Interesting UFO Video

duendy said:
if you have't even seen ANY footage of the event, then hpw can you say nything about it either positive or negative?

Which are you going to criticize me of: not seeing this alleged video and not commenting; or not seeing the video and commenting on it?

I've not seen the video. You tried to link to it once, I tried to google it once... nothing. But I'll tell you this, as data goes video is limited.

duendy said:
answer me this: was the event true or false?

I can't answer that without more data. Most probably it was a "true" event, since something seems to have engaged the imaginations and belief engines of so many people. But as to 'what' that event was comprised of, I couldn't begin to tell you without the funding for the expedition. I would suggest enough funding for four weeks, lodging, food, and transportation. Also, I will need some basic equipment and instruments for gathering data: a new laptop, cell phone that will work in-country, digital camera (journalist quality) w/lots of mem, digital camcorder (sony's are good), topo/sat maps of the region, gps, sunscreen, surfboard, cooler, etc.

Oh. And my assistant, of course.
SkinWalker said:
Which are you going to criticize me of: not seeing this alleged video and not commenting; or not seeing the video and commenting on it?

me: well ...seeing you go on so muc about scientific 'evidence', i think at LEAST none of of those two. FIRST you must see the footage,right?

I've not seen the video. You tried to link to it once, I tried to google it once... nothing. But I'll tell you this, as data goes video is limited.

m: ahhhhhhh so you have already pre-judged it.
now, ocams razor and all that. are you trying to suggest tha everyone who took film ad video of that event was proficcient in doctoring film to creae an illusion. don't you think that a slightly complicated explanation?....especially as you also haven't even seen any yet?

I can't answer that without more data. Most probably it was a "true" event, since something seems to have engaged the imaginations and belief engines of so many people.

me: true

But as to 'what' that event was comprised of, I couldn't begin to tell you without the funding for the expedition. I would suggest enough funding for four weeks, lodging, food, and transportation. Also, I will need some basic equipment and instruments for gathering data: a new laptop, cell phone that will work in-country, digital camera (journalist quality) w/lots of mem, digital camcorder (sony's are good), topo/sat maps of the region, gps, sunscreen, surfboard, cooler, etc.

Oh. And my assistant, of course.

you depend on a lot. a simpler approach. event happened. it is recored on film from many vantage points. EVIDENCE!
phlogistician said:
Saw it on TV? Must be true then, like that 'alien autopsy' film that has also been shown on tv?

No, i dont mean that at all.

I, like you, am aware film can be messed about with.

I am also aware how scenes can be fabricated as is most likely the case of that 'alien' film you mention. i have checked out the inconsitencies regarding it.

But we have to discriminate between that and other tings that aren't se easily shelved, don't you think?

why, in your mind, suddenly conclude, witout even SEEING what i am talking about--the Brzillian sightings of many UFOs by many people, recorded on tape from different vanatetage points--that it must be false...?? is that being SCIENTIFIC in your book?.......what evidence exists--ie., film footage--you have already prejudged to be false withZOUT even looking AT it!

to me ti is a shoddy wqy of goin about things, anddefo not scientific at all sir
First, there's two issues here. Seeing something on TV can be taken on trust, as long as the information is presented by a source that is trustworthy. That said, who aired the footage, and in what context? As entertainment (no claims of validity implied) as as news (source and events verified).

Secondly, I've not seen the footage you have, and have not pre judged anything.

Here is one news story and some footage;

I don't see the recorded aircraft doing anything that a conventional aircraft could not do in this footage. They are definitely flying, but the 'unidentified' part only seems to be from the Brazilian govts pov. It looks like a formation of conventional aircraft to me.
phlogistician said:
First, there's two issues here. Seeing something on TV can be taken on trust, as long as the information is presented by a source that is trustworthy. That said, who aired the footage, and in what context?

me: well a T chyannel aired it in the context of UFO documented evidence....from there you become aware of others talking about it who were there, and online spurces who show video fottage, ewtc. you dont jut rely on seeing one TV show as such. you take into accounts othr diverse accounts

As entertainment (no claims of validity implied) as as news (source and events verified).

me: do you believe the news? curious

Secondly, I've not seen the footage you have, and have not pre judged anything.

me: if you aint seen it of course you cant pre-judge it. cant beliee video feeds dont exists about this exceptional event. unfortunatey i cant access video feeds

