Is breastfeeding obscene?

Is breastfeeding in public obscene?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • No

    Votes: 49 90.7%

  • Total voters
If this was true then breast would atrophy back to a flat state between children and only swell for lactation, yet female breast on humans are like a female chimp's swollen butt: they are a secondary sexual feature for attracting man, just because they serve other more rudimentary duties does not mean that is there only purpose.

I'm all for women walking around showing their nipples :D

My dilemma is not that I find it obscene it that I don't find it obscene and I'm rather disheartened that it can get a pass while other things are still called "obscene".

So is pissing, eating, deification, copulation, breathing, regulating heart rate, thermalhomostasis, in fact I think the latter ones are significantly more natural.

no, not really, just because one is nice sounding like "providing loving nourishment to a child" and the other is "Vacating your bladder" doesn't mean they are different, they are both bodily function of equal criticality, both can be done in private. A squirrel and a rat are still rodents.

wrong, your breast cannot simply flatten after lactation because of all the tissues we have in them. why dont you flatten your balls after you have done having your family?
I gotta agree with Enmos here. I don't see how anal sex could be pleasurable, it just seems equivalent to taking a dump except with a repeated in and out motion.

The distrubution of what is sexually stimulating varies from person to person. Some people get off to anal stimulation, some find it enjoyable, some don't enjoy it at all. Male and female. Its the same with nipple stimulation.
I still don't get the fact that people actually dare to compare breastfeeding with ...defecation.

They are trying to get a rise out of you. They are also the first people to complain if some one pee'd on their door.

The fact is there is no reason a woman can't nurse in public if she cares to and that is becoming the rule now that women aren't house slaves any more.

Our "burkas" get smaller each decade and many places are starting to shed them all together.
The fact is there is no reason a woman can't nurse in public if she cares to and that is becoming the rule now that women aren't house slaves any more.

So, ...a society shouldn't be permitted to make rules for all the members of that society? ...members of a society should be permitted to do anything they want ...without regard to any or all of the other members?

Baron Max
It feels absolutely wonderful if done right with the right person. It's very different. It's like comparing a clitoral orgasm to peeing. Vaguely related, but much, much better.

Alas not for everyone. Doesn't do a thing for me.

Uh, no. Lactating is not voluntary.

Seen a lady whose let down was literaly like a fountain. Little streams shooting a good couple feet, every where. Totally amazing.

Ever have your titties go off because a baby's crying?

We had spare pads. ;)
IA bottle of formula is cheaper

Formula is freaking expensive as shit. You can easily blow $200 a month on formula.

It isn't even as nutritious or healthy and is far more likely to cause colic (which is worse than water boarding to Brittney Spears). Its also a huge hassle.

Nursing is hands down the better choice in every possible regard.
Selective perspective?

Baron Max said:

So, ...a society shouldn't be permitted to make rules for all the members of that society? ...members of a society should be permitted to do anything they want ...without regard to any or all of the other members?

Isn't that just a tad toward hyperbole, at least? One could easily make the counterpoint of asking, So ... we should keep a child hungry or opt for a less-healthy option just because someone else is conflicted about getting aroused at the sight of a nursing infant?

In general, there are rules about the rules a society can make.

Additionally, it's a bit of a leap from feeding a child to people doing anything they want. Didn't you once challenge me on the issue of perspective, sir?

Or was that more than once?
In general, there are rules about the rules a society can make.

And just who makes those rules about social rules, Tiassa?

Additionally, it's a bit of a leap from feeding a child to people doing anything they want.

Nope, it's about following the society's rules ...whatever they might be. Nothing of a "leap" in that remark at all.

Baron Max
Came upon a facebook group about this, though there reasons for forming was different then my moral dilemma with the issue (and I fully support them), rather I was thinking of in public if a women breastfeeding would you find that obscene? I'm not sure, I always wondered if a women can discharge milk in public way can't a man piss in public? Any help to set my mind on this?

Discharge milk ?, You rarely see the milk, and It's not that obvious sometimes. ..

In Singapore, there is a group attempting to remove the stigma of breastfeeding, It's only natural.
It isn't even as nutritious or healthy and is far more likely to cause colic (which is worse than water boarding to Brittney Spears). Its also a huge hassle.

Nursing is hands down the better choice in every possible regard.

I only breastfed for about a week. I had a hard time because I was soooooo sore from having a C-Section. I was also having a hard time with latching on, so I gave up.

