Is America too damn religious?

That's called a crush and is associated with idealism, adolescent hormones and a limited experience of sexuality and love.

It's the normal behavior of a female who recognizes the advantages of having an established male to protect and provide for her and maximize the chances for her offspring to thrive.

Nah. How silly is that?
Enough so their brains move up from between their legs to between their ears.

Oh, I see, the 16 year old couldn't possibly recognize other qualities in another person of the opposite sex, other than whether or not they can do the horizontal mambo?

And the 40-50 year old is clearly, and literally, off their rocker for ever dreaming lustful thoughts?

I'm beginning to spot a pattern here.

It's the normal behavior of a female who recognizes the advantages of having an established male to protect and provide for her and maximize the chances for her offspring to thrive.

Nah. How silly is that?

You do know that you have a forebrain?

You can put that limbic system away now, there's a good boy.
Oh, I see, the 16 year old couldn't possibly recognize other qualities in another person of the opposite sex, other than whether or not they can do the horizontal mambo?

And the 40-50 year old is clearly, and literally, off their rocker for ever dreaming lustful thoughts?

I'm beginning to spot a pattern here.

Good perhaps you can share your thoughts with these people
But, do you also find it offensive?

No, I don't. But I expect a 40 year old to have enough sense to not violate the trust of a child. I have no problems with fantasies, as long as they remain fantasies.

I've seen victims of child abuse, its not a pretty sight.

All along you've been saying how sick and wrong the very thoughts are. Are you retracting this?

Do I like them? No

Do I condone them? No

Do I think they are sick? Yes

Would I be willing to overlook them as along as they remained such? Yes.

But let them act on it and I'll test my hypothesis:

A man with no testicles has more balls than one with two.