Interesting UFO Video

phlogistician said:
So have I. Obvious fakes, Billy Meier crap and the like.

me:::and how exACTLY do you KNOW they are 'obvious fakes' and 'crap'?? EX__ACTLY. were is your EVIDENCE for you assertion?

I can stick my camera out of the window and snag a good picture of a jet liner at several thousand feet altitude. There's no issue with technology at all. The only issue is that clear pictures clearly show a mundane object. The blurry ones allow the imagination to interpret them.

me:::present to us here references of the pictures you supposedly have taken of jet liners at several thousand feet altitude and me and my collegues here will look them over, and analyze them in comaprison with known footage? can you do this?....

People follow suit. That's what that tells me.

me::be more specific. what you mean--"people follow suit"

But you seem to have forgotten the genesis of the term 'flying saucer'. The term was not coined to desribe the shape at all, but the motion of the object. This of course was misreported, and seized upon, until copy cat sitings of 'saucer shaped objects' became mainstream.

me::where are your sources for tht info. you see i personally dont see how you can abstract motion from shape. obviously saucer shapes wold seem to be more attuned from the motion. and people see shapes AND motion,,,,at the same time!
And further, we are seeing em with hotos and video past an present. so what you say makes no sense whatsoever.

These were obviously people jumping on the bandwagon.

me::: what bandwagon? of fame?? please tell me what bandwagon you mean. asfar as i am aware--even experincing beinghere--peole who DO share their experiences are severely ridiculed. etc. wht is the fame of that. and some of the people who send photos do so anonymoulsy, and many prefer to keep low profiles. so your thoery doesn't hold there does it?

Also, there have been trends in observations. 'Cigar shaped' objects, 'saucer' shaped objects, and triangular shaped objects. People follow suit, especially the unstable people, it seems.

exactly......hah, the 'unstable people'....the stigma of being thought 'mentally ill' by the godamn 'sceptical' sceince brigade. that is the bandwagn you mean phlo?
Duendy, you really have to sort out the quoting thing, it's a complete PITA to decipher your posts.

Billy Meier, why do I think his stuff is fake? Hmmm, let me think, ... that one guy keeps seeing UFOs, but nobody else does? That his fakes miss out shadows that should be present? That his UFOs swing like they're attached to string maybe ;-) !!!!!

OK, I'll take some photos or airliners and link to them, and show you some nice clear pics. Over at the I linked to a 'UFO' video I made myself btw. I can take some pictures of airliners, and fake some UFOs, and present the lot.

Abstract motion from shape. That's exactly what you must do. 'Flying Saucer' is a misconception that spawned a phenomenon. The guy was saying he saw a 'saucer', but an object that skipped along the sky, like a saucer being skimmed across a lake. The rash of reported sightings that followed were trying to replicate the same thing, as if following gives credibility BUT GETTING IT WRONG!!!!!! Do you not see that? How the credibility falters? #

UFOlogy is a religion, not a science. That's the bandwagon. It's a cult thing.

Anyway, work on that quoting thing and get back to me. I'm off to take some pictures.
I would say check out the UFO vid I made, but I know you can't you that, which is a total shame. Can you not go over to a friends house and use their computer from time to time?
phlogistician said:
Duendy, you really have to sort out the quoting thing, it's a complete PITA to decipher your posts.

me:::: look look phlo, is it a bird, plane, ufo..?????no it's 'me colon colon colon!

Billy Meier, why do I think his stuff is fake? Hmmm, let me think, ... that one guy keeps seeing UFOs, but nobody else does? That his fakes miss out shadows that should be present? That his UFOs swing like they're attached to string maybe ;-) !!!!!

me:::please give me the url where it shows one of the shadow-missin photies you refer to. i cant just caaaant go onhear say you'll

OK, I'll take some photos or airliners and link to them, and show you some nice clear pics. Over at the I linked to a 'UFO' video I made myself btw. I can take some pictures of airliners, and fake some UFOs, and present the lot.

me::::good, i look foreward to it

Abstract motion from shape. That's exactly what you must do. 'Flying Saucer' is a misconception that spawned a phenomenon. The guy was saying he saw a 'saucer', but an object that skipped along the sky, like a saucer being skimmed across a lake. The rash of reported sightings that followed were trying to replicate the same thing, as if following gives credibility BUT GETTING IT WRONG!!!!!! Do you not see that? How the credibility falters? #

me::'DO I NOT SEE THAT!!!!!!!? i dont phlo. first i see how your logic works. you seem to dismiss te very 'first' observer's accont of a saucer-shaped UFO, and from there ASUUME that EVERYONEelse who has ever seen a saucer-shaped spacecraft must be 'following'.........?

UFOlogy is a religion, not a science. That's the bandwagon. It's a cult thing.

me:::no. that is just your VIEW of it homogenizing the WHOLE phenomena

Anyway, work on that quoting thing and get back to me. I'm off to take some pictures.
I would say check out the UFO vid I made, but I know you can't you that, which is a total shame. Can you not go over to a friends house and use their computer from time to time?

errr, my mates dont own computees.....soz
phlogistician said:
Billy Meier, why do I think his stuff is fake? Hmmm, let me think, ... that one guy keeps seeing UFOs, but nobody else does? That his fakes miss out shadows that should be present? That his UFOs swing like they're attached to string maybe ;-) !!!!!

Like the man said: "if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...." Anatidae it must be.