Is Buddhism a Failure?

Mostly that's true. But I've heard that it's gaining steam in Bangladesh, and the Saudi religious authorities also play a role in it.

Consult all the major Islamic organizations in any Muslim country. They will give the same answer I have provided, with the same proofs. Start with Jamat e Islami Bangladesh. You will see the truth of my words. Islamic understanding of truth and following of the Quran is not only limited to one country or region.
Consult all the major Islamic organizations in any Muslim country. They will give the same answer I have provided, with the same proofs. Start with Jamat e Islami Bangladesh. You will see the truth of my words. Islamic understanding of truth and following of the Quran is not only limited to one country or region.

I've already said that al Azhar the premier university on Islamic matters endorses the books by the Ahmediya community. I personally have never seen any Saudis treat the Ahmedis differently. I think its no one's business to declare anyone Muslim or non-Muslim. In fact such takfir is ridiculous in my opinion.
DH, can you tell me which posts in this thread regarding Ahmadis do you firmly stand behind?

I stand by the Quran which states quite clearly that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is "Katam an-Nabuwwat (seal, end, finality of the prophethood)" (Quran 33.40)

Allah swt Himself has defined what is a Muslim (believer in One God and final Prophet Muhammad). If you contend with this, take it up with Allah swt.

I personally have never seen any Saudis treat the Ahmedis differently.

Every human being should have the respect of a human being. We are not discussing treating others badly. This can never be condoned in the Quran.

I think its no one's business to declare anyone Muslim or non-Muslim. In fact such takfir is ridiculous in my opinion.

The Quran has made so apparent and clear that there is no room for any doubt, as far as from the view of the Quran. If one does not follow the Hadith, then one shall be in error. However, if one rejects the Quran that person is no longer Muslim.

Declaring that the Quran is in any way imperfect is disbelief in the Quran as a whole. This is the very definition of kufr (disbelief). Ignoring the most common message of the Quran, Shahadat, One God and His last Prophet, is similarly kufr.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated:

"The Hour will not come ... until nearly thirty "dajjals" (liars) appear, each one claiming to be a messenger from Allah."

"There will be Dajjals and liars among my Community. They will tell you something new, which neither you nor your forefathers have heard. Be on your guard against them and do not let them lead you astray."

(Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)
Again, its not anyone's job [not even the Prophet's] to decide who is Muslim or not. Anyone taking on that job should be prepared for the eventual fragmentation, division and dissolution of the Muslim community. Division does not create an ummah.

You are free to decide whether Arsalan is a Muslim or not. But don't expect people like him or me to support you in this endeavor.
I stand by the Quran which states quite clearly that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is "Katam an-Nabuwwat (seal, end, finality of the prophethood)" (Quran 33.40)

Allah swt Himself has defined what is a Muslim (believer in One God and final Prophet Muhammad). If you contend with this, take it up with Allah swt.

Yes yes, I understand that, but which posts in this thread, your posts, are the ones you firmly stand behind?
I wouldnt know, havent seen him :p

It is quite shocking the lengths some people will go to spread lies about Ahmadis. On this forum I've seen someone say we pray to the Prophet and on other sites I have heard all kinds of stories of secret harems, drug empires, Zionist spies and whatnot and all the while I'm thinking "I must be missing out on something" lol

I will prepare a reply to DH, just need to make it not so preachy. Its funny though, ever since Pakistan banned us it has known trouble and misery. Ever since, in the modern age, Afghanistan killed us, Kabul has known misery. In my opinion, the way they go about banning us allows idiots to get into power and make all kinds of declarations. Its sad.
It seems to be. It hit home when we had a couple of non-Ahmadi Imams come to our mosque. We asked them how we could help them and they asked: "We would like to use your swimming pool".... Just for the record: our mosque does not have a swimming pool. It just hit me then: what kind of lies must they be spreading about us.
Arsalan, I believe in everything I posted. If you wish to respond to my post, please base it on references from the Quran. This is the Islamic method of proving one's opinion.

Your thoughts on Pakistan and Afghanistan are interesting. Don't you believe the US presence in Afghanistan and covert funding of anti-government groups in Pakistan have some effect on the state of affairs?

