IQ and Religious Beliefs

I am personally SICK of people trying to attach themselves or the group they belong in somewhat to a high IQ status.

If you ever get involved in religious or atheist groups, you will notice that there are stupid atheists as there are stupid theist/religious people.

I "personally" think that all theists and religious people are stupid, but that doesn't mean shit, because it's a personal opinion based on prejudice. I just can't stand them or take them seriously.

On the other hand, I met stupid atheist people along with agnostic ones.

Does the OP serve to anything other than you pointing out that you belong to some high IQ groups?
Because if you really do, it should be easy for you to make these assumptions.
I "personally" think that all theists and religious people are stupid, but that doesn't mean shit, because it's a personal opinion based on prejudice. I just can't stand them or take them seriously.

this is refreshing.
No matter whether you believe in God or not.
No matter whether if you have a high IQ or low IQ.
It matters only if you're happy or not.
If your faith or lack of faith, if your IQ will help you to be happy then yes, it matter.
Those who focus more on life realize spirituality is not intelligence based. While the truly brilliant realize how we all hold the same beliefs of our world.

To think an IQ test can show a mans life is ignorance.
Wouldn't be a "miracle" to hear a theist or a religious person, may be even a Mohammed or a Jesus freak to say something of the sort that I stated though?

But they do. Almost every time they open their mouth to speak about religion....
Wouldn't be a "miracle" to hear a theist or a religious person, may be even a Mohammed or a Jesus freak to say something of the sort that I stated though?

eh, everything's a miracle, nothing's a miracle. i think the whole world could stand to choke down a big slice of humble pie.
This thread is blatant trolling.

And, at any rate, surely more intelligent people are more prone to question anything - including their atheism. It just happens to be the case that a nuanced stance is considered atheistic.