IQ and Religious Beliefs


Registered Senior Member
There have been very strong correlations made between a human's religious beliefs and their IQ. Several studies have shown that the higher the IQ, the more a person will question religious beliefs. I belong to several high IQ societies and there are a great number of members who are either agnostic or atheist. There are, however, a number of them who are very religious. It makes me wonder if their discovery of their high IQ came later in life, in which they had already been well indoctrinated into religion? Could the time at which someone discovers their IQ score correlate with their religious belief?
I would suggest that the correlation in these studies (without having seen them) is low: r2 < 0.05. Weak correlation is a poor predictor; trend rather than cause. Your friends are 'outliers' in this highly offensive work.
Richard Dawkins presents some very impressive evidence to show how the higher the IQ, the less religious a person is. Richard Lynn and Helmuth Nyborg both did studies on the same topic and came up with corresponding data.

BTW, how is this highly offensive work?
"Impressive data" as in what correlational coefficient?

As for offense: that Dawkins would cite such work might well be reason enough. But your implication is that religious people are either stupid, or relatively stupid. O, how much greater a contribution Mendel might have made in his binary models, if only he'd been an atheist. Please.
Could the time at which someone discovers their IQ score correlate with their religious belief?
So you're positing that correlation should be "knowing you're high IQ" rather than "having a high IQ" vs. religious beliefs? :rolleyes:

And to agree with Geoff (dammit!) take a look at this list (yes, there's at least one error on there, but then again it's by no means exhaustive).
Just looked at that list and Albert Einstein is listed????? He had the American churches against him because of his religious views.
"Impressive data" as in what correlational coefficient?

As for offense: that Dawkins would cite such work might well be reason enough. But your implication is that religious people are either stupid, or relatively stupid. O, how much greater a contribution Mendel might have made in his binary models, if only he'd been an atheist. Please.

I am not implying they are stupid in the least. I am implying that they are more susceptible to being influenced/indoctrinated into religion without first questioning. I am not saying that they should or should not believe. That is up to each and every person, no matter the level of IQ.
It was bound to happen sooner or later. I recommend alcohol and meaningless sex.
I'm going to go read the zombie thread.
Then lie down.
Or maybe suicide.

Or maybe suicide then read the zombie thread.
mickmeister said:
Richard Dawkins presents some very impressive evidence to show how the higher the IQ, the less religious a person is.
And the less likely they are to know how to weld, or farm. That doesn't make welding and farming the province of fools.

Tip: It doesn't work the other way around. Rejecting religion does not raise one's IQ.
Asymptotic regression at the peripheries? Those damned changing parameters; can't count on anything over a whole distribution these days.
And the less likely they are to know how to weld, or farm. That doesn't make welding and farming the province of fools.

Tip: It doesn't work the other way around. Rejecting religion does not raise one's IQ.

Actually, I work in the white collar world, but also weld and fabricate on the side for the enjoyment of it.

my IQ is 120, age:16, gener: male
IQ=120=Hight average intelligence
and i'm a theist
so...i mean, and?...
It makes me wonder if their discovery of their high IQ came later in life, in which they had already been well indoctrinated into religion? Could the time at which someone discovers their IQ score correlate with their religious belief?

It doent matter when they discovered their IQ, they would have always had it.. taking an IQ test doesnt make someone more intelligent!
IMO religious ppl dont need to ask questions cause their bible has all the answers.
atheists question everything and wonders how stuff work, they find solutions to problems. leprosy was once believed to be a curse from god and now we got a cure for it, trust me it wasnt someone looking in the bible for a prayer to cure it. religion only limits us. if i remember correctly islam once had a scientific age where they named stars and invented mathematics and so on, then a tyrant turned them to the darkages right up till today. so imagine if religion didnt exist, imagine how advanced we would be.
If children were raised in an environment that respected scientific learning and where public and family religious beliefs were only exposed to them after they had attained the "age of reason", and they were asked to form conclusions on the basis is rationality, only the feeble-minded would be religious.

However, there are excellent evolutionary reasons for children to adopt the religious beliefs of those among whom they are raised. Children raised by the most caring and loving of parents and with the strongest of family bonds are most likely to follow the religious beliefs with which they are inculcated -- independently of their intelligence -- and to raise their own children in similar manner. Atheists are less likely to have children.
leprosy was once believed to be a curse from god and now we got a cure for it, trust me it wasnt someone looking in the bible for a prayer to cure it..

Can you please prove then that the cure to leprosy was discovered by an atheist?