Is America Going Back on its Morals?

Is America being screwed up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 63.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters
How exactly does this represent America "going back on its morals"?
I see no morals in America .
Any nation that elects G.W. Bush as its president for two terms is a nation that does not know the meaning of the word " morals ".
I see no morals in America .
Any nation that elects G.W. Bush as its president for two terms is a nation that does not know the meaning of the word " morals ".

Excuse me but you don't hear any1 else bashing Bush on here. This was going on LONG before he was elected. And besides that is not what this discussion is about.
What did Bush do that was so bad?

He was and he still is a disgrace to the human race . Is this not enough ?!!!.
Yet he was elected by the American morons as their president for two terms .
Where are any morals then ?......:shrug::shrug:.
If you're bringing up bad presidents let me make a statement. When you have a good president in office before you, you ride his coattails. However if a bad president(Clinton) before you you get blamed with it and have to fix it. So you can't blame Bush for 100% of it.
John99, I'm not argueing with you. I'm just a little fed up with people all blaming Bush. Truce?
I'm reading Bernard Goldberg's 100 people who are screwing up America. And a good point was made. On TV these days its all about sex, cursing, and violent acts. Now don't get me wrong I watch Family Guy and Robot Chicken. I laugh like crazy. But is it wrong to do so? You hear someone drop the F-Bomb in public and doesn't fase(?) you. But back in the day it wouldn't have been that way. Please comment.

Whenever I hear someone complain about the current state of morals in the USA, I want them to point to a time when the morals were better. Often those periods of time that get mentioned may have been good for white, middle class Americans, but then often not so good for others. That things like racism were so taken for granted that they were not seen as moral issues.
I have friends whose parents smoked in front of them. They turned out just fine. They don't smoke, either.

I have a friend who survived an airplane crash and spent 7 minutes dead. He's just fine now, but he smokes. What's your point here?

Surely you understand the difference between anecdotal tales and scientific studies, right? To say anything besides "yes" to that question would show true ignorance, and since I am still somewhat of a "newbie" here, I am open to the benefit of the doubt for you.

Show me that you are as intelligent as you are rich. Some of the rest of us are just as wealthy, but we may have lived a little more on the "dark side". Please say you are not the pampered brat everyone makes you out to be.

Scientific method, yes? Facts over opinions, yes? Correlation does not imply causation, right?

Would you want any influence over your children as to lifestyle, socio-political choice, etc? Or maybe rather take the easy route and hand them a few hundreds and say "have fun"? I caution against the latter, been there done that, to an extent that I regret.

Back on topic, is anything immoral to you? Do we have any influence over our fellow man? Our children? Should we use said influence? How? Do you believe that you or I can help make the world a better place? Do you care? What about your own world? Is it a happy place? Doesn't having unlimited money cause you to make decisions differently than you would
if you lost this money? Think about that one carefully...

Presuming that you would want influence and participation in your (hypothetical?) children's lives, how would you propose to exercise that influence? Payoffs or participation?

Since I'm new here, tell me who you are, Sandy...
Well, I was kinda playing witcha. But maybe this is you playing with me.

Sweetie, there is a possibility that I might play witcha all day - but this wasn't it.

I think we just had two different opinions as to the scope of the OP, you seem to see it limited to cursing whilst I see it as a question regarding pretty much all American morals.

I can not imagine anyone proving correlation between swearing and the demise of the US, let alone causation. I think this is your position as well, right?

If not, let me know and we will figure it out together. If so, well, great minds think alike, right?
If you're bringing up bad presidents let me make a statement. When you have a good president in office before you, you ride his coattails. However if a bad president(Clinton) before you you get blamed with it and have to fix it. So you can't blame Bush for 100% of it.

Clinton got a blow job and gave us 8 years of record prosperity, but he's a bad president?

Bush lied us in to a needless war, shamed us before the world, caused a global economic melt down, establish torture as a policy, eroded civil liberties and was generally a total dumb fuck who couldn't speak in complete sentences, but he's a good president?
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Sweetie, there is a possibility that I might play witcha all day - but this wasn't it.

I think we just had two different opinions as to the scope of the OP, you seem to see it limited to cursing whilst I see it as a question regarding pretty much all American morals.

I can not imagine anyone proving correlation between swearing and the demise of the US, let alone causation. I think this is your position as well, right?

If not, let me know and we will figure it out together. If so, well, great minds think alike, right?

If the scope of the OP is ALL AMERICAN MORALS, this thread is going to be a mess.

That said, I did address the general issue a few posts back like this....

Whenever I hear someone complain about the current state of morals in the USA, I want them to point to a time when the morals were better. Often those periods of time that get mentioned may have been good for white, middle class Americans - though I doubt even this pans out in part because so much was hidden - but then often not so good for others. That things like racism were so taken for granted that they were not seen as moral issues.
I added the bolded portion now.
Ok. Lets think of this as are we losing touch with things such as common courtesy, respect for authority/elders, common sense? Because the morals thing is causing problems. Such as it turned too political(President bashing on both sides), and people weren't too clear on what was being discussed. So how about this: Somebody posts a moral or ethical issue and we debate it. That way it is a narrow subject instead of a broad range of subjects.
For most of the history of humanity, children have been exposed to sex, with "separate bedrooms" really being just a few centuries old. Even when beds were finally invented, most people couldn't afford multiple beds, so families slept on a common bed, and guess hat the parents did right nxt to their sleepig children?

So I am not that concerned that sex will warp their fragile little minds, any more than I am that violent video games will.

As for America's "declining" morals, every age thinks that. Plato wrote: "Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers."