in? I would like to know?????

M*W: Yes you did. I wouldn't want to know you. Judging from the lack of your knowledge of christianity, that would probably make you a none other than a christian.

Oh, and BTW, you're right about one thing. I am no shrinking violet. Scares you, doesn't it, little shriveled-up man.
M*W: Yes you did. I wouldn't want to know you. Judging from the lack of your knowledge of christianity, that would probably make you a none other than a christian.

Is that how that works? i thought you had to actually do something.

Oh, and BTW, you're right about one thing. I am no shrinking violet. Scares you, doesn't it, little shriveled-up man.

another clue? if you forget the fact that i am a man would you still respond to me in the same way?

What is it with the continuous insults?
another clue? if you forget the fact that i am a man would you still respond to me in the same way?

What is it with the continuous insults?

M*W: You started them by saying I was a cult member several times and that I am a Nazi. You need to justify your statements, or everyone on this forum will know you are a liar. Put up or shut up.
You called me a pig in another thread long before this one, did'nt you?

If you misinterpreted my Nazism response just go back and reread it.

So you are not a member of the organisation you linked to? who has more crap for sale on their web site than wal-mart?
You called me a pig in another thread long before this one, did'nt you?

If you misinterpreted my Nazism response just go back and reread it.

So you are not a member of the organisation you linked to? who has more crap for sale on their web site than wal-mart?

M*W: I have already posted that I did not thoroughly check-out that website. It was not what I thought it was. I believe Spidergoat has stated that it has folded as the leader died or something.

When you act like a pig, talk like a pig, respond like a pig, I'm going to call you a pig.
I have studied this subject and have visited many of the death camps in Germany, and I cried all the way through them.

M*W: Did you save your tears in a bottle and peddle it at the gift shop?
What can WE do to successfully remove religion from our societies, and make them more secular?

It might very well be possible, Watson--can I call you Watson?.. to remove religion or make it more secular, (study Nazi Germany or the former Soviet Union or China) but, no big deal there... but a bunch of impotent humans preventing God from establishing relationships with individuals of His own choosing?... known by Him from before the foundation of the world? lol...never happen pal...remember-->those who don't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them...also... the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church. Rotz uh Ruck Rotzen, I mean Watson...

btw, speaking of doom, fyi: Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished...A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape...A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.

Think on these things (the warnings [from] above) in light of your foolish comment: "well obviously I agree with the contention"
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