Iran Bans Music

Oh wait. Any opinion by any Muslim is tantamount to global law.

I forgot. :eek:

In Iran, this nutjob's opinion is law:

From Article said:
Khamenei's views are interpreted as administrative orders for the whole country, which must be obeyed by the government. Last month Khamenei issued a controversial fatwa in which he likened his leadership to that of the Prophet Muhammad and obliged all Iranians to obey his orders.
In Iran, this nutjob's opinion is law:
According to the constitution of the Islamic Republic, the judiciary in Iran "is an independent power." The entire legal system - "from the Supreme Court to regional courts, all the way down to local and revolutionary courts" - is under the purview of the Ministry of Justice, but in addition to a Minister of Justice and head of the Supreme Court, there is also a separate appointed head of the judiciary.[1] Parliamentary bills pertaining to the constitution are vetted by the Council of Guardians.

Don't fall for your media brainwashing about Iran. Just see on both sides of Iran and you'll understand why homosexuals and minorities of Iran are suddenly headline news.

Don't fall for your media brainwashing about Iran. Just see on both sides of Iran and you'll understand why homosexuals and minorities of Iran are suddenly headline news.

I've seen many sides of Iran. All and all, I think the president is a reasonable fellow and doesn't wish anyone any real harm (in fact I think he legitimately wants to modernize Iran). Iran's biggest problems appear to come from Theocratic influence and unfortunately the president can only do so much about that.
The President of Iran is a figurehead. But there are many levels of checks and balances in Iran which is why it is not possible for the President to go around using the peoples money for war and occupation. The Council of Guardians is why money in Iran is used primarily for social welfare. Any other country would have cracked under sanctions from 1979.

Its easy enough to find out stuff about Iran in the US. Iranians are a very community oriented people and always have group events. They also like to hold political platforms to debate issues in their country of origin. Most of them are very westernised of course but meeting them is a good way to eliminate the brainwashing from the media. You'll rarely find a more self critical people.

Its always easy to tell who has a more realistic picture of the Middle East. I don't know anyone who has lived among Arabs or Persians and doesn't have a lot of good things to say about them. The others all sound like raving maniacs.
So? That happens everywhere - musicians, doctors, civil rights activists get arrested for flimsy reasons.

Hilarious. You keep equating the psychotic intolerance of your religious beliefs with real world problems and issues.

Don't fall for your media brainwashing about Iran. Just see on both sides of Iran and you'll understand why homosexuals and minorities of Iran are suddenly headline news.

Whether or not they're a media tool (however that's defined), clearly this has been going on for a while. Why should it matter that they're suddenly headlines, if judging the moral character of Iranian justice? I can make that decision without reference to their incidence on CNN's Foreign Desk, thanks.
The President of Iran is a figurehead. But there are many levels of checks and balances in Iran which is why it is not possible for the President to go around using the peoples money for war and occupation. The Council of Guardians is why money in Iran is used primarily for social welfare. Any other country would have cracked under sanctions from 1979.

Its easy enough to find out stuff about Iran in the US. Iranians are a very community oriented people and always have group events. They also like to hold political platforms to debate issues in their country of origin. Most of them are very westernised of course but meeting them is a good way to eliminate the brainwashing from the media. You'll rarely find a more self critical people.

Its always easy to tell who has a more realistic picture of the Middle East. I don't know anyone who has lived among Arabs or Persians and doesn't have a lot of good things to say about them. The others all sound like raving maniacs.

which is why it is not possible for the President to go around using the peoples money for war

I guess the 1 million Iranians killed in the Iraq-Iran war don't count.
cigeretts are banned islamically.
i wonder if people burned their cigar collections or turned on each other or burned tabacco sellers in the streets, they just kept smoking:shrug:
same here, o'drama queen.

So, what you're saying is no matter what anyone decrees within Islam, people will essentially do whatever they want, yes?
It looks like that one band that put out "Rockin in the U.S.S.R!" has just found some inspiration!

If and when Iran is ever democratized, there's going to be a slew of angst-ridden music for the rest of us to enjoy at least.
Its amazing how many places on this world are so opressed an non-free. :(

Is there any other ideology that would want to ban music because it is not compatible with the "values" *cough choke* of that ideology.

