Is breastfeeding obscene?

Is breastfeeding in public obscene?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • No

    Votes: 49 90.7%

  • Total voters
I always used to have specific bras and shirts for that, which would display almost none of it at all, and what was exposed for the baby was covered to the public with a receiving blanket. No one could see anything at all, other than I was holding my child close to me. When my second one came long, I had a sling specifically for that purpose that covered everything. My kids were never sick, and they were at the top of the growth/weight charts at all times.

As for it being the same thing as any other bodily discharge... I don't know how to respond to that kind of ignorance. There is a reason that urine and feces are considered bodily waste and breast milk is not.

Also, it takes about 30 seconds to pee. It takes about 10-30 minutes to feed a child.

It's simply not the same thing at all. I don't even see the logic at all in the comparison, and to say that they are alike is really kind of baffling.

ElectricFetus said:
If this was true then breast would atrophy back to a flat state between children and only swell for lactation, yet female breast on humans are like a female chimp's swollen butt: they are a secondary sexual feature for attracting man, just because they serve other more rudimentary duties does not mean that is there only purpose.

Ok, well here I'll respond with science because that's just ignorant. Search "old lady tits" on Google. I assure you that after childbearing years, if you have breastfed they indeed atrophy and "go flat" except for the cell structure of the glands inside themselves. Just like a penis, when it is not engorged with hormones (during childbearing years) or breastmilk, they sag and go flat. Without surgery or good bras, they flop like quarter filled water balloons.
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what? I wasn't comfortable with it. I don't care if others do, I was just never able to. My Mom thought it was odd of me to feel that way as well and she's the biggest prude I know.
I think it may have something to due with the fact that I detested breast feeding. I hated it, but did it anyways
what? I wasn't comfortable with it. I don't care if others do, I was just never able to. My Mom thought it was odd of me to feel that way as well and she's the biggest prude I know.
I think it may have something to due with the fact that I detested breast feeding. I hated it, but did it anyways

I wasn't condemning, I just didn't understand what you wrote. So you didn't like to breastfeed but did it anyway or just constantly used a pump or what.
I didn't like it, did it anyways, never used a pump. The pump took longer than nursing, so it wasn't worth it. I know they have electric ones, but when my kids were born, they were out of my price range.
I didn't like it, did it anyways, never used a pump. The pump took longer than nursing, so it wasn't worth it. I know they have electric ones, but when my kids were born, they were out of my price range.

Why didn't you use formula or other substitutes?
IOk, well here I'll respond with science because that's just ignorant. Search "old lady tits" on Google. I assure you that after childbearing years, if you have breastfed they indeed atrophy and "go flat" except for the cell structure of the glands inside themselves. Just like a penis, when it is not engorged with hormones (during childbearing years) or breastmilk, they sag and go flat. Without surgery or good bras, they flop like quarter filled water balloons.

Now your just being stupid, you know what I mean! Look at a chimp guess what breast size an adult female chimp has when not pregnant or lactating, that right none, their breast shrivel to the same size as male chimps, in most other mammals when not in use there breast size is comparable to their male counterparts, humans are one of the few mammals to store fat in the breast, because its a secondary sexual characteristic, and has been noted as such by science of decades.
It would seem to me that the problem lies, as usual, in the definition. Obscene implies "repulsive". I do not believe that the human body in general is repulsive, or obscene, but society has conditioned us to react in certain ways to the exposure of particular square inches of flesh. i.e., expose the top / side of a woman's breast and we call it "cleavage" - titillating perhaps, (nice pun), but not "obscene". Go 2 inches lower and see the areola - oh my! obscenity! God forbid the whole nipple shows, throw them in jail! Possible exception - attach a baby to said nipple.

Where I live ( West coast Florida, US ) there are literally laws dictating the minimum width of a chickie's t-back bathing suit at the beach. Don't recall the actual number, but say... a one inch width at the top of the g-string is acceptable, but 7/8 inch is not. WTH is that? However, I will accept the job of being the person going around measuring for compliance. :D

In any event, it is hard for me to comment on the actual issue of breastfeeding, as I do not find simple nudity to be obscene in the first place. If you are not engaging in overt sexual behavior, then you are simply "walking about in your birthday suit". How is this unnatural or obscene? Same applies to breastfeeding, and I have to say, even urination. There are, of course, sanitation issues involved with public urination, but the act itself would not seem to be unnatural or obscene. Just don't pee where I walk... :p

As someone else mentioned, I think it stems back to women somehow being the property of men, and therefore you're not allowed to look as it may lead to coveting...

Now, speaking from personal experience, when I encounter a woman breastfeeding in public, it does present somewhat of a quandary. A man (or some women, for that matter) has a natural inclination to want to look / observe / check it out, precisely because it is unusual behavior. On the other hand, we are conditioned to look away out of propriety. Staring, for any reason, can cause discomfort or even intimidation. To the other, if the girl is otherwise "hot" overall, it is hard to resist checking out those knockers, even if that is considered "sexist".

I believe the whole thing is overblown and everyone just needs to relax about the entire "sex" thing. Why the topic causes such dissension has always bewildered me, even during my prepubescent years. What is the big deal? People are all pretty much built with the same equipment, sexual stimulation and all the rest of the bodily functions are normal, natural and unavoidable, so why all the fuss? Oh well - people are strange critters...

When traveling in parts of Europe, I have noticed that it is not uncommon for people to change clothes in public, say if they get wet and muddy from being outside. They due this with some modesty, say standing between two cars with someone standing in front of them to help block the view, but all in all, they tend to be much less uptight then Americans over the whole "nudity" thing. I believe this stems back to our "Puritanical" (literally) founding as a society. Therefore, the whole issue seems to be determined by the culture in which one resides.

Bottom line - breastfeeding in public is cool, as long as the girl in question is comfortable with it - provided they are willing to put up with some staring and condemnation by old biddies and others that should be minding their own business.

Cheers... :)
Where I live ( West coast Florida, US ) there are literally laws dictating the minimum width of a chickie's t-back bathing suit at the beach. Don't recall the actual number, but say... a one inch width at the top of the g-string is acceptable, but 7/8 inch is not. WTH is that? However, I will accept the job of being the person going around measuring for compliance. :D

That's a damn shame my friend.

Where I live (Ontario, Canada) it's fully legal for any woman to go topless...

It can be un-nerving for some to have women feeding their child but that's understandable, some people (Gentlemen) still respond by turning away to give some privacy. After all infants need feeding and they pretty much make their own decision when that is and they don't really care about where.

Urination on the other hand is a potential health hazard since a number of diseases can be spread by it. Thats why in the UK it's actually illegal to relieve yourself in a public place, you are also not allow to urinate near any waterways (Rivers/Ponds/Streams/Canals etc).
Babies get hungry at inconvenient times and inconvenient and potentially embarrassing places. Which would you rather have, though? A bawling, hungry baby yelling blue murder for a feed, or a quiet, contented baby sucking on a nipple?
Interesting. If it's okay for a woman to expose her breast(s) to feed her child in public, why isn't it okay for her to expose her breast(s) for her husband or boyfriend to fondly and/or suckle in public? If one is okay, how can the other not be okay?

Baron Max
Interesting. If it's okay for a woman to expose her breast(s) to feed her child in public, why isn't it okay for her to expose her breast(s) for her husband or boyfriend to fondly and/or suckle in public? If one is okay, how can the other not be okay?

Baron Max

Isn't there a difference in innocence?
Interesting. If it's okay for a woman to expose her breast(s) to feed her child in public, why isn't it okay for her to expose her breast(s) for her husband or boyfriend to fondly and/or suckle in public? If one is okay, how can the other not be okay?

Baron Max

An infant gets hungry and makes noises which can draw even more attention to a mother. She can't say "Sorry kid, you'll have to wait till I get home" as that would be starving the child or messing with their nap time.

A husband or Boyfriend wanting to fondle publicly on the other hand is old enough to know you aren't suppose to be doing that in public and it's purely sexually related.
An infant gets hungry and makes noises which can draw even more attention to a mother. She can't say "Sorry kid, you'll have to wait till I get home" as that would be starving the child or messing with their nap time.

Perhaps. But then, couldn't she just move out of the public view?

A husband or Boyfriend wanting to fondle publicly on the other hand is old enough to know you aren't suppose to be doing that in public...

You sure are giving the husbands and boyfriends a whole lot of credit for knowing that, ain't you? ...LOL!

...and it's purely sexually related.

I don't know ...a woman's breast is a thing of natural beauty. Natural beauty should be admired ...just like a beautiful rose or lovely tree. Why does sex have to have anything to do with it?

Baron Max
Interesting. If it's okay for a woman to expose her breast(s) to feed her child in public, why isn't it okay for her to expose her breast(s) for her husband or boyfriend to fondly and/or suckle in public? If one is okay, how can the other not be okay?

Baron Max

Because the sexuality of an adult doing it NOT for the purpose for which the breast was intended, which is feeding despite Fetuses assertion otherwise. The male idealism of the breast is a social construct, not a scientific one.

Obscenity is usually lewd or indecent in nature. The word itself con-notates a filthiness, indecency, or dirtiness. An adult, fondling or suckling a female breast in public would be a sexual act, not one that would be for the purpose of nourishment, as adults cannot survive solely on breast milk. That goes for any adult of any species.
Perhaps. But then, couldn't she just move out of the public view?

You sure are giving the husbands and boyfriends a whole lot of credit for knowing that, ain't you? ...LOL!

I don't know ...a woman's breast is a thing of natural beauty. Natural beauty should be admired ...just like a beautiful rose or lovely tree. Why does sex have to have anything to do with it?

Baron Max
Why should she move out of public view? Are you some kind of sicko who'd consider a baby feeding on it's mum's breasts as erotic?