Is christianity dead already?

because you had no provocation for M*W, ( and we all know, she does not openly provoke) for this statement alone you should be banned, this is the most callous and nasty thing anyone could say, about another, and just because she states xianity is dying.
you should be ashamed of yourself, and you a man of faith, no wonder most sensible people believe xianity is evil, with people like you avocating it.

you sicken and disgust me.

and jesus said,
KJV John 8:7
"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

I dont know what your talking about, she linked to a cult web site that is why i made the statement.

I will tell you this, i just happen to know more about the supernatural than you do.
I wouldn't take Osho so literally, his method is to shock. Christianity isn't dead, nor would I wish it to be. I just wish some of it's followers (some of them good friends) were more rational.

M*W: I was more interested in what that website had to say than whose website it was. It could be a cult, I don't know. That's why I added a disclaimer to my post. People just don't read, but christians don't understand.
His "cult" if you could even call it that, doesn't exist anymore. He died, but the Osho foundation is still publishing the books.
I dont know what your talking about, she linked to a cult web site that is why i made the statement.
it does'nt change your's from being a callous and cruel statement.( and linking to a site, is usually to verify what your saying, something theist rarely do.)
I will tell you this, i just happen to know more about the supernatural than you do.
well I dont wonder at that, you believe in that crap.
and I'm willing to give you a million dollars, if you can prove any of it, as will james randi

and do you know that the supernatural can have no effect, not one tiny micro, one atom of effect in the natural world, lest it be natural.
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it does'nt change your's from being a callous and cruel statement.( and linking to a site, is usually to verify what your saying, something theist rarely do.) well I dont wonder at that, you believe in that crap.
and I'm willing to give you a million dollars, if you can prove any of it, as will james randi

and do you know that the supernatural can have no effect, not one tiny micro, one atom of effect in the natural world, lest it be natural.

callous and cruel? read her thread's, M*W... we are not talking about some shrinking violet here.

I'm willing to give you a million dollars, if you can prove any of it, as will james randi

and do you know that the supernatural can have no effect, not one tiny micro, one atom of effect in the natural world, lest it be natural.

First off, i doubt you have a million dollars and James Randi is allways trying to debunk psychics. I AM NOT A PSYCHIC, though i do believe some people are more in tune with this facet of the human mind, this is obvious.

My supernatural experiences were pretty obvious, one happened while i was at deaths doorstep, drawing my last breaths I had a vision....a manifestation that communicated with me telepathically. It told me what i had to do to survive. This manifestation was not in human form but it was another earthly form.

you sicken and disgust me.

and dont think i forgot about that.
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one happened while i was at deaths doorstep, drawing my last breaths I had a vision....a manifestation that communicated with me telepathically. It told me what i had to do to survive. This manifestation was not in human form but it was another earthly form.

Ah! one simple explanation for this! Hallucination.

Don't worry kiddo, it happens when the brain is short of oxygen.
People will say it was a hallucination, which is why i never told anyone about this.

I dont think there was any oxygen deprivation, i can go into details but what sticks out in my mind most was the taste. When your body is shutting down you get this taste in your mouth, your eyes are open but you cannot see, it is only black.

Something made me turn my head to the left and there it was as plain as anything i hade ever seen before (a true moment of clarity), the communication was simply this "if you want to live just get up"- and the second i stood up everything was fine and i went to sleep shortly thereafter.

I guess it was'nt my time, for some reason i got another chance. I learned alot of thing about how good it is just to be alive and there is a fine line between living and dying.
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I've died before John, I know what death is like, I know the taste, though my experience and your experience were different, we are two separate individuals who's past influence, are different thus different hallucinations.

However this is exactly what physically takes place. The heart pumps slow, or stops, thus feeding less or no blood to the brain, the blood contains oxygen, its fuel for the brain when the blood does not flow to the brain it's deprived of oxygen, when this happens the brain begins to hallucinate before death takes place, however lucky you and me, we were revived before too long and we experienced some form of hallucination, and can recollect that hallucination. Mine BTW I saw a tunnel with a light, very typical this one! Weird but the light is just an hallucination, since everyone has similar mechanism our hallucinations may be very similar.
Well I am glad you made it. I did not die, though i know for a fact that i was minutes\seconds away from it. Which is why i would say that during no time was there a deprivation of oxygen.

I was very aware of what was happening to my body(it is the worst feeling you can have), even though i could not walk my vision was gone, i could not hear and lost total control of my body. To this day i have every reason to believe that if i did not turn my head and at the moment my site(er sight) went from black to clear as anything else i have ever seen, i would not be here.

Mine BTW I saw a tunnel with a light, very typical this one! Weird but the light is just an hallucination, since everyone has similar mechanism our hallucinations may be very similar.