The next thing you, they'll want to ban cartoon drawings... :D
Is there any other ideology that would want to ban music because it is not compatible with the "values" *cough choke* of that ideology.


For many years Wagner and even Beethoven were never played in Israel, though they were not formally banned, because of their association with the Nazi era (even though both died long before the Nazis came to power, and Beethoven at least could not conceivably be considered to have held fascist or anti-semitic leanings).
the line in eminem's song mosh off of encore "strap bush with an ak-47, let him go fight his own war, let him impress daddy that way" the words "bush" and "ak-47" were censored in the television broadcast version of the music video
Is there any other ideology that would want to ban music because it is not compatible with the "values" *cough choke* of that ideology.

Yes Q, the Communism(Socialism)

Not allowed to do abortions,optin not a hotel room if you were not married,not allowed to listen foreign radio stations, magazines, even scientifically, not allowed to leave the country etc. .. etc. ..
and not allowed to wear beard :eek:
If you had beard,policeman demanded identity cards and and punish you because you do not properly photography and photo must be "decent" with tie and no beard.(Catch 22) :wallbang:
For that I try to refrain from posting because I know I have a over reaction.
I have lived 31 years in communism. :shrug:

Yes Q, the Communism(Socialism)

Not allowed to do abortions,optin not a hotel room if you were not married,not allowed to listen foreign radio stations, magazines, even scientifically, not allowed to leave the country etc. .. etc. ..
and not allowed to wear beard :eek:
If you had beard,policeman demanded identity cards and and punish you because you do not properly photography and photo must be "decent" with tie and no beard.(Catch 22) :wallbang:
For that I try to refrain from posting because I know I have a over reaction.
I have lived 31 years in communism. :shrug:

I understand that English is not your first language so it is easy to misunderstand. But are you saying that you think an option do to abortions in a hotel room is a good thing?????????
Originally Posted by Crunchy Cat
In Iran, this nutjob's opinion is law: ”

“ According to the constitution of the Islamic Republic, the judiciary in Iran "is an independent power." The entire legal system - "from the Supreme Court to regional courts, all the way down to local and revolutionary courts" - is under the purview of the Ministry of Justice, but in addition to a Minister of Justice and head of the Supreme Court, there is also a separate appointed head of the judiciary.[1] Parliamentary bills pertaining to the constitution are vetted by the Council of Guardians.

Don't fall for your media brainwashing about Iran. Just see on both sides of Iran and you'll understand why homosexuals and minorities of Iran are suddenly headline news.

"The Guardian Council of the Constitution[1] (Persian: شورای نگهبان قانون اساسی, Shora-ye Negahban-e Qanun-e Assassi), also known as the Guardian Council or Council of Guardians, is an appointed and constitutionally-mandated 12-member council that wields considerable power and influence in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Iranian constitution calls for the council to be composed of six Islamic jurists, "conscious of the present needs and the issues of the day" to be selected by the Supreme Leader of Iran [Ali Khamenei], and six jurists, "specializing in different areas of law, to be elected by the Majlis (the Iranian Parliament) from among the Muslim jurists nominated by the Head of the Judicial Power,"[2] (who, in turn, is also appointed by the supreme leader).[3]"

Oh. That sounds much even-handed.

You sad little enablist.
I guess the 1 million Iranians killed in the Iraq-Iran war don't count.
While some portion of those deaths could doubtless have been avoided if Iran had accepted the terms of one of the attempts to broker peace between the 2 nations once they'd booted the Iraqis out of their territory, they were invaded by Iraqi armies, and could hardly have been expected not to act in their own defense.
"The Guardian Council of the Constitution[1] (Persian: شورای نگهبان قانون اساسی, Shora-ye Negahban-e Qanun-e Assassi), also known as the Guardian Council or Council of Guardians, is an appointed and constitutionally-mandated 12-member council that wields considerable power and influence in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Iranian constitution calls for the council to be composed of six Islamic jurists, "conscious of the present needs and the issues of the day" to be selected by the Supreme Leader of Iran [Ali Khamenei], and six jurists, "specializing in different areas of law, to be elected by the Majlis (the Iranian Parliament) from among the Muslim jurists nominated by the Head of the Judicial Power,"[2] (who, in turn, is also appointed by the supreme leader).[3]"

Oh. That sounds much even-handed.

You sad little enablist.

The question is, why does she chronically do it?