Interesting things about Islam

spidergoat said:
DH: I believe in the Quran e kareem, the book of Allah swt as complete truth. I accept the Prophets mentioned in the Quran before the Holy Porphet Muhammad (s) such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, John the Baptist, to name a few. peace be to them all.

SG: Why only middle eastern people?

We believe as is stated in the Quran that every nation had a prophet, but only those who are of semitic origin are named in the Quran. Many Muslim scholars believe that the Buddha was a prophet, yet it is not conclusive.

So, do you study the bible, other gospels, or the Tibetan Book of the Dead and other such works?

The other thing I was wondering about the Koran is that since it came from Mohammed, isn't it possible that he could be making up the reasons to believe in his teachings? I mean, it's one thing to trust a teaching because it makes sense, but another to trust a set of beliefs based only on the documented set of beliefs themselves.
spidergoat said:
So, do you study the bible, other gospels, or the Tibetan Book of the Dead and other such works?

The other thing I was wondering about the Koran is that since it came from Mohammed, isn't it possible that he could be making up the reasons to believe in his teachings? I mean, it's one thing to trust a teaching because it makes sense, but another to trust a set of beliefs based only on the documented set of beliefs themselves.

I have read on teachings of the other religions, and find some good teachings in many of them.I myself own Bible and have interest in learning other beliefs. Yet, I regard Islam as the perfect and complete religion.

I accept Islam fully and completely as truth (word for word) and agree with everything contained in the holy book, and I also embrace the Prophet Muhammad (s) as the last meesenger of Allah swt and believe in his example as the best for all of humanity.

Spidergoat, what are your beleifs by the way?

Have you always felt this way about Islam, or did you arrive at your faith after studying it? I guess I'm curious about how religion captures a person's complete faith. Personally I tend to value doubt and uncertainty. I like the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, and respect many teachings attributed to Buddha. How do you decide which "prophet" has value?
spidergoat said:
Have you always felt this way about Islam, or did you arrive at your faith after studying it? I guess I'm curious about how religion captures a person's complete faith. Personally I tend to value doubt and uncertainty. I like the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, and respect many teachings attributed to Buddha. How do you decide which "prophet" has value?

I have as a child learned Islamic theology and showed great interest. I am glad you show such interest in my personal life and why I love Islam, I will be glad to answer any other questions you might have. I'm sure other Muslims on this forum will also accept any questions you might have as you presented ina nice manner.

My reason for embracing the Prophet Muhammad (s) as the last true prophet of Allah swt is based on his sayings, his teachings, and his life which I am brought to tears every time I read the words of my blessed prophet Muhammad (s).

I wish the best for you and your family.
