Interesting things about Islam

Things got even worse for M , when his young wife Aischa spend a night alone with a young man called Safwan - I guess adultery occurs in the best families and lets face it M was an old man - the young wife was probably not being satisfied by him ....
Luckily for Aischa the old man heard voices again - and convinced himself, that if any woman is accused for adultery , then there must be at least 4 witnesses to confirm it.
So Aischa was off the hook ........
Then again M got pretty horny when he saw the wife of Zajd (Zajd was a freed slave that M had adopted as his son) - So M forced Zajd to give M his wife - claiming that he had got a revelation from Allah (God) , in which Allah gave a very special permit to the prophet to take the wife of Zajd ....
Later M also made a special islamic law, saying that he alone was allowed to have more than 4 wifes - but ALL others were only allowed to have max 4 wifes ....
I guess M thought with his a lot of times ..........
or was it another special permit from Allah ????
answers said:
Honestly Cottontop get over the whole 'I'm smart and everyone else is stupid' mentallity. What's the point of comming on this site if all you are going to do is call people names. Didn't your mum and dad tell you not to do that when you were like 2 years old? Haven't you at least matured enough to contribute to a conversation rather then name calling. It's pathetic.
Ah, I see you tip your hand, moron. Sock puppet.
"First interesting fact, the cresent moon is a symbol of Islamic religion, yet the Catholic church has many key works of art emphasising this symbol? Are Catholics embracing Islam? What do you think?"
you are as bad as cadbury, making a trademark out of the colour purple... the moon is a very beautiful object - the most noticeable thing in the night sky. it spends most of its life as a crescent, and that is ofcourse when it looks the most beautiful. it really isnt surprising that christian artists paint the moon

"it is only because I desire you to change faiths and go to heaven"
ok, im sick of being polite to you. fuck off and let others live how they want. if they go to hell for being muslim, then ill slap god in the face and join them. and also, if you go to hell for not being muslim, same deal. but i really dont think god cares what title we give ourselves, and all he cares about is how nice we are
DiamondHearts said:
Personally, I believe your site on the Swords of Allah swt is false and the author is not very knowledgeable on Islam.

You believe? Therein lies the problem, you haven't even read the book and already you "believe" it false.

How can anyone take what you say as credible or valid when you make statements like that?

Take that one step further and question your own beliefs and you'll find that they mean nothing when you spout those statements.

It all comes down to what YOU want and don't want to believe, facts included.

It is a case study in brainwashing.
(Q) said:
You believe? Therein lies the problem, you haven't even read the book and already you "believe" it false.

How can anyone take what you say as credible or valid when you make statements like that?

Take that one step further and question your own beliefs and you'll find that they mean nothing when you spout those statements.

It all comes down to what YOU want and don't want to believe, facts included.

It is a case study in brainwashing.

answers said:
My source for the above information was from Swords Of Allah and I've actually just found a link to his mp3's etc... so here it is if you want to get it straight from the source as my babbling sometimes doesn't make much sense

anyway God bless


The information he provided was not correct by either religion, history, or logic.

Because I'm devoted to my religion makes it more obvious that this is not true and invalid. If

Why not argue my response if you claim I'm wrong?

DiamondHearts said:
The information he provided was not correct by either religion, history, or logic.

Because I'm devoted to my religion makes it more obvious that this is not true and invalid.

The information provided was not correct according to you because of your devotion to your religion, hence it conflicts with your beliefs.

It nothing to do with the validity of the information.
DiamondHearts, be specific. No one is going to believe you if you just say "The information he provided was not correct by either religion, history, or logic". If you're not specific, the only replies you'll get are similarly sloganistic ones like the one from (Q).

As for the origin of Islam. As far as I've understood, a common non-religious theory was that it originated and succeded because of several reasons:

1: Because Mecca had started emerging as a reasonably well-to-do trading post and center of pilgrimage, outside influence from christianity and judaism made people interested in monotheism, there were even non-christian and non-jewish monotheists in Mecca before Mohammed, they're refered to in the Koran.

2: As Mecca grew, the "desert values" I mentioned were being slowly replaced among the richer people by classism and it was a city of increasing social stratification - of course, the common people weren't very happy about this. one of the central parts of Islam is that "all muslims are equal".

