Is Athiesm The Answer?

Indeed, unfortunately there is still a lack of evidence and its something we will never know, i think im along the same lines of thinking as you with this issue but as logical is things may seem, logic isnt good enough alone to be considered proof.
Proof is nothing without logic. I doubt anything is beyond the scope of logic.
Unfortunately that doesnt constitute proof(as much as i agree, though i may think about it for a while and see if i can come up with something).
On the whole you have a fairly solid arguement there, more so than most others, im glad i asked now.
Thanks. :) That's right, it isn't complete proof, but it is reasonable, and I can't say the same for the belief that the Universe was created by God.
Hey there's another paradox for you if you're watching.
I am, but where was the first one? :p Your opinions are subjective and abstract, and pose no paradox at all. Try showing a real paradox.
They are in historical terms about as important as cave drawings.
Now that's simply not true. The bible has had far more influence than any mere cave drawings. Religion has worked it's way into nearly every aspect of our society.
I asked you to prove me wrong, not give a totally unrelated opinion.
First, it wasn't an opinion I was offering, but an argument (yet to be substantiated of course, but this thread isn't the place for that). Second, it's not unrelated. You asked for an idea that was equal to or greature than that of the scriptures, and I'm contending that the scriptures aren't that great.
I think there is. You have made a claim: that the concept of God is not a concept. I'm challenging you to support that claim.
I sugggest you read the thread more carefully. Spidergoat claimed; "The idea of God was created specifically so it could not be disproven." My response was; "How do you know?"
So where is the claim?
Actually, someone said:
People generate ideas about a vast variety of things so why would the god concept be any different?
And you replied:
Because it is not a concept.
That is the claim you made that I am responding to. You claim it is not a concept, and I'm calling you on that statement. Back it up.
Why don't you ask spidergoat to support his claim?
Because I agree with it.
How can scripture be irrelevant? That is a silly point.
Because it is irrelevant to whether or not the concept of God is a concept.
Actually, I claim that it's a concept (and the burden rests on you).

If you make a claim then the burden of proof lies with the claimant.
Now prove it.
Exactly. You claimed God is not a concept, and that's what this discussion is about: I've called on you to back it up. I was not the original claimant. I was just clarifying my position.
That it's created by humans is obvious, as humans are the only way that concepts get introduced.
If it is obvious then you can prove it.
You want me to prove something you shouldn't even be questioning? You are just wasting my time. How else do you propose concepts get introduced?
You brought up the Bible, not me.
Try and stay with me here.
Actually, you've mentioned 'scripture' in about half of your posts in this thread, including your first.
It isn't actually known where it first appeared.

