Is America too damn religious?

No, I don't. But I expect a 40 year old to have enough sense to not violate the trust of a child. I have no problems with fantasies, as long as they remain fantasies.

I've seen victims of child abuse, its not a pretty sight.

Amazing, you immediately equate fantasizing about 16 year olds to child abuse and violence. A rather narrow-minded view. Would those be the type of fantasies you would have if you did have them?

Does the 16 year old fantasize abuse and violence on another 16 year old?
Why would I wish to share anything with them, are you now jumping to conclusions? Why don't you answer the questions?

We're talking about sexual fantasies.

I have no idea wtf you are on about.
Do I like them? No

Do I condone them? No

Do I think they are sick? Yes

Would I be willing to overlook them as along as they remained such? Yes.

But let them act on it and I'll test my hypothesis:

A man with no testicles has more balls than one with two.
Well, sam, you wouldn't like me very much then. I'm sure you already know that.
Amazing, you immediately equate fantasizing about 16 year olds to child abuse and violence. A rather narrow-minded view. Would those be the type of fantasies you would have if you did have them?

Does the 16 year old fantasize abuse and violence on another 16 year old?

I gave the example of a 16 year old because that was the age of the boy who was receiving text messages from Foley.

If thats what makes your dangle jingle, so be it. Just don't tell me about it.
I gave the example of a 16 year old because that was the age of the boy who was receiving text messages from Foley.

If thats what makes your dangle jingle, so be it. Just don't tell me about it.

Was it your religious upbringing that developed this mindset?
On a serious note, someone with such a sexual outlook may have had unfortunate events in their childhood. Make no mistake. Sexual contact between an adult and anyone who is considered "underage" by society is horribly damaging, if only for the social stigma attached to it.

Just like homosexuality was in say, the 50's in the US. You were clearly sick and demented, right?
So, you equate violence and abuse to sexual fantasies?

The violence is mine and sexual fantasies involving children have a high likelihood of turning to abuse because:

1. most children are too ashamed to tell
2. the children think it is their fault
3. the children feel no one will believe or help them
4. it is an unbalanced power equation
5. it is easy to target children, they are less suspicious and more easily coerced.
On a serious note, someone with such a sexual outlook may have had unfortunate events in their childhood. Make no mistake. Sexual contact between an adult and anyone who is considered "underage" by society is horribly damaging, if only for the social stigma attached to it.

Just like homosexuality was in say, the 50's in the US. You were clearly sick and demented, right?

There is no comparison between consenting adults and a child who has no power in a relationship.

You are clearly fudging the lines here.

Pedophilia and child molestation are not alternative lifestyles.
The violence is mine and sexual fantasies involving children have a high likelihood of turning to abuse because:

1. most children are too ashamed to tell
2. the children think it is their fault
3. the children feel no will believe or help them
4. it is a unbalanced power equation
5. it is easy to target children, they are less suspicious and more easily coerced.

What? Those are not reasons that fantasies turn to abuse. Those are results of abuse, except #5.

Another point here. Fantasies are just that. Mental playgrounds. Men who go out and actually target and act on those "thoughts" are not engaging a fantasy. They are exercising a compulsory illness.

Those who claim that men (or women) who fantasize sexually about younger people are somehow more likely to enact those fantasies have to show that the same goes for all of you who fantasize about anything. Except maybe sam. Who appears to be immune to this particular human gift.
There is no comparison between consenting adults and a child who has no power in a relationship.

You are clearly fudging the lines here.

Pedophilia and child molestation are not alternative lifestyles.

Or a woman who has no power in a relationship.

Again, what ages are we talking about here?

A question. Were all men prior to a certain point in history pedophiles, and sick? I don't know the exact numbers but we know that it was common for "girls" to marry at 13 years of age throughout the vast majority of human history (and probably prehistory).

What's changed sam?
What? Those are not reasons that fantasies turn to abuse. Those are results of abuse, except #5.

Another point here. Fantasies are just that. Mental playgrounds. Men who go out and actually target and act on those "thoughts" are not engaging a fantasy. They are exercising a compulsory illness.

Those who claim that men (or women) who fantasize sexually about younger people are somehow more likely to enact those fantasies have to show that the same goes for all of you who fantasize about anything. Except maybe sam. Who appears to be immune to this particular human gift.

Try reading it again, more slowly.:rolleyes:

I don't think a Judge who was watching child pornography was exercising his personal freedom of expression. If he was watching softcore or hardcore with no children involved, that would be different.

If he was writing down fantasies involving young children, I personally find it creepy.

I'm done here.
Or a woman who has no power in a relationship.

Again, what ages are we talking about here?

A question. Were all men prior to a certain point in history pedophiles, and sick? I don't know the exact numbers but we know that it was common for "girls" to marry at 13 years of age throughout the vast majority of human history (and probably prehistory).

What's changed sam?

Marriage has nothing to do with sexual fantasies or sex or love.

Thats a Western innovation.
Like I said earlier, its only in the US that you'll find both atheists and the religious right defending kiddie porn and pedophilic fantasies.