Here is one news story and some footage;

me: cant see it so dont know

I don't see the recorded aircraft doing anything that a conventional aircraft could not do in this footage. They are definitely flying, but the 'unidentified' part only seems to be from the Brazilian govts pov. It looks like a formation of conventional aircraft to me.

me: not sure to what you are ferring cause i cant see it. i DO remember actually seeing the footage though, and i can assure you it didn't look like conventional aircraft to me. i saw one UFO play hide and seek behind a cloud
duendy said:
me: not sure to what you are ferring cause i cant see it. i DO remember actually seeing the footage though, and i can assure you it didn't look like conventional aircraft to me. i saw one UFO play hide and seek behind a cloud

Show us that video then. I've had a search and found video footage that looks nothing out of the ordinary. Your turn to find some that backs up your story.
phlogistician said:
Show us that video then. I've had a search and found video footage that looks nothing out of the ordinary. Your turn to find some that backs up your story.
its not just my story. and really--if you are a pasionate researcher about this--the onus is on YOU to d teleg work to find and examine evidence rathe than me

What i find really revealing is NOT that te coverage of such an unprecendented event may be fabricated b TV, but rather the RARE showing of this footage, at least on UK TV that is. i saw it, for example, many moons ago, thoug some was shown on another prog bgriefly
Brazillian commentaros are very aware of this particularly Western media attitude. also te attitude is to ridicule reports about UFOs. documenaries about any of tis subject are now really sparse on UK TV--ie., te TV which is commercial and the BBC. not even sure if an paid for digital channels do it

now, phol, i will have a peruse about. not cause i am behoven to you to 'prove' something. just cause i dont think you'll are usin yer computers to their best potential....As i say, mine is basically no memory and cant access videos etc etc etc
hmmmmmm h VE BEEN DOING SOME LEG WORK.......i was mexico city not brazil

there is no mention of many ufos, though therer is mention of the hide and seek ufo behind the cloud

some say that the reported ufo was actually venus

bt here is some video footage foryour delectation...not just of te mexico city event but others

Mexico City -video-further analysis

also have a look at ALL video footage of UFOs and tell me your considered opinion....of course i am left out causei cant see em
SkinWalker said:
Oh. And my assistant, of course.

I'll go too, would that make it a team? I have the proper Visa's already, and so does my girlfriend, she's a trained medical illustrationist, she could draw up any alien bodies we find.
ok, i am'll speqk of the 'scientific method' in discovering 'real evience'

how would you go about getting it.

alright..lets pretend---i have given you the dosh and a tasty assistant. what then?
summarize how you'd go about accumulating evidence that's satisfy you
duendy said:
hmmmmmm h VE BEEN DOING SOME LEG WORK.......i was mexico city not brazil

Well, that just goes to show the inaccuracy of recollection.

there is no mention of many ufos, though therer is mention of the hide and seek ufo behind the cloud

So are you convolving some different stories into one?

some say that the reported ufo was actually venus

In a large number of cases that is the case, sadly.

bt here is some video footage foryour delectation...not just of te mexico city event but others

I only want to discuss one case at a time please, each on their merits, so pick one. I presume this will be the Mexicao City event, therefore.

Don't see a video linked on this page, just prose from some people who supposedly have.

Video archive link is broken, and there's no link to a video on the Mexico section.

Blurry out of context pixellated spots. No video. Looks exactly like the UFO footage I fabricate using a zoom through on airliners that glint in the sunlight.

Dead URL.

No video again. I want to discuss the supposedly captured video evidence, and all you have provided is second hand experience. Not good enough.

also have a look at ALL video footage of UFOs and tell me your considered opinion....of course i am left out causei cant see em

I made some and linked it over at ''. Here's the info, please take a look at my UFO video!

"Ah, more 'UFO' footage from my good self. Using the zoom technique, I created a 'UFO' out of a jet liner. I live near the approach to a fairly busy local airport, so there are plenty of aircraft visible at any time of day.

Footage starts with an aircraft in top right, then I see another plane (towards the midde left) start it's turn towards the landing strip, and catch the sunlight. This, glinting in the sun, and without a contrail, is a far better candidate for turning into a UFO. So I zoom and pan onto it. For a while, it looks like a white orb, as it's zoomed out of focus. The glinting and focus completely covering up the fact that it has wings. I keep zooming, but it becomes too blurry and mixes in with the background, and I guess it kept turning and stopped glinting so much.