3: The monotheism of Islam infused the Arabs with a sense of unity they didn't have with the old "one god per tribe"-ish system, which allowed them to march against the Byzantian and Sassanian empires (both weakened at that time due to wars against each other) and kick their asses establishing an arabic empire, leading to a spreading of, at least awareness of islam.
I already presented proof, did you not read my previous posts? If you have questions, present them and I will answer them.
"Personally, I believe your site on the Swords of Allah swt is false and the author is not very knowledgeable on Islam" is not proof, neither is "The information he provided was not correct by either religion, history, or logic", they're just very general statements without anything backing them up.
I don't know said:
"Personally, I believe your site on the Swords of Allah swt is false and the author is not very knowledgeable on Islam" is not proof, neither is "The information he provided was not correct by either religion, history, or logic", they're just very general statements without anything backing them up.

Copied from my previous posts in this thread:

The prophet Muhammad (s) [not mahumad, this is a different name] destroyed the pagan idols and outlawed the worship of these gods. The Prophet Muhammad (s) said Allah swt rules over all things in this world and we do not know the true form of Allah swt. Also the Quran says, Allah swt is the lord of the sun and the moon, the universe, and all of creation. He is not like anything in creation, He is perfect.

These interesting things that answers talks about are due to the fact that religions are memes. They often combine with other ideas, usurp symbols, mutate, evolve, and of course replicate.

A religion that is common has undergone a form of natural selection. Ideas that lead to the destruction of it's followers do not survive, like certain cults (Jim Jones). Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are examples of faiths that represent a dominator model. Patriarchal, hierarchical and warlike, they all emerged from the goddess religions of the Middle East and are currently battling with each other as well as the partnership style rediscovered after WWII.
DiamondHearts said:
Quran says, Allah swt is the lord of the sun and the moon the universe, and all of creation. He is not like anything in creation, He is perfect.

can you define perfect and then think on it very hard. before you use it again.
geeser said:
can you define perfect and then think on it very hard. before you use it again.

Allah swt is Absolute Perfection and beyond the complete capacity of human being to realize the true power of Allah swt. As can be seen by the story of the breaking of Mount Sinai in the story of Prophet Moses, Musa, (a)>

Surah 112. Al-Ikhlas, The Unity, Sincerity, Oneness Of Allah

1. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;

2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

4. And there is none like unto Him.


Surah 2. Al Baqara, The Cow

255. Allah. There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory).

DiamondHearts said:
Copied from my previous posts in this thread:

The prophet Muhammad (s) [not mahumad, this is a different name] destroyed the pagan idols and outlawed the worship of these gods. The Prophet Muhammad (s) said Allah swt rules over all things in this world and we do not know the true form of Allah swt. Also the Quran says, Allah swt is the lord of the sun and the moon, the universe, and all of creation. He is not like anything in creation, He is perfect.

- D'oh, you're right, I misread - entirely my bad.
DiamondHearts said:
Allah is Absolute Perfection
I asked you to define perfect, and then for you to study the concept of perfection, not to preach, when you understand what it is to be perfect, you will realise how foolish you sound using it.
I wonder why DiamondHearts believes Mohammed to the exclusion of other people?
What made him so special besides the fact that the Koran said so?
spidergoat said:
I wonder why DiamondHearts believes Mohammed to the exclusion of other people?

I believe in the Quran e kareem, the book of Allah swt as complete truth. I accept the Prophets mentioned in the Quran before the Holy Porphet Muhammad (s) such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, John the Baptist, to name a few. peace be to them all.

spidergoat said:
What made him so special besides the fact that the Koran said so?

His life which demonstrates the kindness and sincerity of the Quran, which is why he is viewed as the personal commentary of the Quran.

Hadrat Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a person requested Allah's Messenger (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) to give him a very large flock (of sheep) and he gave that to him. He came to his tribe and said: O people, embrace Islam. By Allah, Muhammad donates so much as if he did not fear want. Hadrat Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the person embraced Islam for the sake of the world but later he became Muslim until Islam became dearer to him than the world and what it contains. (Muslim)

Anas bin Malik said, "Rasulullah would visit the sick, walk behind the dead as they were taken to the cemetery and accept invitations. He would ride a donkey. I saw him in the holy war of Khaybar. He rode a donkey with a rope halter. When Rasulullah went out after morning prayer, children and workers of Medina would bring containers full of water in front of him. They would beg him to dip his blessed finger into the water. Though it was winter, he would put his blessed finger into all the containers one by one, thus pleasing them."

DH: I believe in the Quran e kareem, the book of Allah swt as complete truth. I accept the Prophets mentioned in the Quran before the Holy Porphet Muhammad (s) such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, John the Baptist, to name a few. peace be to them all.

SG: Why only middle eastern people?