Is America (US) ready for a black president?

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I just thought it was a little odd for a first post, that's all. Never mind.
wonder what wouldbve happened if jamwes brow bexcame president? i think, in some ways, al shaerpton would be bettter than the ones mentioned.
It'll be a pretty cold day in Hell when the US elects a black president. We have a looooonnnnnnng, long ways to go to accept a black president ...or a woman, for that matter. Tokens are okay, but not for the biggies.

Baron Max
I sure hope it is. But we'll just have to see.

Of course, I wouldn't pick a black guy over a white guy merely for being black — nor vice versa. I'm interested in merit, as should everyone be.
I would not like either a black person or a woman. On account of the fact that I'm a white male, I like my government representatives to be as similar to me as possible.
Condi Rice for 2008? Female and black.

Sometimes I wonder if its only possible if they represented a conservative party. Like Thatcher did in the UK to become the first female Prime Minister.
1) Yes, Condi or Obama are accepted widely.

2) No, not yet.

What do you think?

No, America is not ready for a Black President. I think Obama will be Vice President if Hilary can win. I'd think Hilary will have a difficult time winning being a woman, I think a Black President would not even get a chance to run. We saw what happened to Martin Luther King, maybe he could have been the first Black President, or at least involved in politics, and he was assasinated.
America is ready for a black or woman president. Long overdue in fact. Of course they should be good candidates on their own merits in addition to the incidental nature of their race or sex.

Condi doesn't have a chance in hell.
Hillary says she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, first to climb Mt. Everest, but unfortunately for Hillary and her fabulous tale, Sir Edmund climbed Everest four years after she was born, so maybe they waited four years to name her just to have a muy macho name for her?
We were talking about electable (or not) candidates, did you know that Sir Edmund stuff about Hillary? Fascinating, she'll lie about that, so what more would be in store?