Is Christianity an evil religion?

Is christianity good or evil?

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Christianity, like most religions is neither good nor evil. Like a knife, it depends who is using it and for what purpose.
Christianity, like most religions is neither good nor evil. Like a knife, it depends who is using it and for what purpose.

I wish your opinion was an option on the poll because I would've voted for it.
Christianity, like most religions is neither good nor evil. Like a knife, it depends who is using it and for what purpose.
rubbish, If I told you to kill, if I coerced you to kill, if I did anything to incite you to kill, and then I died, and you still killed, who is the cause of the killing, I'm not asking who the killers is, who/what is the cause.
The bible incites people to kill, it is a direct cause thus christianity is evil,
any religion that incites it followers to kill is evil.
knifes are inanimate objects, thus we can blame the wielder.
humans however aren't, so we must blame the cause, in this case christianity.
So you judge all of Christianity by all of the harmful things that have come of it? Do the good things that have come out of it not matter to your judgement? Do you do the same for knives?
Numerous charities, organizations that work to help reduce and eliminate poverty and crime, people who actually do believe in the ideas of love and kindness that Jesus tried to spread (not counting the "do this or you're going to hell" bit of course). Community churches can be a good influence. Would I rather have secular community groups that did the same? Absolutely. But I'm not going to reject the churches on the basis that there could be something better. The Bible might incite some to kill, but it incites plenty of others to do good.

And by the knives comment, do you judge whether a knife is evil or not based on all the crimes that have been committed with knives? The Bible is as inanimate as the knife when it comes to any evil that's come out of them.
Numerous charities, organizations that work to help reduce and eliminate poverty and crime, people who actually do believe in the ideas of love and kindness that Jesus tried to spread (not counting the "do this or you're going to hell" bit of course). Community churches can be a good influence. Would I rather have secular community groups that did the same? Absolutely. But I'm not going to reject the churches on the basis that there could be something better. The Bible might incite some to kill, but it incites plenty of others to do good.
the evil it caused in the past outweighs the miniscule good it does now, thus it makes it redundant, and the little good it does today always comes with a cost.
And by the knives comment, do you judge whether a knife is evil or not based on all the crimes that have been committed with knives?
knifes are inanimate objects, thus we can only blame the wielder.
The Bible is as inanimate as the knife
however the words therein incite violence, I dont see any words in a knife.
the evil it caused in the past outweighs the miniscule good it does now, thus it makes it redundant

What evil did it cause in the past hmm? What evil that wasn't already politically, socially or economically motivated? Religion was used as a tool just like a knife to do these things.
What evil did it cause in the past hmm? What evil that wasn't already politically, socially or economically motivated? Religion was used as a tool just like a knife to do these things.
we are going to go in circles, this has already been answered so I shall repeat it for you, just this once.
"If I told you to kill, if I coerced you to kill, if I did anything to incite you to kill, and then I died, and you still killed, who is the cause of the killing, I'm not asking who the killers is, who/what is the cause.
The bible incites people to kill, it is a direct cause thus christianity is evil,
any religion that incites it followers to kill is evil.

knifes are inanimate objects, thus we can blame the wielder.
humans however aren't, so we must blame the cause, in this case christianity."

yes politics, etc are causes of violence but religion is the basic primary cause, and is by far the worse.
so lets try not to repeat ourselves, if you got a comment to make great, but dont make it the same one, thats just boring.
lets make it easy for you, religion is the most evil of cults known to man, I will not yeild/concede my position here. so please dont repeat yourself, as I will just reciprocate
it has done no good for man, all it has done has brought death via the most atrocious evils.
yes politics, etc are causes of violence but religion is the basic primary cause, and is by far the worse.
so lets try not to repeat ourselves, if you got a comment to make great, but dont make it the same one, thats just boring.
lets make it easy for you, religion is the most evil of cults known to man, I will not yeild/concede my position here. so please dont repeat yourself, as I will just reciprocate
it has done no good for man, all it has done has brought death via the most atrocious evils.