Why is it at that moment so many peole see this same exact thing? I cannot think of any other experience that produces this same effect. There are just too many things that lead me to believe there is more we dont know about.

There are alot of questions i could ask you but i am sure it must be hard to talk about it.
There are alot of questions i could ask you but i am sure it must be hard to talk about it.

Actually talking about it, helps me sort out my life, and make me stronger to not commit the same mistakes again. I was drug addict, my brush with death was over an overdose of cocaine, I don't know why some experiences the tunnel, though some have told me that on the other side there's nothing more but darkness. Though I didn't get to experience that! and good thing too, some tell me that darkness means your gone! :shrug:
callous and cruel? read her thread's, M*W... we are not talking about some shrinking violet here.
have done, I've been here almost as long as she.
First off, i doubt you have a million dollars and James Randi is always trying to debunk psychics.
your right I dont have a million dollars, I have more.
and it's trying to debunk, they are debunked, not one person has taken up the challenge.
I AM NOT A PSYCHIC, though i do believe some people are more in tune with this facet of the human mind, this is obvious.
to whom.
My supernatural experiences were pretty obvious, one happened while i was at deaths doorstep, drawing my last breaths I had a vision....a manifestation that communicated with me telepathically. It told me what i had to do to survive. This manifestation was not in human form but it was another earthly form.
yes we've all had hallucination's.
and dont think i forgot about that.
well why should you.
have done, I've been here almost as long as she.your right I dont have a million dollars, I have more.

M*W: No you havent! You cannot compare money to anything. If I compared money to my life's experience, I would be a billionaie! Money is not the be all end all of wisdom!
have done, I've been here almost as long as she.your right I dont have a million dollars, I have more.
and it's trying to debunk, they are debunked, not one person has taken up the challenge. to whom.yes we've all had hallucination's.well why should you.

Psychics are used by many police agencies, why? because they work. Havent you ever watched those psychic t.v shows? maybe they dont have them in Europe, which i know your European from your attitude.

You think you know everything, you are an elitist.

The whole point is that M*W shows the classic symptoms of being taken over by a cult.
Psychics are used by many police agencies, why? because they work. Havent you ever watched those psychic t.v shows? maybe they dont have them in Europe, which i know your European from your attitude.

You think you know everything, you are an elitist.

The whole point is that M*W shows the classic symptoms of being taken over by a cult.

Hmmmm, I thought psychics were evil and possesed by Satan. You must be referring to the holy ones, right?
Hmmmm, I thought psychics were evil and possesed by Satan. You must be referring to the holy ones, right?

How would one determine if a psychic is Satanist's or holy?
have done, I've been here almost as long as she.your right I dont have a million dollars, I have more.

M*W: No you havent! You cannot compare money to anything. If I compared money to my life's experience, I would be a billionaie! Money is not the be all end all of wisdom!

This reply was directed toward John99, not you geez.
Psychics are used by many police agencies, why? because they work. Havent you ever watched those psychic t.v shows? maybe they dont have them in Europe, which i know your European from your attitude.

You think you know everything, you are an elitist.

The whole point is that M*W shows the classic symptoms of being taken over by a cult.

M*W: And what would those "classic symptoms" be?
M*W: And what would those "classic symptoms" be?

It's really none of my business. The main reason i respond to your biased thread is because they harbor an undercurrent of Nazism.

The fact that you continually attack a specific segment of society speaks volumes. The fact is i would respond in a similar way to any groups under constant attack, no matter what religion or sexual preferance.

The article you linked to is, on many levels, not particularly worthy of debate.
It's really none of my business. The main reason i respond to your biased thread is because they harbor an undercurrent of Nazism.

The fact that you continually attack a specific segment of society speaks volumes. The fact is i would respond in a similar way to any groups under constant attack, no matter what religion or sexual preferance.

The article you linked to is, on many levels, not particularly worthy of debate.

M*W: You made it your business when you accused me of being in a cult. Now you need to back it up like man and tell me what are the symptoms of someone in a cult.

Your reference to Nazism is ignorant and offensive. I have studied this subject and have visited many of the death camps in Germany, and I cried all the way through them. You don't know me or anything about me. Your assumption that I am a cult member and a Nazi shows your ignorance.

Your own religion is a cult. Defend that, you moron.
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M*W: You made it your business when you accused me of being in a cult. Now you need to back it up like man and tell me what are the symptoms of someong in a cult.

Your reference to Nazism is ignorant and offensive. I have studied this subject and have visited many of the death camps in Germany, and I cried all the way through them. You don't know me or anything about me. Your assumption that I am a cult member and a Nazi shows your ignorance.

Your own religion is a cult. Defend that, you moron

I did'nt call you a Nazi. You dont know me either, what religion am i in? I would like to know?????