Can you back this claim up, or is it another weird and wacky personal statement, based on nothing.
I must be really getting to you for you to question every statement I make asking for proof when there's no reason for it. How could it be considered a "weird and wacky personal statement" by any means? If it was known where it first appeared, you'd think the person's name would be in the history books, huh? You are grasping at straws.
What does The Matrix, etc., have to do with supernaturally inspired ideas?
Do words like Zion, oracle, or the battle between good and evil conjure up anything in that head of yours. Or does the idea of super-human activity mean something.
Which of these is supposed to be supernaturally inspired? Some of the activities in the movies would be considered supernatural by definition 1 if they were to actually occur, but ideas of the supernatural are entirely different from supernaturally inspired ideas. Perhaps you can explain what you were getting at.
Perhaps you are ignorant of the meaning of ignorant?
Perhaps you are insulting me again. Who knows eh?
Or perhaps I'm asking if you know what ignorant means because you thought I was insulting you. Ignorance simply means one is unaware of something, or lacks some knowledge.
Religion (and Christianity in particular) has done more harm than good.
Christianity isn't religion, religion is. Religion itself cannot be blamed for the actions of men. Religion is a set of rules and principles the main point being thou shalt not kill.
Huh? Christianity isn't religion? What are you on about? Religion can indeed be blamed. Religion is a set of beliefs that guide one's actions.
the bible has been altered more than once.
If it has been changed or altered in anyway from the original text, it is not scripture. So unless you know that the original texts themselves have been changed, your point remains only speculation.
I believe I've already made my point on this issue.
I'm an ignoramus because I'm aware of something you are not?
You are aware of something that does not exist!
Then I wouldn't be aware of it then would I?
Heh. Actually, to believe in the supernatural is nothing short of stupidity.
Even more stupid than being aware of something that does not exist?
There's a difference?
I think perhaps you were using the first definition.
Seeing some of your previous attempts at trying to think what i was thinking, i would seriously advise you to try and think about what you're thinking, because your attempts just aren't working.
That wasn't very helpful. Seems you don't really want to debate me at all. Judging by your response it would seem safe to wager you were using the second definition. Which would mean you believe the laws of nature (as they actually are) are not laws at all, and can be defied.
I didn't claim that. It was implied by you. Knowledge requires some observer.
I, at no time, claimed that knowledge doesn't require an observer, all i said was; "The knowledge was always there we just happened to become aware of it." You are the one who said i implied no observer.
Try and stay with me.
That's right, because it is a direct implication of your statement that knowledge always existed even before we were aware of it. If one isn't aware of it, then you don't know it, and thus, you don't have the knowledge. If you're the first, then no one has the knowledge, and therefore the knowledge doesn't exist yet.
How do you propose to have knowledge existing when there is no one to have it?
Don't put words in my mouth. I never said there is no one to observe it, that is your simplistic inference.
I didn't put words in your mouth, I simply asked you a question. Yes, I did make the inference (and you have no justification for calling it simplistic). I was expecting you would claim God as an observer and we could go from there, but unfortunately you haven't been able to keep up.
I propose God not only observes it, but is it, and is the source of it. Complicated.......yes, but it makes complete sense to me.
Simplistic actually. Now back up your proposition, if you please.
Do you really dispute this?
Carry on with this madness and i will exterminate you. :D
Uh huh. Seems you don't really dispute it anyway, you claim God possesses the knowledge.
I'm surprised you can't come up with your own example.
Say what?
Your own example of someone gaining new knowledge. Unless you claim that God is omniscient too... :rolleyes:
She was the first to know, before anyone else.
That is a nonsense example, can you not come up with something better.
Don't need to. There's nothing wrong with this example, is there? If there is then speak up.
The discovery of pluto by Clyde Tombaugh. No one knew of it before he discovered it. Need I go on?
Can you prove that, or is a statement based on faith?
It is a statement based on evidence & reason. I am not certain of it, but I have no reason to doubt it. Obviously it was discovered by someone, and I'm not aware of anyone contesting that he was the first.
Prove it. Nah, that's too big a request. Just provide some evidence. ...Or at least a reason for believing it.
If you become a good little boy, i might engage in some dialouge with you, regarding the subject.
LOL, right. If you continue to evade, then I'll have even more reason to doubt that you have anything more substantial than hot air. And who are you to judge the morality of my actions?
You could be right. But i grow bored of Wes's tiresome questions, which have no relevance to anything. He was probably just pissed at me making a fool out of you and tried to scrape back some dignity.
The only one you've made a fool of, if anyone is yourself.
Interesting. Are you Muslim then? Or do you simply believe both?
Matter of opinion.
Work that one out for yourself. Better still, make it your homework assignment.
If you are unable to espouse your own beliefs and arguments, then stop wasting our time. How about you do some research and come back with something more substantial. That's your homework assignment for the rest of the decade. Have fun!
If you were honest, you might just retract your ridiculous statement or yield to superior reasoning in order that you might improve yourself. It's obvious that you only seek to promote your unfound, ridiculous rhetoric.
Indeed, on this we agree.
Jan Ardena,

You keep saying this, but you have not come up with whom or when this idea was created. This is just your opinion.
You haven’t proved that anything or anyone else could have created such ideas let alone that they have. And until then it is simply foolish to not conclude that humans created these ideas.

Okay, let's work with this.
Give some examples.
You must be joking. Go read some history books.

Humans have not produced any ideas, either singularly or collective, that is on the scale of the revealed bona-fide scriptures.
Prove to me that people did not write/design/device/develop these scriptures. If you can’t then why isn’t your claim simply a baseless fantasy?

Because it is not a concept.
The idea of a god is a concept.

Webster – Concept - 1 : something conceived in the mind : THOUGHT, NOTION.

I don't think the gods are bizarre.
But the idea of them is.

Starwars, Star Trek, The Matrix, does these ring a bell with you.
Do you really believe that these fictional stories were the work of gods and not imaginative humans? You can’t be serious are you?

Like I said there is no credible reason to suppose that anything other than humans created the idea for gods.

Then put it foreward as an opinion, not as fact. Otherwise you will be deemed a liar, by any sober person.
Prove me wrong by showing a credible reason to suppose that the god idea was generated by anything other than human.

But the term liar is inappropriate since I am not attempting to deliberately deceive. If you want to take that standard then you are equally a liar for asserting that gods might exist.

Out of the billions of ideas that may have been created by humans, none come even close to the scriptures.
But humans will have written these scriptures. Prove that there is something else that could have written/designed/devised them.

They are infinately inferior. The best we can do, is use the scriptures as a basis for our ideas. The scriptures or the point of bona-fide religion does not change, human endeavors does.
Prove that humans did not devise these scriptures. Your claim has no credibility without some form of proof.

.. you have not really thought about the true meaning of faith, but just latched on to a description that suits you.
I have spent a great deal of time thinking about faith and it only means one thing in the religious sense – belief without evidence. The epitome of irrationality.

Try talking with people instead of at them, you just may learn something.
Try using your intelligence and stop asking foolish questions. But let’s not trade insults.

I don't think it is possible to be solely imaginary, i would say even that has to be based on some truth.
You mean like a 3 headed invisible puntivirous? Show me the truth in that statement.

But seriously though, what do you regard as evidence?
Anything detectable by the senses or mathematics.

Based on your understanding of God, what would it take for you believe that He is a real Personality?
The question is unanswerable. Which definition do you mean; humans have created millions of them. If I chose the pantheist idea of God that Einstein used then the universe has no personality other than the perfect order as revealed through physics.

I believe there is a Supreme Being, my belief is made stronger by certain evidences, both subjective and objective.
There is no evidence whatsoever, that has been put foreward, which diminishes this belief.
Maybe you can change that?
I doubt it since it looks like you have made up your mind regardless of what I might say.

Then, when they can detect it, we will see, won't we.
Years ago they couldn't detect cancer but eventually, in time, and taking the sufferers complaint seriously, they were able to.
But that is no indication that something imaginary like a god will ever be detected.

The knowledge was always there we just happened to become aware of it.
No. The “objects” were always there but the knowledge of them didn’t exist until we discovered them. You are still confusing actual instances with knowledge of instances.

Knowledge means "to know".

Everything that is to be "known" already exists, we just haven't become aware of it.
Good enough.

Now think carefully about what you have written, you are very close to understanding. Before we discover something we wouldn’t “know” about it, correct? Now read your definition above “Knowledge means "to know". Now put the two pieces of information together. If we don’t know this something then the knowledge of that something does not exist, right? Assume for the sake of this argument that no one else has discovered it beforehand.

Do you see how you confused the existence of an object with the knowledge of the object?

I am not making an issue of this, i am merely putting you straight.
I didn’t need to be put straight but I hope you now understand your error.

I find in day to day life I meet very few true athiests, the majority seem to be agnostics.
good point, but it's really just semantics in the end. Often it's just a matter of not being aware of the subtle differences in the meaning of both words.
It not really all the subtle... people tend to group as religious and non-religious... when the reason for being non-religious is just as important (if not more so).
If I had prayed god then it would have been to stop god existing in the minds of humans.

Did the Apes believe in god, and the rats that apes evolved from, or was it the first sea worms that evolved in to fish and then amphibians and then rats, or was it the first cell or virus ? Or was it Jan Ardena ( She is so dumb) ?

My close relative is in constant grave pain for last 1 year, Y is god not helping her, she had great faith in him all her life, and prayed all her life every day for 50yrs and now regrets it, and she definitely is a good great person.

I wish I was brought up in an atheist family, in all my school exams I had faith that god will help me pass them all rather than my studies and now I am suffering due to that. Hell with God.

I am a rationalist, I don’t believe in god and do not follow any religion, does that automatically make me a atheist, I mean I never think about atheism U see ?

I believe all those who pray r selfish and only selfish motives make them pray, how primitive, they all want something for nothing.

How about this new commandment –
“He Who Believes in God TShall Perish In The 21 Century.”
well frigging said RAW, well good try anyway.
someone said this on this forum,this is proberly a misquote.
here go's, religion should have an health warning, danger of death do not follow.
someone also said, god and the devil are one and the same.
if they existed.
so keep going man, you'll have a much better life, without a god fucking it up.
RawThinkTank said:
If I had prayed god then it would have been to stop god existing in the minds of humans.

Did the Apes believe in god, and the rats that apes evolved from, or was it the first sea worms that evolved in to fish and then amphibians and then rats, or was it the first cell or virus ? Or was it Jan Ardena ( She is so dumb) ?

My close relative is in constant grave pain for last 1 year, Y is god not helping her, she had great faith in him all her life, and prayed all her life every day for 50yrs and now regrets it, and she definitely is a good great person.

I wish I was brought up in an atheist family, in all my school exams I had faith that god will help me pass them all rather than my studies and now I am suffering due to that. Hell with God.

