Is christianity dead already?

well obviously I agree with the contention, perhaps not with the account of history, but who really knows what happened back then anyway.

rather than put up a criticism of christianity and have people argue based on their current beliefs, perhaps we atheists could have a conversation that might go somewhere such as:
What can WE do to successfully remove religion from our societies, and make them more secular?
No christianity unfortunately is still alive and well, ripping off the countless airheads who always send them money!

"The New Testament is clear on this; we are "commanded" to give. To be blessed we are to give generously, cheerfully, willingly, not out of necessity, according to our means, in faith, with love and in the right spirit. The New Testament is NOT at all clear on amounts and percentages."
(parenthesis mine!)

Now we know who is the richest man in the world don't we?

Lets not forget the spin offs of Christianity!

Last and not least! God's billionaires!

Damn I'm in the wrong profession. I should have been a preacher!!

Digggggggg deeep in Your Pockets, and remember we rather have the kind that folds than the kind that jingles ;)
Yes MedicineWoman...your christianity is dead.

However its shadow lingers in the back of your psyche.

Thats why you cant stop thinking about it.
he seems to forget the part where someone stabs jesus with a big spear.
Yes MedicineWoman...your christianity is dead.

However its shadow lingers in the back of your psyche.

Thats why you cant stop thinking about it.

M*W: I don't have a christianity. It's lies are what lingers in my mind. I choose not to stop thinking about those lies, because I want to expose them for what they are.
That article was by Osho, better known in the US, and infamous in Oregon, as the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. I happen to like his writing alot, but from what I hear, his commune was a clusterfuck (and quite hated by the locals). He tends to be rather goofy, and I would take his statements with many grains of salt.

That being said, he may be right. There is one saving grace for Christianity, and that is many don't understand or study science. They still want to and do believe in miracles. Many are homeschooled so as to keep any facts which might contradict their ideology away.
Can it be proven?

After reading the article my first thought was "can anything that happened two thousand years ago really be proven one way or the other"?

Is Christianity dead? No, because it has nothing to do with what Christ really did or didn't do. Christianity is a concept kept alive in and by the minds of people who believe in it. In fact, the wide variety of conflicting beliefs that are housed under the umbrella called "Christianity" prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christianity is so many different things that it can probably never die.
You could make the argument that it is "dying", but the churches near me held meetings this last Sunday, so pronouncing it "dead" seems premature.

And even if it is dying, as Four Winds suggests, it could be resistant to a quick offing. We will probably have to suffer the death wheezes of Christianity for the next 100-200 years.
No christianity unfortunately is still alive and well, ripping off the countless airheads who always send them money!

Dont forget who you gave ALL your money to, fair is fair now.

That being said, I allways suspected Medical*Woman was in a cult. Didnt they attempt to murder half the town? think they were bobwa's.
The fact remains, that, even though all of these 'Supernatural' connections are being refuted, the true essence of 'WISDOM' uphold themselves as an appealing aspect. What came first remains to the end. Besides...for many who practice Christianity, it's about believing in something. Those who know best, know that Christ simply had wisdom to spread, not truisms. Nor was he the only son of god. He was just the one to admit that he was 'A' son of god. How many times do you hear about us being the 'children of god'? Ain't that a kick in the head for all of those super-fanatical religious nuts out there? Let the old folks have there fairy tales. And let the young take to heart just a bite of this good advice from the meek of the past. death wheezes of Christianity? Jesus was a Jew! So you have to get rid of Judaic folklore first.
I think Christianity is evil and should be destroyed for what it teaches. The limitations of society prevent this however so I must go on listening to the redderick of these mindless drones, most of whom are desperate for some sense of truth. Let me tell you all something, science if god...

I think the ridiculiousness of religions is only matched by the weak minds of those living in the world.
Dont forget who you gave ALL your money to, fair is fair now.

That being said, I allways suspected Medical*Woman was in a cult. Didnt they attempt to murder half the town? think they were bobwa's.

M*W: Exactly which cult are you talking about? I don't recall being in any of them! What's a bobwa?
Yes, that's true.

Increasing conflicts with neighbours and the state of Oregon,[23] as well as serious and criminal misconduct by the commune's management (including conspiracy to murder public officials, wiretapping within the commune, the attempted murder of Osho's personal physician, and a bioterrorism attack on the citizens of The Dalles, Oregon, using salmonella), made the position of the Oregon commune untenable. When the commune's management team guilty of these crimes left the U.S. in September 1985, fleeing for Europe, Osho convened a press conference and called on the authorities to undertake an investigation.[11]

In late October 1985, Osho himself was arrested in North Carolina as he was allegedly fleeing the U.S. Accused of minor immigration violations, Osho, on advice of his lawyers, entered an "Alford plea" – through which a suspect does not admit guilt, but does concede there is enough evidence to convict him – and was given a suspended sentence on condition that he leave the country.

I have many of his books, one of which is from a multivolume set about Jesus.
I wouldn't take Osho so literally, his method is to shock. Christianity isn't dead, nor would I wish it to be. I just wish some of it's followers (some of them good friends) were more rational.
That being said, I allways suspected Medical*Woman was in a cult. Didnt they attempt to murder half the town? think they were bobwa's.
because you had no provocation for M*W, ( and we all know, she does not openly provoke) for this statement alone you should be banned, this is the most callous and nasty thing anyone could say, about another, and just because she states xianity is dying.
you should be ashamed of yourself, and you a man of faith, no wonder most sensible people believe xianity is evil, with people like you avocating it.

you sicken and disgust me.

and jesus said,
KJV John 8:7
"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."