Anyway, here's the vid;

It was shot with a Konica Minolta dImage z2, at 640x320 at 30fps, into .mov format originally. The building roof shown at the beginning is my outbuilding, which is about 12' tall at the apex, and I was a little further than that from it when I started filming.

I was originally out in my back garden photographing a spider on it's web using the macro setting, and then I thought I'd make a 'UFO' while I had my camera out.

I'll try and make some more, maybe at night next time, just to show how easy it is to let bad photography create 'UFO's. "
MAYBE a good point about 'recollection' being faulty......i know what you mean, BUT, i still recall seeing in the documentary many more UFPs than just one. and as i explained one of the sites i gave does speak of the UFO playing hide and seek behind a cloud.....all i can therefore do is wait to see if the lazy arsed borin staid TV channels repeat the docu
As i said, we have to aslo take into account WHY it is thgat espcially currenly, in the UK it is now very reare to see progs about UFOs...maybe the most prolific time was pre-1999, wehn therer was a fashion for it

i cant see your 'UFO' creatronsmate, as my system cant access video ffeds etc etc etc...tho i'm sure you had a good time convincing yerself that ALL rewported sightings simply MUST conform to your skulduggary....heh...i am not so sure

sorry tht all the video 'evidence' i presented is faulty. some one is a slackarse

you are right to wanna sniff out hoax. but not if it becomes a religion, and veils over possible unknowable shit.....having the ability to say 'i dont know' is most certianly not fact, isn't that how good science begins?
The huge disappointment to all of us who want UFOs to be from distant stars and piloted by alien creatures dedicated to seek out new forms of life, to go where no pink splotched blob has gone before, is that none of the data when it is looked at closely bears up. Consequently when a new piece emerges (or remerges) the odds really aren't in its favour.

As to the expedition. Clearly if the sitings were in Mexico City and not Brazil that puts a different slant on it. We might need to acclimatise in Cancun for a week or two.
Ophiolite said:
Clearly if the sitings were in Mexico City and not Brazil that puts a different slant on it. We might need to acclimatise in Cancun for a week or two.

Who needs Cancun, it's sunny here (in the Midlands, so it must be sunnt wherever yo uare 'cos you're a local lad aren't you? You posted about the blimp at Trent Bridge?).

Btw, the footage I shot was aircraft approaching East Midlands airport, as I ive near one of the approaches.
it is a hige assertion to claim 'all'---excusemoi if i have missed it, but i have not yet seen such a vast analysis of ALL KNOWN DATA OF UFOS from you'll yet. so i ill have to put it in my anecdotal tray...touche
phlogistician said:
Who needs Cancun, it's sunny here (in the Midlands, so it must be sunnt wherever yo uare 'cos you're a local lad aren't you? You posted about the blimp at Trent Bridge?).
Btw, the footage I shot was aircraft approaching East Midlands airport, as I ive near one of the approaches.
Not exactly local. I live in Aberdeen, but am in Newark about once a month for a few days. If I fly down I go via E.Midlands, so maybe that was me you captured on film. Come to think of it there were a couple of very grey skinned gentlemen in the row in front of me.
duendy said:
it is a hige assertion to claim 'all'---excusemoi if i have missed it, but i have not yet seen such a vast analysis of ALL KNOWN DATA OF UFOS from you'll yet. so i ill have to put it in my anecdotal tray...touche

No perhaps we've got better things to do all day than to wade through blurry footage of airliners and venus, and blatant fakes?

If all of the people that really, truly believe want to convince the rest of us that there's something in it, why do they show us obvious fakes and clap trap? If there is good footage, why bury it amongst such a huge amount of bullshit?

It's not up to me to falsify claims either, it's up to the person that makes them to back them with evidence, or we end up with the 'Invisible Pink Moon Giraffe' theory that we can't disprove too

So, quality evidence please. And how come you can't see video? I've been using web browsers and their precursors on a number of platforms for about 15 years and have always found a way to view all file formats? What's the issue?
the issue dear phlo is i dont on a computer with enough memory in order to show video clips etc is a digital set-top box which connectsto TV. yes i ca access certin pages of wwweb including some forums like here, but not what you can do--se vids. soz

back to te subject. i am questioning your writing ALL DOCUMENTED CASES of UFO sightigs from eye-witnesses, including wth photos and video, and contact since ?...what an assertion!

where is your proof it is "ALL" false? you must have vast amounts of data refuting, scientifically, ALL of THAT lot.............where is it?