They talk about all the health issues concerning breast milk vs Formula but my sons have always been really healthy. I know kids that were breast fed, that were always sick and have health problems and kids that weren't and have always been pretty healthy. So I am not CONVINCED that breast milk is far superior to formula in the long run.

I also found it to be very convenient. It was also nice that it wasn't always my responsibility to feed them. I could drop them off to Grandma's
with a few bottles and they were good to go. You are right though, it is expensive. The cost wasn't an issue for us though.

Also......I believe my breasts are better for it today. :p
wrong, your breast cannot simply flatten after lactation because of all the tissues we have in them. why dont you flatten your balls after you have done having your family?

that not what I was saying, note all the great apes, note they don't have breast except when lactating. The uterus for example atrophies incredibly after pregnancy back to is baseline state, the baseline state in humans though for breast tissue is have have large amount of fat around it, there is no physical benefit for this, its positioning is detrimental, its like a peacocks tail, its is a secondary sexual characteristic to court men.
Discharge milk ?, You rarely see the milk, and It's not that obvious sometimes.

Your rarely see someone peeing into a urinal either. The stalls are designed to make it possible to conceal this action.

In Singapore, there is a group attempting to remove the stigma of breastfeeding, It's only natural.

Death is natural, war is natural, hate is natural, don't ever used an appeal to nature fallacy.
Your rarely see someone peeing into a urinal either. The stalls are designed to make it possible to conceal this action.

Death is natural, war is natural, hate is natural, don't ever used an appeal to nature fallacy.

Fair enough, but we don't bother hiding those do we ? In fact the media ensures that we don't. Also, when you meant urinating in public, I thought you mean as not in toilets, the typical anglo saxon tourist who had too much to drink.
So why hide breastfeeding ?
Luckily that's enough. Its the colostrum that does the heavy lifting for the immune transfer.

Well my second son I tried it the first day, had the same problems and went right to the formula. Like I said if you compare babies that were fed mostly breast milk to those who drank formula would you be able to notice any differences in their health? Are their noticeable differences between them when they get older? I KNOW they stress breast milk is the best, but in the end does it really matter?
Let me ask you a question. Say you have a small child. One who has just started to walk. Would you allow your child to sit and eat in an eatery or outside park or cafe and right behind where you are sitting is the open public area where anyone and everyone can just go and pee or poo... no doors, nothing.

Would you take your children and make them eat in a public toilet? After all, eating is a necessary bodily function like urinating and bowel movements are. Would you let them sit by the sink or against public urinals to eat their lunch? Yes? No? What if you had no choice and you were told that the only place you could feed your child was in the public toilet and the reason given is that urinating and defacating is exactly the same as eating and drinking, so both can be done in the same place.. both are bodily functions and are therefore on the same level. Would that be acceptable to you?

Now, lets have a look at the whole breastfeeding is somehow on par to urinating in public because both involve bodily fluids. Can you tell the difference between breastmilk and urine? Do you recognise that one is considered bodily waste and the other food for a baby? Do you recognise that you cannot swap one for the other? What you cannot seem to grasp is that the act of urinating (standing and urinating) is not the issue. If you think holding onto your penis and peeing against the wall is the same as a woman holding her baby and breastfeeding it, then frankly, that is not something I actually wish to discuss with you. Because that says more about you than I want to know to be honest.

"Pissing" is considered "gross" because it is bodily waste. That is why one should do it in a toilet and then flush and wash one's hands. Because you are dealing with and possibly handling bodily waste (depending on whether you can't do it without getting it on your hands). Do you know why you wash your hands after going to the toilet? Now take that answer and then maybe, just maybe, you might recognise why urinating in public areas is considered "gross".

Do you think breastmilk is bodily waste?

This argument is a red harring, my position was not the women should be forced to breastfeed in bathrooms, or that men shoudl be allowed to pee on building walls, but rather that if breastfeeding is allowed publicly why not outdoor urinals, based on both involving the possible displaying sexual organs, bodily discharge from them, etc, features they do have in common, of course they also have features not in common but that is irrelevant as the features they have in common are damming enough. Lets say I was stating that plants and animals are comparable, you would object and call me an idiot, stating all the differences between plants and animals, I would reply they are both living organisms, they are in fact comparable on a general level, a level which may have been relevant to that issue (just as exposure or possible exposure of sexual organs is probably the primary reason some object to public breastfeeding), your inability to recognize that is in fact idiocy on your part.