Iran Bans Music

that's tragic and crazy. music is a great gift from god; a beautiful and far-reaching expression of his voice. many people are very deeply moved and inspired by it. apparently the ayatollah sees that as a threat. it's a shame.
I wish the King of Sweden would ban music;

Ace of Base

I mean c'mon.........
that's tragic and crazy. music is a great gift from god

Funny that it's the same god. Notice that people speak for their gods all the time, especially when those same gods aren't around to defend themselves.
I wonder where our Islamic friends are on this one? Will they support the ban and immediately burn their music collections in respect for their brethren's beliefs or will they turn against their brothers and sisters in order to protect their own self-serving ideologies?

Will we see effigies of Mozart and Beethoven burning in the streets?

Kill the musician infidels!!!

Ah, the insanity of it all.
What ban?

Khamenei's comments came in response to a request for a ruling by a 21-year-old follower of his, who was thinking of starting music lessons, but wanted to know if they were acceptable according to Islam, the semi-official Fars news agency reported. "It's better that our dear youth spend their valuable time in learning science and essential and useful skills and fill their time with sport and healthy recreations instead of music," he said.

Oh wait. Any opinion by any Muslim is tantamount to global law.

I forgot. :eek:

"Although music is halal, promoting and teaching it is not compatible with the highest values of the sacred regime of the Islamic Republic."

Sounds like you (Q), no matter what other people believe or the religion says, he knows whats right for everybody.
Sounds like you (Q), no matter what other people believe or the religion says, he knows whats right for everybody.

Yes, I wouldn't want to trod on the "highest values of the Islamic Republic" by forcing them to listen to Mozart or Motorhead. Too bad those values have no morals associated with them. Morals are not right for everybody, Sam, especially for what people believe and what religion says.

Who knows, maybe they were caught wearing iPods under their bhurkas? LOL!
The guy left his wife behind, alone. And exiled himself to Norway.

But, thats a better issue for preemptive angst than music bonfires.
Allah will save you from Mozart, Sam. Trust and believe in him. Burn your CD's and destroy your iPod immediately or suffer the wrath of "Islamic values" LOL!
The man believes in science and sports over music. Can't get more "rational" than that. lol
She has a point though, it is not an outright ban, just discouragement. And in favour of the study of science. Iran of course having a strong science eduction establishment.
The man believes in science and sports over music. Can't get more "rational" than that. lol

That would be the same science in which studies have been conducted about homosexuality, Sam? LOL!

Rational indeed.

"In a speech given in 2002 Khamenei stressed that he was not satisfied with the performance of then minister of science and higher education Mostafa Moeen, since he had allowed students to pursue activities deemed against Islam in his point of view, such as practicing and studying music, arts, traveling abroad to the land of non-believers, and conducting field trips that were not religious in nature. In the speech Khamenei asks for stricter control on these issues urging the universities to enforce Islamic values."

How does one promote science when all field trips must be religious in nature?

That's some of funniest stuff you've posted so far. In stitches here. LOL!
She has a point though, it is not an outright ban, just discouragement. And in favour of the study of science. Iran of course having a strong science eduction establishment.

Sure, as long as it doesn't conflict with "Islamic values"

Intelligent Design must be at the top of their curriculum.
that's tragic and crazy. music is a great gift from god; a beautiful and far-reaching expression of his voice. many people are very deeply moved and inspired by it. apparently the ayatollah sees that as a threat. it's a shame.
so is heroin.

I wonder where our Islamic friends are on this one? Will they support the ban and immediately burn their music collections in respect for their brethren's beliefs or will they turn against their brothers and sisters in order to protect their own self-serving ideologies?

Will we see effigies of Mozart and Beethoven burning in the streets?

Kill the musician infidels!!!

Ah, the insanity of it all.
cigeretts are banned islamically.
i wonder if people burned their cigar collections or turned on each other or burned tabacco sellers in the streets, they just kept smoking:shrug:
same here, o'drama queen.
These comments may seem benign except when you realize that any opinion by the leadership of Iran is indeed tanamount to law. Also that certain musicians in Iran have been jailed and tortured for performing. There was even a movie about it.
These comments may seem benign except when you realize that any opinion by the leadership of Iran is indeed tanamount to law. Also that certain musicians in Iran have been jailed and tortured for performing. There was even a movie about it.

So? That happens everywhere - musicians, doctors, civil rights activists get arrested for flimsy reasons

Mohamad Mustapha Ali Masfaka, 47, aka as Abu Ratib, a famous Syrian singer, was arrested last Thursday crossing into the United States from Canada.

An unsealed indictment from 2008 had charged him with aiding the Holy Land Foundation - the largest Islamic charity in the U.S., which was shut down as a Hamas funding operation.

He's probably in a CMU somewhere. Or being waterboarded. Unfortunately, we don't know.

Apparently if you give money directly to Palestinians that makes you an automatic criminal.