Allah swt help the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan and give us victory. Ameen.
It seems to be. It hit home when we had a couple of non-Ahmadi Imams come to our mosque. We asked them how we could help them and they asked: "We would like to use your swimming pool".... Just for the record: our mosque does not have a swimming pool. It just hit me then: what kind of lies must they be spreading about us.

Is it any surprise that Muslims have no idea what Islam is? They are too busy deciding who is Muslim to study Islam.
Unfortunately, people like to pass judgment on Islam without consulting the Quran, the word of Allah swt. Just because a few people have opinions does not give them any credibility, especially in direct opposition to the established scholars of Islam representing more than 90% of Muslims.

The ultimate criterion for judging a Muslim is the Quran, regardless of what anyone may think, their opinion is of irrelevance. Only the word of Allah swt matters, and He will be the ultimate judge.

Islam is the religion decided by Allah swt, and not the whims of human beings. God has truly blessed us with the complete and final religion. Nothing needs to be added to it, nothing taken away. subhanallahi wa bihamdihi wa subhanallahil azeem.
Its perfectly valid to disagree with people on opinions related to religion. But its not alright to label them as kafir because you disagree with them. No matter how valid or invalid an opinion, its not the job of any person to declare who is Muslim and who is not.
Not to be on topic or anything but...

Scientists say they have evidence to show that Buddhists really are happier and calmer than other people.
I have never heard a Buddhist argue whether or not someone is a Buddhist. But, then again, Buddhism isn't an intolerant monotheism now is it? No, it isn't, which is why it isn't a failure.

So, your argument about who is a Muslim and who is not a Muslim actually, for once, served to answer an OP.

neat :)
I have never heard a Buddhist argue whether or not someone is a Buddhist.

Oh, don't worry, Buddhists are people too and people always seek to create in groups and out groups. Just as an example, Mahayana (aka greater vehicle) often refers to Theravada (wisdom of the elders) as Hinayana (lesser, as in worse, vehicle). Generally meditation oriented Buddhists are leery of faith based Buddhists like Nichiren/SGI and pure land. Religious Buddhists and secular Buddhists and esoteric Buddhists get along about as well as they do anywhere, but that's just saying they don't generally kill each other. And of course being Buddhist doesn't mean one is fit for political power and we have the ever popular religious schism like the Tibetans are beating each other up over.

Bottom line, people are people long before they are Buddhists.

Now one could possibly argue that the lack of an official god, plus it's core beliefs, help ameliorate some of the worst in group out group bickering.

FYI, technically being a failure isn't a big deal in Buddhism. If you fail you learn more usually than when you succeed and it really helps tame the old ego. ;) Just make your corrections and try again. No big daddy god is judging you and going to damn you for anything. Just suck it up and drive on. :)
Oh, don't worry, Buddhists are people too and people always seek to create in groups and out groups. Just as an example, Mahayana (aka greater vehicle) often refers to Theravada (wisdom of the elders) as Hinayana (lesser, as in worse, vehicle). Generally meditation oriented Buddhists are leery of faith based Buddhists like Nichiren/SGI and pure land. Religious Buddhists and secular Buddhists and esoteric Buddhists get along about as well as they do anywhere, but that's just saying they don't generally kill each other. And of course being Buddhist doesn't mean one is fit for political power and we have the ever popular religious schism like the Tibetans are beating each other up over.

Bottom line, people are people long before they are Buddhists.

Now one could possibly argue that the lack of an official god, plus it's core beliefs, help ameliorate some of the worst in group out group bickering.

FYI, technically being a failure isn't a big deal in Buddhism. If you fail you learn more usually than when you succeed and it really helps tame the old ego. ;) Just make your corrections and try again. No big daddy god is judging you and going to damn you for anything. Just suck it up and drive on. :)
Actually I was referring to the argument between DH and SAM on who is and who isn't considered Allah's special little children.

I agree totally, people are people, but, there does seem to be enough insight built into your general purpose Buddhism that it is relatively civil about keeping people from trying to cut the heads off other people something most other religions, if anything, TRY to get people to do!
Again, you ignore the history of Buddhist violence and oppression.

And this after I have given many many examples several times.

Now why would you ignore history to make a false representation of your POV?

At least swarm is honest [besides being an excellent example of how Buddhism creates a fascist mindset, just read his responses to posters on sciforums.]

I have never heard a Buddhist argue whether or not someone is a Buddhist.

Ignorance is a point of view?
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