For someone who complains about repeating the same thing, all you seem to be saying over and over again is "Christianity is evil because it's been a cause for evil."

1. You say it's done no good for man when earlier you admitted it did good (although you did call it minuscule).
2. Jesus condemns violence. If someone is using Christianity as an excuse for violent actions, can you still blame Christianity? Point out to me where in the NT it's encouraged to be violent?
Jesus condemns violence. If someone is using Christianity as an excuse for violent actions, can you still blame Christianity? Point out to me where in the NT it's encouraged to be violent?
Matt 10-34: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35: For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36: And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
37: He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38: And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
39: He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Matt 10-34: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35: For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36: And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
37: He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38: And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
39: He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Seriously? That's the best you could come up with?

This is Jesus saying that he's not here for the status quo but to bring change on Earth towards a life for God. He's here to instigate a battle of ideologies. There's no mention of violence in the passage. Any violence that comes as a result of this is purely from human motivation, not from any direction given by Jesus.
Seriously? That's the best you could come up with?

This is Jesus saying that he's not here for the status quo but to bring change on Earth towards a life for God. He's here to instigate a battle of ideologies. There's no mention of violence in the passage. Any violence that comes as a result of this is purely from human motivation, not from any direction given by Jesus.
you just asked, I supplied.
it's irrelevant whether it's the best or worse.
however are you reading between the line/scripture a clear case of misinterpretation, where in the bible does it say that, do you often change the scripture to suit, it does not have to mention violence to incite violence, how it's actually worded is how it followed, your version isn't written, now is it. and not all people are smart enough to find a hidden or non-violent meaning.
what do you think causes human motivation? ( in regard to the bible.)
you just asked, I supplied.
it's irrelevant whether it's the best or worse.
however are you reading between the line/scripture a clear case of misinterpretation, where in the bible does it say that, do you often change the scripture to suit, it does not have to mention violence to incite violence, how it's actually worded is how it followed, your version isn't written, now is it. and not all people are smart enough to find a hidden or non-violent meaning.
what do you think causes human motivation? ( in regard to the bible.)

I'm... reading between between the lines and misinterpreting? Wow. Before I respond, since you supplied the quote, would you mind giving me your "correct" interpretation? Show me where Jesus instructs his followers to commit violence in that passage.
The Sword in this scripture represents to division that Faith in Jesus would bring and still brings. When people come to Jesus it divides them from their unbelieving family members. I fact often it causes real hatred towards them from their family members to the extent that in the very early church family members would betray their believing family members to the authorities.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The Sword in this scripture represents to division that Faith in Jesus would bring and still brings.

Two things..

1) That passage implies that the division you speak of was his actual purpose, it's what he came for and clearly wants. He came specifically to incite that division. Whether it is physical violence or not seems somewhat irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

2) "he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me"

My daughters come before anyone - and so I am happy to admit that I am obviously not worthy of him. That statement alone makes me glad I'm not.
Two things..

1) That passage implies that the division you speak of was his actual purpose, it's what he came for and clearly wants. He came specifically to incite that division. Whether it is physical violence or not seems somewhat irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

2) "he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me"

My daughters come before anyone - and so I am happy to admit that I am obviously not worthy of him. That statement alone makes me glad I'm not.

Totally agree. Sorry oh sacred God of all creation... my family comes first, even before myself.
Two things..

1) That passage implies that the division you speak of was his actual purpose, it's what he came for and clearly wants. He came specifically to incite that division. Whether it is physical violence or not seems somewhat irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

2) "he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me"

My daughters come before anyone - and so I am happy to admit that I am obviously not worthy of him. That statement alone makes me glad I'm not.
Totally agree. Sorry oh sacred God of all creation... my family comes first, even before myself.

So... is Christianity an evil religion?
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The entire poll is bogus. What kind of poll has eleven choices that relate to evil, one that is neutral and only one that is reltated to good? A poll that is looking for a preselected result, that's what kind of post.

The poll was bullshit from the time it was first posted. It was looking for a certain type response and that is what it got.