I am a rationalist, I don’t believe in god and do not follow any religion, does that automatically make me a atheist, I mean I never think about atheism U see ?

I believe all those who pray r selfish and only selfish motives make them pray, how primitive, they all want something for nothing.

How about this new commandment –
“He Who Believes in God TShall Perish In The 21 Century.”

Why don't you blame Him for failing your school exams?
After all, He is the one who was supposed to have studied amply and have been prepared... :rolleyes:

If I had prayed god then it would have been to stop god existing in the minds of humans.

And you say i'm dumb.

....and the rats that apes evolved from, or was it the first sea worms that evolved in to fish and then amphibians and then rats, or was it the first cell or virus ?

Where is the evidence of macroevolution why you confidently assert your statement as fact?

My close relative is in constant grave pain for last 1 year, Y is god not helping her, she had great faith in him all her life, and prayed all her life every day for 50yrs and now regrets it, and she definitely is a good great person.

Happiness and sadness, pain and pleasure, are all part of life. It doesn't matter how much we seek happiness or pleasure, we only get it when we get it. We must learn to accept whatever condition is put upon us, that is the path to real happiness and is the test of real character.

I am a rationalist,

If you were a rationalist you would understand that pleasure and pain go with the territory of the material world.
When we are in pleasure we easily forget what real pain is, and as such act in this way.
It is very easy for us to say; "lets attack Iraq" from the comfort of our own armchairs, without giving any consideration to the pain and discomfort we are inflicting on innocent people.
So pain has its advantages in that it allows us to remember the reality of the world we live in, and to be more conscious of how we treat other beings.

I don’t believe in god and do not follow any religion, does that automatically make me a atheist, I mean I never think about atheism U see ?

By the dictionary definition, i would say you are an atheist.

I believe all those who pray r selfish and only selfish motives make them pray, how primitive, they all want something for nothing.

Be careful who you accuse. The truth is you don't know whether all who pray are selfish, yet you judge them. Are you judging them by your own standard?

How about this new commandment –
“He Who Believes in God TShall Perish In The 21 Century.”

Is this what you personally want?

Jan Ardena.
Where is the evidence of macroevolution why you confidently assert your statement as fact?
:bugeye: Have you tried looking for it? I suggest
I believe all those who pray r selfish and only selfish motives make them pray, how primitive, they all want something for nothing.
Hm. What about people who pray for others?
bigal said:
Only a fool should believe there is no god. It would be to deny your own creation and purpose. Without that, what is the point in living? So, you give yourself a point to live for, a point to live for is a point to live for. A point to create life itself.
We are a creation, somethings' creation. We create, we destroy, we create.

Why am i a fool to deny god/gods ? Our purpose in life is very simple, we are just a vessel used to pass on our genetic material. Thats all, we have developed higher thinking than other animals, and consider ourselves outside of the natural world around us. But ultimatly we are just animals, no different from bacteria really. So lighten up, and get out there , and fuck like your species depended on it :D
There is evidence for Gods existence..

Holy shmoly. 8 pages and I am still waiting for someone to provide said evidence. I have, until now, remained solely as an observer in this debate - but must confess that it really gets on my nuts when someone says a line like the quote above, but never actually provides the evidence.
I feel sorry for U Jan Adrena, After 1,291 postings U could not evolve even 1/10 of what I am

Jan is the same species as you, so how could see havee evolved differantly. That makes no sense .
Enigma'07 said:
Jan is the same species as you, so how could see havee evolved differantly. That makes no sense .
I think he meant 'develop'. There are different uses for the word 'evolution'. It doesn't have to refer to a biological process, but can refer to the development of other things as well.
Alpha said:
Hm. What about people who pray for others?

U asked for it. Hmm , How about eradicating GOD from minds of humans and then make them realize that instead of praying for others if they actually practically help other people then that will be a zillion times better.

Alpha said:
… the word 'evolution'. It doesn't have to refer to a biological process …

Thanks Alpha, But I am warning U , U aliens have no business here, This planet belongs to my specie, we r going to inherit it from humans as we r theirs direct descendants. So get tha hell off from my planet. We will not go in to the dark without a fight , we will further evolve. Leave or U may face extinction.
- The crusader of the new Rationalist specie, RawThinkTank.
Humans are born with a brain so you can think and act freely, being taught how to think and act makes you a sheep following the sheperd :p
I have faith and so do my all my friends, we all believe in the purple god, he brings the color purple to the world all you need is faith!! He is the superior being and only he is true, every other thing you hear is false and untrue!! :p