Is Aging A Curable Disease?

So what have we learned then? That we are fallible and
destined to make mistakes no matter how hard we try to
avoid them?

Not too reassuring. ;)
we have learned that technology can be very dangerous to ourselves and other living things even though it might help us achieve something great.

Sorry to get off topic for so long...

Anyone have any more info to what causes aging?
Ive read a bit about some supposed causes of ageing, and whats talked about alot is telomere shortening. Telomeres being the protective cap on the end of chromosomes. Its said they shorten with age, therefore (i assume) being unable to perform their functions of protecting and conserving DNA in chromosomes. Perhaps somebody can elaborate?
I'll tell you what it is that's causing aging...everytime the DNA in the cells split up to create new cells one small piece at the beginning and the end of the thread is lost and that is what's causing aging Boys and Girls. The fact that we are slowly but surely loosing our DNA. This is also one of the reasons you shouldn't clone people, because of the gentic age.
I figure until full maturity ageing is just the body getting ready for makeing more people. After that point those processes keep going on unregulated. Why should evolution prepare us for life after the last age our ancestors have born offspring at.

If someone already posted this, i didn't read it all!

If we were to have no aging at all, life would be horrible in the sense that most people would have great great great grandsons and other things like that.... bla bla bla. The world would become over-populated in a matter of days (maybe months) and noone would die naturally.

This, i think, wouldn't be the best way to go. I say noone messes with the aging process. Leave it alone!
Hm, I wonder why people would want to live forever. More life equals more crap that gets dished out to you. Not worth it I say.

Though that would help space travel...except that the travelers would be so lazy, being used to no gravity, they would possibly die or something when they encountered a planet with gravity.

There needs to be a gene that removes sex drive that is implanted along with long life, or some 100% foolproof way to stop birth(except for abstaining), or else we'll get a population bomb. A pitiful way to use good technology.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
I am just reading a few of these posts and wanted to reply to a couple of them. First, telomeres are implicated in aging and its true after each cell division due to imperfect replication of the telomere a small portion is lost. But telomerase can and has been used to reverse the process and essentially add more GAAC (if I remember correctly) amino acids to the telomere keeping it the same length, the problem is that this is the same thing that cancer cells do to keep themselves dividing continuously without being targeted for apoptosis. That is a very dangerous gamble. Also I wanted to throw in a few more ideas about the causes for aging. Calorie restriction has shown to increase lab mice's life span up to 30% +! Genetic mutation accumulation is also implicated in aging, but that goes hand in hand (at least in my opinion) with the telomere degredation theory. Also there is the Hayflick limit, which I haven't heard much about in regards to aging but I can't see how to discuss aging without bringing that up?. One more thing, I read a study that stated that abstaining from intercourse leads to a longer healthier life? among animals. I have also heard alot about not getting sex driving up testosterone and causing more aggression which in turn increases blood pressure, etc. , ect.
I read somewhere that an elderly brain has trouble produceing dopamine. In the same artical it said that when dopamine was added in too high a quantity the geezer became both agressive and horney.

FYI: Dopamine is used in an experimental treatment of Parkenson's disease.
Yes aging is curable we could make people last up to the 200-300yrs with genetic modifaction. we would have to do some intense engineering and make whole new species to get up and into the 1000's. This will be very effective for are children and grandchildren but what about us? Are best hope is replacing are bodies through cybornetics :D

Also if were engineering people to live forever think what that would to are population! we would have to force (or engineering people) not to breed or at lest one child per millennium limit or something? :eek:
Originally posted by NightFall
we can't live forever.
well.. unless you can cure accidental death, and lonliness.

yes we could cure those thing by backing are selves up and messing with are personalities and souls in the same manner that we @#$% with computers.

"I just upgraded to personality driver 40.72 and I think i found a bug: I can't stop smiling?"
honestly, I don't want to live forever,

-But really, if your like me your life is the first 25 yrs, you are going to school, 16+ girls. jobs, all that insecurity bull that we all deal with, you get in debt, then graduate University. Spend time paying off that debt to what, have to deal from 24-28yrs old, finding that special someone, having a kid, buying a house, guess what...... more debt. you spend the next 15-25 yrs paying off debt, your 50-55 now, sounds like fun

Honestly living 300 yrs might not be so bad. Time to relax maybe..........

explore all the little things i want to do, because in today's society there is so much pressure to streamline your life to one spot in the business world that really to branch off and do many things is crazy.
I already figured out how to cure immortality, now you want a cure for the cure? Come on people make up your minds!

hey GOD it's nice that you cured immortality but you left us with way to short a lifespan.

Give us atleast 250-500 years,
i think immortality, meh in theory it's possible but I see the 'slowing of aging' through nanotech is truely what will let us live 250-300 yrs.